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Posted - 2001-03-02 : 20:41:33
IMHO, the best feature of MS Access is the TRANSFORM statement, used to create cross-tabs/pivot tables. It does all of the work of dynamically generating the cross-tabulation and the summary calculations. T-SQL unfortunately doesn't have this statement, so you're stuck using complicated SQL commands, expensive 3rd party products, or exotic OLAP to make pivot tables...or you can use the following procedure to dynamically create them! Article Link. |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-02 : 21:40:42
Feel sad to know limitation of version 6.5. I was known that new latest version have a lot of feature and performance but I still trap in 6.5 because I have an application which only run with this version. I wonder that CASE keyword could run on 6.5?? |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2002-01-18 : 13:24:30
Who has the final working code that fixes the "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'END'" error?robvolk's code worked fine in QA, but fails with the "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'END' error in an Active Server Page.Haven't tried cwburke's code yet, wanted to know first if it fixes problem. My query string is only about 50 char long, not 8000 like Burke.Help please......... |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2002-01-23 : 12:52:32
Found one that works in ASP and does not give this error. I know this is a VB problem but,Any ideas on why this would give the following error when called in VB:Incorrect Syntax Near Keyword 'END'.It doesn't seem to like the statement syntax of Count(Case @pivot When ?? Then ?? END). Is there something I could do different? It works fine through query analyzer.
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-01-23 : 13:05:56
Thanks for the link Tony, sorry no one got an answer for you earlier.By any chance, does the data you're cross-tabbing contain embedded apostrophes? That could very well throw an error since the code I wrote relies on dynamic SQL strings, and an apostrophe in the data would screw it up. Please let me know if that's true, I'd like to update the code to provide more flexibility and correct errors such as this.Thanks. |
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Posted - 2002-01-29 : 17:52:26
Hey guys..Rob..great SP.. I hacked it apart and made my own b/c I had to do some fanciness to it (including adding the where clause to the pivot'd column before I saw you had added it.. Yours put me on the right path, for which I am very thankful..Couple of things people have asked:1. Global table.. This REALLY isn't a big deal guys.. I know its somewhat kludgy but if you're worried about multi-user capability, just do one of the following: A. Wrap the entire contents of the stored procedure within a transaction. B/c of the atomicity of transactions, this will prevent any other users from blowing up your pivot table or such. B. This is what I like to do although it requires slightly more work.. Instead of referring to your pivot table as ##pivot, generate a random number and concatenate that onto ##pivot, sticking the resultant name in a variable which you then use throughout the SP where you would use '##pivot'. Since so little work is actually done on the pivot table itself (if your SP is like mine, the bulk of the work is in running the query, not generating it), the odds are extremely unlikely that two users will happen to run the SP at the same time AND that both will get the same random number. In fact, if you want to be doubly-sure.. Generate the random number, test for the existence of the table. If it fails the check.. great.. If not, generate a different random number.2. The 'invalid syntax before END' question.. I got this when, as Rob mentioned, there was a ' embedded where there shouldn't have been. This also happened to me once when my pivot column had an empty string value.. The pivot query catches NULLs but not empty strings. Depending on your type of data this could cause a problem. I'm not positive that's what I did on #2 but I think those were the two cases that gave me problems. I know I had that error and fixed it. One thing that is EXTREMELY helpful in debugging this is to change the 'exec (@select)' at the end to 'select (@select)'.. This will give you back the query itself that you generated which you can then copy/paste to another QA window and see where it went wrong.This is my signature.There are many like it but this one is mine..(etc) |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-01-29 : 18:39:54
