By Damian Maclennen on 26 August 2001 | Tags: Application Design
This discussion, at explains some some of the facts and misconceptions about using MS Access as an ASP backend.
Link: The Truth About Access
Application Locks (or Mutexes) in SQL Server 2005 (7 January 2008)
What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server (Presentation) (11 October 2007)
Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) – Transactions and Debugging (17 June 2007)
Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) (3 April 2007)
How SQL Server 2005 Enables Service-Oriented Database Architectures (8 September 2006)
Presentation: What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server (17 November 2005)
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How to Asynchronously Execute a DTS package from ASP or ASP.NET (27 March 2005)
alculate the total daily medication dosage for each patient between specified start and end dates to generate a daily report. (2h)
Pivot help (Stuff, XML Path?) (2d)
I wrongly deleted rows in table (4d)
Manage login details? (4d)
Displaying all records of a SQL Server table in a Razor Page (4d)
Calculating Survey Scores by Month and YTD (9d)
ROWID in MS SQL (9d)
Query taking long time to run (9d) Articles via RSS Weblog via RSS
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