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Yak Posting Veteran
93 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-25 : 06:45:35
Needs TSQL for restoring a database from backup on the server that already has the database with same name. |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-25 : 08:14:57
NOTE: This post has been superseded by: is what I use. The "logical names" may NOT comprise the database name, and thus may need working out using RESTORE FILELISTONLY.USE master -- (Can't sit in the database whilst its being restored!)GOALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE-- Or this to prevent even other SA users connecting to the DB-- ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATEGO-- Restore Full BackupRESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK = 'x:\MSSQL\BACKUP\MyBackupFilename_Full.BAK' WITH REPLACE, NORECOVERY, -- Use if more T/Logs to recover-- RECOVERY, -- Use if NO more T/Logs to recover STATS = 10, -- Show progress (every 10%) MOVE 'MyDatabase_Data' TO 'x:\MSSQL\DATA\MyDatabase.mdf', MOVE 'MyDatabase_Log' TO 'x:\MSSQL\DATA\MyDatabase.ldf'GO-- Optional restore Differential BackupRESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK = 'x:\MSSQL\BACKUP\MyDatabase_Diff.BAK' WITH-- RECOVERY -- Use if NO more file to recover NORECOVERY -- Use if there are T/Logs to recoverGO-- Optional restore Transaction Log BackupRESTORE LOG MyDatabase FROM DISK = 'x:\MSSQL\BACKUP\MyDatabase_yyyymmdd_hhmm_Trans.BAK' WITH-- RECOVERY -- Use if NO more T/Logs to recover NORECOVERY -- Use if more T/Logs to recoverGO-- Set the database ready for use (after all backups have been restored)RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase WITH RECOVERYGO-- Rename logical names (only needed if restoring from a backup for a Different database):ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'OrigDatabase_Data', NEWNAME = 'MyDatabase_data')GOALTER DATABASE MyDatabase MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'OrigDatabase_Log', NEWNAME = 'MyDatabase_log')GO Edit: 06-Jun-2006 Added "RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase RECOVERY"Edit: 12-Oct-2005 Added "SET OFFLINE" alternativeEdit: 14-Apr-2010 Fixed a typo! (RESTORE LOG)Edit: 17-Aug-2011 Fixed a typo! (RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase WITH RECOVERY)Kristen |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-25 : 08:56:08
Hi bridge i also use the same thing with just the following scriptuse master --i use master in order to have no connections open to the database i have to restoreDECLARE @mname VARCHAR(64)DECLARE @pdate char(6) , @pday char(2) , @pmonth char(2) , @pyear char(2)-- declare variables to use them just to take the backup set which is like bYYMMDD file name.--YY = Year--MM = Month--DD = DaySET @pday = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),day(getdate())),2)SET @pmonth= right('0'+convert(varchar(2),month(getdate())),2)SET @pyear = right(convert(char(4),year(getdate())),2)SET @mname ='d:\database\b'+@pyear+ @pmonth + @pday-- sets the proper backup name select @mnamerestore database databasename from DISK = @mname-- if you have already use once the restore and fix the file paths corerctly, it will-- automatically use the same by any other restore you want (of the same database name)-- After restoring there is no need to run anything else except a script to fix logins (if-- you still have this kind of problem)Hope to help you.RGrdsASARAK |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-02-16 : 07:28:37
NOTE: This post has been superseded by: was in another thread ( ), I've repeated it here in case useful to folk.To restore a database you need to do three things:1) Interogate the backup file to find what its logical names are2) Restore the file into the appropriate database (including indicating where the path is)3) "RENAME" the logical names to more appropriate onesStep (1a) Directory Listing:EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'DIR x:\Mypath\*.