Oh boy, you're paraphrasing Full Metal Jacket. You DON'T want to get me going on Full Metal Jacket! I love that movie! Unfortunately there aren't any flattering quotes from it with which to respond to you.Thanks for the tips on improving the SP! (I did get your email BTW, stoooooopid service dumped it into a junk mail folder and it got dumped before I could reply...and I agree, Chasey Lain is mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)You could also construct the ENTIRE SP to use dynamic SQL, that would let you use a normal temp table, but I gave up trying to figure out the single quote issues that arose. Adding the timestamp or some random number would work, but it involves more dynamic SQL. The real issue is that there is a mix of dynamic and fixed SQL in the procedure, and changing the existing balance seems to cause more problems that it's worth.If you've modified it and fixed existing problems, please feel free to post them in this thread (like cwburke and GreatInca). Thanks again!You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers! I will teach you!Edited by - robvolk on 01/29/2002 18:41:29 |
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Posted - 2002-02-08 : 15:38:01
Has anyone written a version of this proc can handle multiple users? I've attempted it but with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,Joe |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-02-08 : 15:50:07
Yeah, go to page 2 of these replies, GreatInca and cwburke have some code that don't use global temp tables. |
Starting Member
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Posted - 2002-04-08 : 13:38:00
This code looks amazing, but I can't get it to work. I think my problem is even simmplier than what you solve thoughe.g. Lets say I have a table that tells me what brokers deal in what stocks.Broker Name:Stock Symbol:I want 'Broker Name' down the left, 'Stock Symbol' Across the top, and in the middle I want a "1" to confirm that they do deal in that stockEXECUTE crosstab 'select broker from tbl_broker group by broker, 'count(symbol)','stock_symbol','tbl_broker' get errors like Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'THE'.Using SQL2000 |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-04-08 : 14:00:33
In all likelihood, the number of pivot columns causes the dynamic SQL statement to exceed 8000 characters. If you're pivoting more than 300-350 stock symbols, that's definitely the problem. See if you can limit it to 20 or less symbols, just to check that the syntax is correct...use the following:SELECT DISTINCT TOP 20 stock_symbol INTO temp_symbol FROM tbl_brokerEXECUTE crosstab 'select broker from tbl_broker group by broker', 'count(symbol)','stock_symbol','temp_symbol'DROP TABLE temp_symbolIf it DOESN'T work, then there might be problems with the stock symbol data (embedded spaces or apostrophes are usually the culprits), or an obscure syntax error in the code. Instead of EXEC (@select), try PRINT @select and look at the SQL statement generated. If you paste that into a query analyzer window and run it, it'll help pinpoint the error more closely.If if DOES work, then at least the syntax is correct, but in all likelihood the code won't let you pivot all of your stocks. You'd have to limit the number of pivot columns you return in a single execution. I have an idea on somehow combining multiple pivot sets into one, but I don't know if it will work, and it's SO DAMN MESSY that it's really not worth it. |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2002-05-20 : 13:10:12
