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22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-14 : 08:20:16
If you have followed a link to this page (i.e. the URL contains "SearchTerms=xxx") please scroll down to see items of interested highlightedThis list of SQL Server Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) was originally compiled in August 2005 based on the most frequently "read" posts on SQL Team. Since then new links have been added as topics become popular - so it might be better referred to as FGA - Frequently Given Answers!NC=Indicates that the Article has NOT been checked for relevance. As time goes on these are getting fewer and fewerThe latest change is in RedRecent changes are in TealURL to link to this post: 17Nov2005 by either "Keyword1,Keyword2" or "PhraseWord1+PhraseWord2"The icon allows you to RightClick-CopyShortcut to provide a link to this topic with appropriate keywords - I got bored of having to make them manually! 07Mar2006 StatsHomework I put this one at the top, in case you don't read any further. To find out if your homework will be answered on this forum you should see if it qualifies:Requirements for homework questions 07Mar2006Example of Failure to meet the minimum requirements 07Mar2006Learning SQL 07May2007Why?Why is my LDF Log File so big / getting bigger / bigger than my MDF 14Oct2005 How toHow to ask a question on SQL Team and get a quick answer - i.e. the information you need to provide 06Nov2006 How to format your question or a reply (in particular see the [code] option 18Sep2007 how to encrypt and decrypt my password 07May2007Rounding up/down to nearest multiple (e.g. order in dozens, buy at least 30) 28Sep2006Replace multiple spaces, or other character, with single space 28Sep2006Generate a Random String 13Sep2006String comparison 24Jul2006Article: Images and SQL Server How to get Images or blobs into SQL table (NC)Inserting Images as BLOB in SQL server table (NC)How to use DeBUG window in QUERY Analyzer (NC)Use a Parameter in the Top clause Dynamic SQL or How do I SELECT TOP @var records?Can't insert NULL into table with unique key (NC)Efficient paging of recordsets with T-SQLArticle: Paging in SQL 2005 07May2007Execute dynamic SQL that is longer than varchar(8000) 05Oct2005Convert multiple spaces to single spaces 14Oct2005 Making Upper/Lower Case Sensitive comparison 27Oct2005 Convert to Proper Case (each word starts with capital) 19Feb2006 Deleting a massive number of rows 04Mar2006 Combine values from rows into a column 05Oct2005 i.e.FOO 1FOO 2becomes:FOO 1,2CSV / Splitting delimited lists WHERE IN @MyCSVArticle: Passing a CSV or Array to a Stored Procedure (NC)Best split functionsand Concatenating data from rows with same GroupBy columnTriggers Triggers to audit changestrigger to keep tables matchingSet Update/Modified date column using a trigger 02Nov2005Deactivating a trigger 07Feb2006SQL Team ArticlesArticle: Identity and Primary Keys - and Surogate Keys See alsoArticle: Sending SMTP Mail using a Stored Procedure (NC)Article: Dynamic ORDER BY (NC)Article: More Trees & Hierarchies in SQL (NC)Article: Using SELECT to INSERT records (NC)Article: Deleting Duplicate RecordsArticle: Returning a Row Number in a Query (NC)Article: Calculating Running Totals (NC)Datatypes / Collation GUIDs (NC)IsGUID check GUID is valid 01Aug2007DATALENGTH() and LEN() 21Sep2005Compare BIT columns and a BitMask column 05Jan2006Collation conflict in Assignment or WHERE clause 05Feb2006(See "Developer / Techie stuff" below for some other Collation links)Datatypes - DatesTime Only Function: F_TIME_FROM_DATETIME 29Apr2006Date/Time Info and Script Links (including UNIX time) 16Apr2006Date formatting ( Format Date/Time (NC)last date of the month (NC)Getting the date portion of a datetime value orRound a date to Year, Quarter, Month, Day, Hour or MinuteHow to get date in t-sql (NC)compare date with current date (NC)convert varchar to datetime (NC)Compare dates regardless of time? (NC)Convert varchar to date (NC)Time in Analog (NC)Start of Week Function (NC)Earlier date than 1/1/1753TechniquesPrevent Administrators accessing a database 14Sep2006SELECT vs SET 26Sep2005What is a cursor, Why is it bad? 23Sep2006Cursor or Not (NC)TSQL/ SP Best Practices (NC)case-sensitive (NC)User-Defined string Functions Transact-SQL (NC)Passing an array into a stored procedure (NC)Comparing two tables or views easily (NC)All Tables in All Databases (NC)Better