* /O-D' Step (1b) Logical Device names:RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'x:\Mypath\MyFullBackupfile.BAK' This will give something like:LogicalName PhysicalName Type FileGroupName Size MaxSize------------------ ---------------------------- ---- ------------- --------- --------------MyOldDatabase_data D:\MSSQL\DATA\MyDatabase.mdf D PRIMARY 355467264 35184372080640MyOldDatabase_log D:\MSSQL\DATA\MyDatabase.ldf L NULL 168624128 35184372080640 Step (2a):RESTORE DATABASE MyNewDatabaseName FROM DISK = 'x:\Mypath\MyFullBackupfile.BAK' WITH REPLACE, -- Overwrite DB - if one exists NORECOVERY, -- Use if DIFFs / T/Logs to recover-- RECOVERY, -- Use if NO more files to recover, database will be set ready to use STATS = 10, -- Show progress (every 10%) MOVE 'MyOldDatabase_data' TO 'x:\MySQLDataPath\MyNewDatabaseName.mdf', MOVE 'MyOldDatabase_log' TO 'x:\MySQLDataPath\MyNewDatabaseName.ldf'GO Step (2b)If you have a Differential backup to restore do this:RESTORE DATABASE MyNewDatabaseName FROM DISK = 'x:\Mypath\MyDifferentialBackupfile.BAK' WITH NORECOVERY -- Use if there are T/Logs to recover-- RECOVERY -- Use if NO more files to recover, database will be set ready to use Step (2c)If you have any Transaction Backup files to restore repeat this for each one in turn:RESTORE LOG MyNewDatabaseName FROM DISK = 'x:\Mypath\MyTransactionBackupfile.BAK' WITH NORECOVERY -- Use if more T/Logs to recover-- RECOVERY -- Use if NO more T/Logs to recover, database will be set ready to use Step (3)-- Set the database ready for use (after all backups have been restored)RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase WITH RECOVERYGO-- Rename logical names:ALTER DATABASE MyNewDatabaseName MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'MyOldDatabase_data', NEWNAME = 'MyNewDatabase_data')GOALTER DATABASE MyNewDatabaseName MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'MyOldDatabase_log', NEWNAME = 'MyNewDatabase_log')GO To get a list of TLog files to restore see: you want to restore to a point-in-time then for the LAST TLog restore use:RESTORE LOG MyNewDatabaseName FROM DISK = 'x:\Mypath\MyLastTransactionBackupfile.BAK' WITH NORECOVERY -- Use if more T/Logs to recover-- RECOVERY -- Use if NO more T/Logs to recover, database will be set ready to use , STOPAT = '20061231 10:31' -- Restore up to 31-Dec-2006 10:31 Edit: 06-Jun-2006 Added "RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase RECOVERY"Edit: 02-Nov-2006 Added "STOPAT"Edit: 17-Aug-2011 Fixed a typo! (RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase WITH RECOVERY)Kristen |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-11-11 : 01:45:01
NOTE: This post has been superseded by: see what was recently restored:SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 RH.destination_database_name, RF.file_number, RH.restore_date, RF.destination_phys_drive, RF.destination_phys_name, [Backup Set Name], BS.description, BS.database_creation_date, BS.backup_start_date, BS.database_name, BS.server_name, RH.restore_type, RH.replace, RH.stop_atFROM msdb.dbo.restorehistory AS RH LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.restorefile AS RF ON RF.restore_history_id = RH.restore_history_id LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.restorefilegroup AS RG ON RG.restore_history_id = RH.restore_history_id LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset AS BS ON BS.backup_set_id = RH.backup_set_idWHERE 1=1-- AND RH.destination_database_name = N'MyDatabaseName' -- SELECT DB_NAME() -- restore_type : D=Full, I=Differential, L=Log, G=FileGroup, V=VerifyOnly-- AND RH.restore_type = 'D'ORDER BY RH.restore_date DESC, RF.file_number DESC Kristen |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-11-30 : 11:18:03
NOTE: This post has been superseded by: to see what was recently backed up:SELECT TOP 100-- database_name, backup_set_id, backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, type, backup_size, name, user_name, first_lsn, last_lsn, database_backup_lsn, description-- , * FROM msdb.dbo.backupsetWHERE 1=1-- AND database_name = N'MyDatabaseName' -- SELECT DB_NAME() -- type : D=Full, I=Differential, L=Log, G=FileGroup, V=VerifyOnly-- AND type='D'ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC, database_name-- Version 2SELECT TOP 100-- BS.database_name, BS.backup_set_id, BS.backup_start_date, BS.backup_finish_date, BS.type, BS.backup_size,, BS.user_name, BS.first_lsn, BS.last_lsn, BS.database_backup_lsn, BS.description, BMF.family_sequence_number, BMF.device_type, BMF.physical_device_name-- , * FROM msdb.dbo.backupset AS BS LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily AS BMF ON BMF.media_set_id = BS.media_set_idWHERE 1=1 AND BS.database_name = N'MyDatabaseName' -- SELECT DB_NAME() -- type : D=Full, I=Differential, L=Log, G=FileGroup, V=VerifyOnly-- AND BS.type='D'ORDER BY BS.backup_start_date DESC, BS.database_name, BMF.family_sequence_number Kristen |