Hi Guys,I can't use a global temp table but I got different idea. Instead of creating a temp table for each user, use one table and add a unique key that identifies that user. In my case I added the sessionId. Here is the code :CREATE PROCEDURE crosstab @select varchar(8000),@sumfunc varchar(100), @pivot varchar(100), @table varchar(100) ,@where varchar(1000)='1=1' ,@delim varchar(1),@sessionId varchar(100)ASDECLARE @sql varchar(8000)--, @delim varchar(1)SET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF--EXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivot INTO ##pivot FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE 1=2')EXEC ('INSERT INTO PivotTemp (SessionId, Pivot) SELECT DISTINCT ' +@sessionId+','+ @pivot + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE ' + @where+ ' AND ' + @pivot + ' Is Not Null')SELECT @sql='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' )--SELECT @delim=''--SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char', data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) ) --WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' END --FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns --WHERE table_name='##pivot' AND column_name='pivot'SELECT @sql=@sql + '''' + convert(varchar(100), Pivot) + ''' = ' + stuff(@sumfunc,charindex( '(', @sumfunc )+1, 0, ' CASE ' + @pivot + ' WHEN ' + @delim + convert(varchar(100), Pivot) + @delim + ' THEN ' ) + ', ' FROM PivotTemp WHERE SessionId = @sessionIdDELETE FROM PivotTemp WHERE SessionId = @sessionId SELECT @sql=left(@sql, len(@sql)-1)SELECT @select=stuff(@select, charindex(' FROM ', @select)+1, 0, ', ' + @sql + ' ')PRINT @selectEXEC (@select)SET ANSI_WARNINGS ONGO |
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1 Post |
Posted - 2002-07-09 : 16:02:52
I have been looking for this very thing. It works in Access (with the TRANSFORM, very handy). I'm having trouble though. When I run:EXECUTE crosstab 'SELECT part_name FROM tbl_parts INNER JOIN tbl_stock ON (tbl_stock.part_name=tbl_parts.part_name) GROUP BY tbl_parts.part_name','sum(tbl_stock.qty)','tbl_stock.finish','tbl_stock'I get:Server: Msg 1038, Level 15, State 2, Line 1Cannot use empty object or column names. Use a single space if necessary.Any help would be greatly appreciated |
Posting Yak Master
105 Posts |
Posted - 2002-07-12 : 12:24:29
I am experiencing some difficulties running this proc on a SQL Server 2000. Originally my problem was due to the collation which is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS on my machine. Because of the case sensitive I had to change some names such as information_schema to INFORMATION_SCHEMA and a couple of others.Trying to run robvolk's sample against the pub database (EXECUTE crosstab 'select title from titles inner join sales on (sales.title_id=titles.title_id) group by title', 'sum(qty)','stor_id','stores') I get this message:Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ','.I am just a step above "absolute beginner" so I am a bit stuck |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-07-12 : 12:34:05
How about some of the other samples? Any luck with those?It's hard for me to determine where the problem might be because I've never used a case-sensitive server. I don't know if that will effect how this code functions.One thing you might try is to replace the EXEC (@select) line with PRINT @select. This will display the generated SQL. You can then copy and paste it into Query Analyzer and run it; the error message should better pinpoint exactly where the problem is.Things to look for in the SQL statement: column or table names with spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters, embedded apostrophes, quotes, commas and periods in the data.If you have MS Access available, try linking the SQL Server table to it and use the Access crosstab function to see if it can create the same crosstab. It should at least help you track down whether data values are causing the problem or not. |
Johann Von Satan
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2002-08-09 : 19:56:24
I created a version of this stored procedure that uses the global table but will generate a global table using a GUID (stripped of the dashes). I also created a temporary table called #parm. this is because I realized that we cannot use local variables in dynamically generated queries, but you can use temp tables. So I joined the #parm table with the pivot query to retrieve. Also, I pass strings from the dynamic query through temp table #strs. Very kludgy no? CREATE PROCEDURE usp_crosstab (@select varchar(8000),@sumfunc varchar(100), @pivot varchar(100), @table varchar(100) )ASDECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1)SET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS OFFCREATE TABLE #strs (s VARCHAR(8000) )CREATE TABLE #parm ( [select] varchar(7700), [sumfunc] varchar(100), [pivot] varchar(100), [table] varchar(100), [delim] VARCHAR(1))INSERT INTO #parm ( [select], [sumfunc], [pivot], [table], [delim] ) VALUES ( @select, stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' ), @pivot, @table, '' )DECLARE @tblname AS VARCHAR(255)SET @tblname = '##' + REPLACE(CONVERT( VARCHAR(255), NEWID()), '-', '')EXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivot INTO ' + @tblname + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE 1=2')EXEC ('INSERT INTO [' + @tblname + '] SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE ' + @pivot + ' Is Not Null')SELECT @sql='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' )SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char', data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) ) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' END FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns WHERE table_name= @tblname AND column_name='pivot'UPDATE #parm SET delim = @delimDECLARE @nSQL VARCHAR(8000)SET @nSQL = 'DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000) SET @sql = '''' 'SET @nSQL = @nSQL + 'SELECT @sql=@sql + '''''''' + convert(varchar(100), ' + @tblname + '.pivot) + '''''' = '' + 'SET @nSQL = @nSQL + 'stuff(sumfunc,charindex( ''('', sumfunc )+1, 0, '' CASE '' + #parm.pivot + '' WHEN '' 'SET @nSQL = @nSQL + '+ delim + convert(varchar(100), ' + @tblname + '.pivot) + #parm.delim + '' THEN '' ) + '','' FROM ' + @tblname + ', #parm 'SET @nSQL = @nSQL + ' INSERT INTO #strs ( s ) VALUES( @sql ) 'EXEC( @nSQL )EXEC ('DROP TABLE ' + @tblname)SELECT @sql = s FROM #strsSELECT @sql=left(@sql, len(@sql)-1)SELECT @select=stuff(@select, charindex(' FROM ', @select)+1, 0, ', ' + @sql + ' ')EXEC (@select)SET ANSI_WARNINGS ONGO |
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2 Posts |
Posted - 2003-01-15 : 16:23:21
quote: The string problem wasn't discovered until today, after I uploaded some more data into the database. Before it would work in QA, but not after I loaded the data. I still think there is a problem w/ VB and the way it calls it somehow. Anywho, I'll see if I can't work toward that case of beer!!!!Thanks,Chris
Hack Master |
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2 Posts |
Posted - 2003-01-16 : 16:39:18
quote: Great, simple article, but has anyone solved the problem of using a global temp table within the procedure? Unless this is solved, multiple users could have problems suing this script. Anyone want to share an updated version of this script?
I've done my best with this for functionality, but the procedure is somewhat inelegant, requires many parameters, and has some peculiarities, but it will generate a query around 80,0000 characters long, resolves the hardcoded global temp table, and adds an output table property to it.It works for me. Some things to remember; this procedure is sensitive to the usage of the parameters. All parameters must be submitted. Only two can be blank. (INTO and CROSS-TAB SORT)All parameters with the exception of COLUMN HEADING and COLUMN PREFIX must have a space at the end.If you use the procedure to output data to a table on the server, you must make sure the table doesn't already exist.The procedure DOES NOT drop the output prior to execution. By the way, just for fun I placed a statement in an MS Access Passthrough query and it worked flawlessly. I was also able to use it in MS Query to pull data into MS Excel.Here's the sample statement I used...execute sp_crosstab'SELECT City, ContactTitle, ', -- select'', -- into'FROM CUSTOMERS ', -- from' ', -- where'GROUP BY City, ContactTitle ', -- group by'ORDER BY City, ContactTitle ', -- order by'count(CustomerID)', -- aggregation'Country', -- pivot column'Total_Contacts_In_', -- column heading prefix'(SELECT Country FROM CUSTOMERS) a', -- source select'Country ', -- source column'DESC ' -- column heading sort-Steve BorkowskiCREATE PROCEDURE sp_crosstab @select varchar(8000), @output varchar(100), @from varchar(8000), @where varchar(8000), @group varchar(8000), @sort varchar(8000), @sumfunc varchar(100), @pivot varchar(100), @colpref varchar(50), @table varchar(100), @sourcecol varchar(100),@tabsort varchar(5) AS-- DeclarationsDECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @sql1 varchar(8000), @sql2 varchar(8000), @sql3 varchar(8000), @sql4 varchar(8000), @sql5 varchar(8000), @sql6 varchar(8000), @sql7 varchar(8000), @sql8 varchar(8000), @sql9 varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1), @sqllen numeric(4), @sqlnum numeric(10), @pvalue varchar(100), @pivtab varchar(100)-- Turn off