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White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 15:58:34
I've seen JavaScripts and C do this... how about SQL?Generate a unique 8 character password using SQL containing upper, lower, numeric and special characters using the fewest possible statements.edit: Maybe I meant "random" not "unique"... |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:00:13
SELECT CAST(CAST(newid() as binary(16)) as varchar(8))What do I win? |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2365 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:00:39
Completely random?How about bonus points if the resulting passwords are extremely difficult to type? |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2365 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:02:37
quote: Originally posted by robvolk SELECT CAST(CAST(newid() as binary(16)) as varchar(8))What do I win?
Well, you definitely get the bonus points... |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
6065 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:03:40
Sam if you want a password generator just say so. You need to call it a "challenge" Here's one I wrote for myself at some point. I wasn't going for least statements though but it does the upper, lower, numeric, special masking:/*Returns a password with a similar mask as the passed in templatemask consists of length, upper case, lower case, numbers, and special charactersso these have the same mask:zFp8=B<c3fkmKb6}B{f7tj*/--Password Templatedeclare @template varchar(30)set @template = 'cAd0#P*f6gc'if len(isnull(@template,'')) = 0 set @template = 'cAd0#P*f6gc'declare @i int ,@c char(1) ,@password varchar(30) ,@special varchar(50)set nocount onselect @i = 0 ,@password = '' ,@special = '!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@{|}~'set @i = 1while @i <= len(@template)begin set @c = case --upper alpha [A-Z] when ascii(substring(@template, @i, 1)) between 65 and 90 then char(65 + convert(int,floor(rand()*26))) --lower alpha [a-z] when ascii(substring(@template, @i, 1)) between 97 and 122 then char(97 + convert(int,floor(rand()*26))) --number [0-9] when ascii(substring(@template, @i, 1)) between 48 and 57 then convert(char(1), convert(int,floor(rand() * 10))) --special (printable) character else substring(@special, convert(int,floor((rand()*len(@special))+1)), 1) end select @i = @i+1 ,@password = @password + @cendselect @password Be One with the OptimizerTG |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2365 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:18:55
Here is one I just cooked up:select char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:42:49
Well this isn't a short one, but it generates a password from a list of characters you can change with a random password length between the min and max you define. I removed the characters like zero and O, one and l and others that are easy to confuse. You can add or remove extra copies of the letter, numbers, and special characters to weight it towards one or the other. It also generates a stored procedure call to change the password if you need it for a SQL Server password. Kind of geeked out really. /* Script: Generate_Password.sqlThis script generates a random password made up ofupper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.It also generates a SQL Server password changestored procedure call.To use this script in Query Analyzer1. Set the minimum password length, @PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH2. Set the maximum password length, @PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH3. Set the login name, @LOGIN4. Execute the script */set nocount ondeclare @PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH intdeclare @PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH intdeclare @LOGIN SYSNAMEselect @PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 12select @PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH = 20select @LOGIN = 'mylogin'declare @PASSWORD_DATA table (PASSWORD_CHAR VARCHAR(1) )declare @NUM table ( DIGIT int not null primary key clustered)insert into @NUM (DIGIT)select DIGIT = 0 union all select DIGIT = 1 union allselect DIGIT = 2 union all select DIGIT = 3 union allselect DIGIT = 4 union all select DIGIT = 5 union allselect DIGIT = 6 union all select DIGIT = 7 union allselect DIGIT = 8 union all select DIGIT = 9order by 1insert into @PASSWORD_DATA (PASSWORD_CHAR)select PASSWORD_CHAR = substring(b.CHARACTERS,a.RAND_INT%b.MOD,1)from(select aa.NUMBER, RAND_INT = abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(100),newid())))from ( select NUMBER = a.DIGIT+(b.DIGIT*10) from @NUM a cross join @NUM b ) aa) across join(select MOD = len(bb.CHARACTERS)-1, bb.CHARACTERSfrom ( select CHARACTERS = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ'+ 'abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz'+ 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ'+ 'abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz'+ 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ'+ 'abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz'+ 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ'+ 'abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '23456789'+ '@#$^*+=<>?'+ '@#$^*+=<>?'+ '@#$^*+=<>?'+ '@#$^*+=<>?' ) bb) border by newid()--select * from @PASSWORD_DATAdeclare @password varchar(100)select @password = ''select @password = @password+PASSWORD_CHARfrom @PASSWORD_DATAselect @password = -- Random length from MIN to MAX characters substring(@password,1, @PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH + (abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(100),newid()))))%(@PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH -@PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH+1)) print 'PASSWORD = '+@password+'exec master.dbo.sp_password @old = NULL , @new = '''+@password+''', @loginame = '''+isnull(@LOGIN,'NULL')+'''' Script OutputPASSWORD = 9dHCR8hfDpU85dYbrEA*exec master.dbo.sp_password @old = NULL , @new = '9dHCR8hfDpU85dYbrEA*', @loginame = 'mylogin' CODO ERGO SUM |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:50:16
quote: Originally posted by robvolk SELECT CAST(CAST(newid() as binary(16)) as varchar(8))What do I win?