Phonetic Matching Algorithm (A better Soundex)Levenshtein Edit Distance Algorithm (A better Soundex)Fuzzy matching 01Aug2007Find tables with no PK (NC)Function: HTMLDecode (NC)How to protect errorlogs to tables from rollbacks (NC)Distance of Zip/PostcodesGreat Circle Formula 07May2007Haversine Formula 07May2007Accuracy v. Speed 07May2007 See also here, here, here, here and here and hereUpsert - combined Update/Insert Procedure 01Aug2007 and hereDisplay all columns but only for rows with the most recent date 01Aug2007Developer / Techie stuffChanging column names on referencing objects 07May2007When was DB object last updated 07May2007How to clear the whole database 07May2007Move / Script Development Database Changes to Production Database / Ship Application updates 04Nov2006Script to analyze table space usage 11Oct2006What version, and Service Pack, of SQL Server am I using? 23May2006SQL Beautifier 13Apr2006Performance / System Monitor / PerfMon - preferred values for counters 04Apr2006SQL Server 2000 Knowledge Base Articles - updated every 3 days 21Jan2006Concerns about SQL 2000 SP4 08Jan2006Support stops for SP3a AND installing sp4 on cluster 26May2006 How to read Mssql transaction log fileCompare data in two tables / two databases 31Oct2005Recommended books 07Oct2005 Good tools for DBAs 06Oct2005Best SQL Security Method (NC)Some query optimalisation (NC)Requirements for Horizontal Partitions Multiple SQL Server 2000 Instances (NC)Primary Key v. Unique Index (NC)HOWTO Run SQL Profiler without sysadmin rights (NC)upgrade from SQL7 to SQL2000 (NC)xp_cmdshell execute right (NC)Monitor object usage over time (NC)size of user tables in a database (NC)Changing Column Length (NC)Add, Sub, Mul, Div With Really! Big Numbers (NC)So you're a DBA eh?!Why I'm not a DBA (NC)Do you S-Q-L or Sequel (NC)Interview questions (NC)More Interview questions 11Sep2006Best steps to becoming a DBA (NC)Developer / Techie stuff - Collation Bulk Delete of Records 07May2007 and locking issues 01Aug2007Deleting lots of Records from a large table 01Aug2007Synchronising data using staging tables 07May2007Version Control 07May2007how to change Collate on the server 20Sep2005How to change default collate in SQL 20Sep2005Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to OP 20Sep2005different Collation Settings between Databases 20Sep2005Database Design and StructuresCodes - Common Lookup Tables CLT 04Jun2006Good table naming convention 09May2006Naming Store Procedures 09May2006Recursion / Hierarchy 29Apr2006Hierarchies (NC)Normalisation (NC)NULL opinion? (NC)Finding evidence of sql injection attackSecurity Testing: SQL Injection 09May2006LockingUsing the NOLOCK hint 07Jun2006how does row locking work (NC)EMailsp sending mail (NC)CDOSYS Send Email (NC)XMLSQL Server 2000 XML (NC)Adding an XML Root TagHandling tricky namespaces in OpenXMLBackup / Restore / Replication / Jobs / HouskeepingBackup How Backup worksWhat type of backup should I use? - Full, Differential, Transaction? Should I shrink the log? 22Jan2006Automating Backups - Scripting v. Maintenance Plan / Wizard 08Mar2006 Backup to Disk, or direct to Tape? 05Dec2006Disaster Procedure Checklist I think I have a database corruption, how do I mitigate any further damage and get upright again? 07May2007How I Rescue Data from Corrupted Databases 07May2007Disaster Recovery Plan 07May2007Quiesce the SQL Service to enable low-level copy 01Aug2007Restore RESTORE syntax / exampleRestore SQL 2005 to SQL 2000 via Downgrade 07May2007 Restore Full and all TLogs backups based on files in disk folder 07Dec2006Move database to a new server (with minimal downtime) 16Feb2006 Moving to a new sql server 25Jun2006Fix Orphaned Users (after a Restore or moving DB to a different server)Script User Logins after a Restore 01Aug2007andScripting users & logins from one server to another (e.g. after moving DB to a different server) 25Jul2006how long will take to restore a 10 gb?All I have is the .bak fileRestoring .BAK file to a different server?Unable to restore/attach a MDF file (single file attach / sp_attach_single_file_db)See also: This and this and this Shrink Database / Files Shrinking TEMPDB 19Apr2006Database Shrinking 09Jan2006Log Shipping -Shrinking Log and Data files (NC)MSDB Massive msdbdata.mdfHousekeeping / Maintenance Tara Blog Houskeeping Routines 06Oct2006Index Tuning Wizard 07May2007User Rights for SQL Service 07May2007When was SQL Server last restarted? 