SET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS OFFset @pivtab = '##pivot'+RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(30),@@CPU_BUSY))+@colpref+@pivot-- Create row heading list-- Start by creating the tableEXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivot INTO ' + @pivtab + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE 1=2')--Now insert the rows into itEXEC ('INSERT INTO ' + @pivtab + ' SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE ' + @pivot + ' Is Not Null ' + 'ORDER BY ' + @sourcecol + ' ' + @tabsort) -- Setup the intial SQL querySELECT @sql='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END) ' )SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char', data_type)+ CharIndex('date', data_type) ) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' END FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns WHERE table_name= @pivtab AND column_name='pivot'-- Create the Case statement section of the queryexec ('Declare cur_pivot_cursor scroll CURSOR FOR select PIVOT from '+ @pivtab ) OPEN cur_pivot_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM cur_pivot_cursor INTO @pvalue set @sqlnum = 1WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN-- Run the iteration of column headings set @sql=@sql + '''' + @colpref + convert(varchar(100), @pvalue) + ''' = ' + stuff(@sumfunc,charindex( '(', @sumfunc )+1, 0, 'CASE ' + @pivot + ' WHEN ' + @delim + convert(varchar(100), @pvalue) + @delim + ' THEN ' ) + ', '-- Measure the length of the string set @sqllen = len(@sql)-- Check to see if we are running long on the SQL text-- Set first division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 1 begin set @sql1 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set second division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 2 begin set @sql2 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set third division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 3 begin set @sql3 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set fourth division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 4 begin set @sql4 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set fifth division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 5 begin set @sql5 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set sixth division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 6 begin set @sql6 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set seventh division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 7 begin set @sql7 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set eighth division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 8 begin set @sql8 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end -- Set nineth division if @sqllen > 7800 and @sqlnum = 9 begin set @sql9 = @sql set @sqlnum = @sqlnum + 1 set @sql = '' set @sqllen = 0 end --GET NEXT RECORD FETCH NEXT FROM cur_pivot_cursor INTO @pvalueEND-- Now that we are done with the cursor, close it and give the memory backCLOSE cur_pivot_cursorDEALLOCATE cur_pivot_cursor-- Go ahead and drop the temporary table that contained the column headingsEXEC ('DROP TABLE ' + @pivtab)-- Snatch off the final comma left at the end of the built stringSELECT @sql=left(@sql, len(@sql)-1)-- Execute the query string built by the iterative processexec (@select + @sql1 + @sql2 + @sql3 + @sql4 + @sql5 + @sql6 + @sql7 + @sql8 + @sql9 + @sql + @output + @from + @where + @group + @sort)-- Set the ANSI Warnings switch back the way we found it.SET ANSI_WARNINGS ONGOHack Master |
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8 Posts |
Posted - 2003-03-04 : 16:19:47
Problem!!I've been trying to solve this for hours now.. I've tried pretty much all the crosstab procedures I could find on the web, but none of them seem to work on this.... I have 2 tablesincident - table nameincident_id incident_type_id1 12 23 24 15 36 47 58 1type - table nametype_id type_desc1 test12 test23 test34 test45 test56 test67 test78 test89 test910 test10the ideal result should be test1 test2 test3 test4 test5reported 3 2 1 1 1I tried to do this but it never returns anything, tried so many ways.EXECUTE crosstab 'select type_desc as reported from type inner join incident on (type.type_id=incident.incident_type_id) group by type_desc', 'count(incident_type_id)','type_desc','type'help deeply appreciated!!! |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1429 Posts |