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:53:13
quote: Originally posted by blindman Here is one I just cooked up:select char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33)
Very simple! Reasonable results, though it won't guarrantee a mix of all character types. |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:54:17
quote: Originally posted by robvolk SELECT CAST(CAST(newid() as binary(16)) as varchar(8))What do I win?
You get your password set to this:Í#òÍuDThat should be reward enough.CODO ERGO SUM |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:57:19
Michaels does the job, but it's long. Some great ideas though. |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 16:59:04
TG - Yours seems to meet the requirements... fewer lines of code too...I gotta take some time to study both yours and Michael's with a coupla s in hand. |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 17:17:03
Just for fun, I "borrowed" you idea, and "enhanced" it with code from mine, and added the REPLICATE and WHILE to make it shorter. You can still generate a password of random length whithin the range of MIN to MAX, and define a weighted list of characters to select from.declare @chars varchar (8000)declare @pass varchar (100)declare @cnt intdeclare @len intdeclare @min intdeclare @max intdeclare @pw_len intselect @min = 10, @max = 15select @pw_len = @min + convert(int,rand()*(@max-@min+1))select @chars =replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',8)+replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',8)+replicate('23456789',9)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',4)select @len = len(@chars)-1select @cnt = 0, @pass = ''while @cnt < @pw_len begin set @cnt = @cnt + 1 select @pass = @pass + substring(@chars,convert(int,rand()*@len),1) end select pass = @pass Output:pass ------------- r8e4FfvMZDrX<(1 row(s) affected) quote: Originally posted by blindman Here is one I just cooked up:select char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33) + char(94 * RAND() + 33)
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 20:44:08
Getting back to the original password generation challenge, this code generates the 8 character random password containing upper, lower, numeric and special characters with only four statements.declare @ch varchar (8000), @ps varchar (10)select @ps = '', @ch =replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',8)+replicate('23456789',9)+replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',8)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',6)while len(@ps)<8 begin set @ps=@ps+substring(@ch,convert(int,rand()*len(@ch)-1),1) endselect [Password] = @ps quote: Originally posted by SamC I've seen JavaScripts and C do this... how about SQL?Generate a unique 8 character password using SQL containing upper, lower, numeric and special characters using the fewest possible statements.edit: Maybe I meant "random" not "unique"...
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 20:59:54
quote: Originally posted by Michael Valentine Jones
declare @ch varchar (8000), @ps varchar (10)select @ps = '', @ch =replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',8)+replicate('23456789',9)+replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',8)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',6)while len(@ps)<8 begin set @ps=@ps+substring(@ch,convert(int,rand()*len(@ch)-1),1) endselect [Password] = @ps
Is this a great forum or what? |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-15 : 22:23:52
I have to stop playing with this. This does it in one [Password] = substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)from (select ch = replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',8)+ replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',8)+ replicate('23456789',9)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',7) ) a Output:Password -------- j+vPGNB4(1 row(s) affected) CODO ERGO SUM |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2052 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-16 : 03:16:43
Where's Igor when you need him, I bet he has an answer to thissteve-----------Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true! |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2052 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-16 : 03:21:45
quote: select [Password] = substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)+ substring(ch,convert(int,rand()*len(ch)-1),1)from (select ch = replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',8)+ replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',8)+ replicate('23456789',9)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',7) ) a
More seriously, I think there is a minor bug in this as when I was just playing around with it one of the results I got was a NULLI just need to work out how now!<EDIT> It's when rand() returns 0 (or close enough that it is interpreted as 0) so something like substring(ch,convert(int,(rand()+1)*len(ch)-1),1)+works I think</EDIT>steve-----------Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true! |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-16 : 04:38:19
quote: More seriously, I think there is a minor bug in this as when I was just playing around with it one of the results I got was a NULL
quote: It's when rand() returns 0 (or close enough that it is interpreted as 0)
but substring(ch, -1, 1) will not return NULL but empty string. So the effect will be the password generated is 7 chars intead of 8 (if only one of the rand() returns 0).I tried running the codes 1 mil times and did not get NULL password at all however, i do get several 7 chars password generated.-----------------[KH]Learn something new everyday |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-16 : 07:45:11
Here it is using NEWID() to generate the random number. Don't feel like figuring out that RAND() problem. I tested this code with 10 million passwords, and got 8 character passwords each time. If there is a bug in this one, it's not showing up very[Password] =substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)from(select ch =replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',8)+replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',8)+replicate('23456789',9)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',7) ) a CODO ERGO SUM |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-16 : 07:56:41
quote: Originally posted by Michael Valentine Jones
select[Password] =substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)from(select ch =replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',8)+replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',8)+replicate('23456789',9)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',7) ) a
What is your rationale for weighting?For equal weighting of UPPER, lower, numeric and special, seems like the replication would be:select[Password] =substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)+substring(ch,(abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))%len(ch))+1,1)from(select ch =replicate('ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQURSUVWXYZ',4)+replicate('abcdefghjkmnpqursuvwxyz',4)+replicate('23456789',12)+replicate('@#$^*+=<>?',10) ) a This presents about 100 UPPER, 100 lower, 96 numeric and 100 special.Right? <scooby>Harrruuuhhh?</scooby> |
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