07May2007Optimising your indexes with DBCC INDEXDEFRAG 06Oct2006Detach Move Db & Log File Reattach 17Mar2006 Rebuilding IndexesDBCC CHECDB, CHECKTABLE, NEWALLOC (old)Suspect Databases after Power Cut?Jobs failing (NC)Reindex All Tables in All Databases (old)deleting replication (NC)Export / Import / DTSCopying/backing up DTS Packages (NC)Export to Excel (NC)Generate INSERT statements for N rows of dataTool to script database records? (i.e. generate INSERT statement script)How to convert DATE Format from DD/MM/YY to MM/DD/YY in DTS (NC)Importing an Excel File with DTS (NC)Is DTS Secure for credit card backup to Access? (NC)Winzip in scheduled DTS Package (NC)Article: Using BULK INSERT to Load a Text File (NC)Output / Reporting / FormattingPivot table (NC)Article: Dynamic Cross-Tabs/Pivot Tables (NC)which led to:More Dynamic CrossTabs using T-SQL 04Aug2006 (Jeffs Blog)Error MessagesSQL Server does not exist or access denied (NC)ConnectionsLinked Server Newbie Question (NC)Configuration / Hardware/3GB in boot.ini on Win2003 standard 19Oct2005SQL memory /3gb /PAE AWE 19Sep2005SQL Server Standard & 4GB memoryUsing AWE option in SQLIncreasing SQL Server MemoryMSDEMSDE Setup fails (NC)MSDE Install Issue (NC)Installing MSDE on XP Pro (NC)Backing up MSDE database (NC)SQL 2005 / YukonMigrating to SQL 2005 Hints and Tips 01Aug2007SELECT not allowed in Yukon/SQL2005? (NC)Download Yukon/SQL2005 (NC)SQL Server Management Studio (NC)MySQL, Oracle, and the othersMySQL not as good as MS SQL?Migrating from Oracle to SQL ServerOtherSQL Reporting Service SP2? (NC)Got an hour .. or ten ... to spare?Would you work at Elwoo's office? Simple QuizWhat is a Yak? 07May2007 |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-26 : 18:04:55
This is great work Kristen !!!I bookmarked it. Thank You. |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-28 : 06:01:05
Nice to know this thread has become Sticky topic MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
383 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 07:11:47
Thanks a lot Kristen. These links are going to help us lot.RegardsSachinDon't sit back because of failure. It will come back to check if you still available. -- Binu |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Yak Posting Veteran
70 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-24 : 14:33:43
Thanks Kristen you'll help this noob out a lot! :)Select * from users where clue > 0 |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1907 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-01 : 00:16:03
well. this helps me alot every day.. Thanks Kristen.. great work..Sucess Comes to those who Believe in Beauty of their Dream.. |
Yak Posting Veteran
93 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-01 : 00:42:26
Oh Greate Kristen..Thanks for Greate Help By the way Hi for all ... Iam Sreenivas New to this forum |
Aged Yak Warrior
571 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-02 : 09:40:53
oops I made a bad post Sorry |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2706 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-08 : 09:30:49
Brilliant, brilliant article(s) |
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-22 : 04:48:14
thats really really gr8 kristenRegardsAshwin ReddySQLServer DBA |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2706 Posts |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-30 : 00:49:30
Well. Kristen is referring to the Topics/Articles of Sqlteam only MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-30 : 03:08:59
Handy to have in this thread though, I reckon.Kristen |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2706 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-30 : 04:24:08
quote: Originally posted by Kristen Handy to have in this thread though, I reckon.Kristen
Yes !Yes !!Yes !!!Brilliant compilation |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-30 : 14:29:57
"I thought this was a sticky?"Yeah, it is. But I think the consideration was whether the "top post" should be edited to include external references. I'd prefer to keep it to SQL Team internal items, but for other stuff folk are welcome to post additional material - perhaps by editing an existing post, early in the thread, to keep their preferred links up-to-date.Kristen |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-02-17 : 00:04:57
Cheers, now fixed. |
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