Posted - 2003-03-04 : 17:00:28
Works for me.DROP TABLE IncidentCREATE TABLE Incident(incident_id int,incident_type_id int)DROP TABLE TypeCREATE TABLE Type(type_id int,type_desc nvarchar(10))INSERT INTO Incident(incident_id, incident_type_id)SELECT 1,1 UNIONSELECT 2,2 UNIONSELECT 3,2 UNIONSELECT 4,1 UNIONSELECT 5,3 UNIONSELECT 6,4 UNIONSELECT 7,5 UNIONSELECT 8,1 INSERT INTO Type(type_id, type_desc)SELECT 1, 'test1' UNIONSELECT 2, 'test2' UNIONSELECT 3, 'test3' UNIONSELECT 4, 'test4' UNIONSELECT 5, 'test5' UNIONSELECT 6, 'test6' UNIONSELECT 7, 'test7' UNIONSELECT 8, 'test8' UNIONSELECT 9, 'test9' UNIONSELECT 10, 'test10' EXECUTE crosstab 'select type_desc as reported from type inner join incident on (type.type_id=incident.incident_type_id) group by type_desc', 'count(incident_type_id)','type_desc','type' |
Starting Member
8 Posts |
Posted - 2003-03-04 : 17:46:15
but when I did this query on my sql server with existing tables which contains quite a lot of information....EXECUTE crosstab 'select type_description as reported from type inner join incident on (type.type_id=incident.incid_type_id) group by type_description','count(incid_type_id)','type_description','type'but returns nothing... no rows at all..., tried so many things, but still returns nothing...which crosstab proc did you use? coz I used the one below created bycwburke. CREATE PROCEDURE crosstab @select varchar(8000), @sumfunc varchar(100), @pivot varchar(100), @table varchar(100) AS/* Original Script Written By Rob Volk @*/DECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1)--Added to increase the size of the query string--cwburke 10/09/01DECLARE @sql2 varchar(8000) --Second "pivot" sql stringDECLARE @BeginSelect varchar(8000) --Initial Select statement passed in by userDECLARE @EndSelect varchar(8000) --Initial From statement passed in by userDECLARE @LastPivot varchar(100) --Last pivot read from ##pivot before Len(@sql) > 8000DECLARE @Revsql varchar(8000) --@sql ReversedDECLARE @x int --Charindex of "WHEN" in @RevSql--End 10/09/01SET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS OFFEXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivot INTO ##pivot FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE 1=2 ')EXEC ('INSERT INTO ##pivot SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE ' + @pivot + ' Is Not Null Order By ' + @pivot) --Add Order By Clause HereSELECT @sql='', @sql2='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' )SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char', data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) ) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' END FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='##pivot' AND column_name='pivot'SELECT @sql=@sql + '''' + convert(varchar(100), pivot) + ''' = ' + stuff(@sumfunc,charindex( '(', @sumfunc )+1, 0, 'CASE ' + @pivot + ' WHEN ' + @delim + convert(varchar(100), pivot) + @delim + ' THEN ' ) + ' , ' + char(13)FROM ##pivot--If @sql > 8000, then build 2nd query string If Len(@sql) >= 8000Begin --Reverse the string Set @RevSql=Reverse(@sql) --Search for last occurence of WHEN Set @x = charindex(',', @RevSql) --Reverse the string again Set @LastPivot = Reverse(Left(@RevSql, @x -1)) --Reset @sql to remove the imcomplete item Set @sql = Left(@Sql, Len(@sql) - (@x - 1)) --Get the last pivot Set @LastPivot = Substring(@LastPivot, 4, charindex("' ", @LastPivot) - 4) --Pickup From Last read pivot and build @sql2 Select @sql2 = @sql2 + '''' + convert(varchar(100), pivot) + ''' = ' + stuff(@sumfunc,charindex( '(', @sumfunc )+1, 0, 'CASE ' + @pivot + ' WHEN ' + @delim + convert(varchar(100), pivot) + @delim + ' THEN ' ) + ' , ' + char(13) FROM ##pivot WHERE pivot >= @LastPivotEndDROP TABLE ##pivot--If @sql2 exists, remove trailing commaIf len(@sql2) > 0Begin SELECT @sql2=left(@sql2, len(@sql2)-4)EndElseBegin --Remove trailing comma from @sql if @sql2 is empty Select @sql=left(@sql, len(@sql)-1)End--Get Initial SelectSelect @BeginSelect=Left(@select, charindex(' FROM ', @select)-1) + ', '--Get Initial FromSelect @EndSelect=Right(@select, Len(@select) - CharIndex(' FROM ', @select)+1)--EXEC (@BeginSelect + @sql + @sql2 + ' ' + @EndSelect)SET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONEdited by - edwardch on 03/04/2003 17:48:05Edited by - edwardch on 03/04/2003 17:54:12 |
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