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Application Locks (or Mutexes) in SQL Server 2005By Mladen Prajdić on 7 January 2008 | Tags: Application Design , Locking Application locks aren't a well known area of locking in SQL Server, but they can be very useful for special
scenarios. They work in an analogous way to the An application lock is a bit different than other kinds of SQL Server locks though. While other locks lock schema
or data, application locks lock a part of your code. There are 2 stored procedure that are used
for this: USE AdventureWorks; BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @res INT EXEC @res = sp_getapplock -- unique name nvarchar(255), truncated to 255 if longer @Resource = 'This a Lock ID', -- Valid values: Shared, Update, IntentShared, IntentExclusive, Exclusive @LockMode = 'Exclusive', -- Scope of the lock: Transaction or Session @LockOwner = 'Transaction', -- Timeout in miliseconds @LockTimeout = 60000, -- db principal that has access permisions @DbPrincipal = 'public' -- we can see our lock in in the DMV with resource_type = 'APPLICATION' SELECT resource_type, request_mode, resource_description FROM sys.dm_tran_locks -- 0 and 1 are valid return values IF @res NOT IN (0, 1) BEGIN RAISERROR ( 'Unable to acquire Lock', 16, 1 ) END ELSE BEGIN SELECT * FROM Person.Address EXEC @res = sp_releaseapplock @Resource = 'This a Lock ID', @DbPrincipal = 'public', @LockOwner = 'Transaction' END COMMIT If an application lock owner is a transaction, the lock gets automatically released when the transaction ends. However to be able to call
Best understood with an example...Note that application locks aren't taken on any data like standard locks. Let's illustrate with some code derived from above code. We need 3 batches:
Run batch 1: Begin a transaction, get an application lock and select data from Person.Address, but don't release the lock nor end the transaction. Run batch 2: Begin a transaction, which will try to get an application lock but it won't be able to since the application lock with the same name (@Resource) already exists. The batch will wait until the lock with the existing name (@Resource) is released or the transaction is ended which automatically releases the application lock. Run batch 3: This will always run disregarding the application lock altogether since there are no real locks on data. ... and of course with an another exampleA great example of application locks is a typical business logic problem of inserting data if it doesn't exist and update it if it does. I've written about this in this blog post. In it I looked at the locking being held and the post comments have great value. But however you try to make this work you'll always run into some concurrency issues. If you put the whole thing into a transaction then you’ll get into situations with violating PK constraints when inserting data. Another option is to use XLOCK and HOLDLOCK hints in a transaction but this can result in a deadlock which is even worse that the first situation. Application locks prove to be a very good solution to this: USE tempdb GO IF OBJECT_ID('AppLockTest') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE AppLockTest IF OBJECT_ID('spTestAppLocks') IS NOT NULL DROP PROC spTestAppLocks GO CREATE TABLE AppLockTest( id INT, val VARCHAR(10)) INSERT INTO AppLockTest SELECT 1, 'value 1' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'value 2' GO CREATE PROC spTestAppLocks @id INT, @val VARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @res INT EXEC @res = sp_getapplock @Resource = 'Upsert_app_lock', @LockMode = 'Exclusive', @LockOwner = 'Transaction', @LockTimeout = 60000, @DbPrincipal = 'public' PRINT 'LOCK ACQUIRED: start our upsert' -- 0 and 1 are valid return values IF @res NOT IN (0, 1) BEGIN RAISERROR ( 'Unable to acquire Lock', 16, 1 ) END ELSE BEGIN -- just to see that the stored procedure will wait -- for the completion of the previous one. WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10' IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AppLockTest WHERE id = @id) BEGIN UPDATE AppLockTest SET val = @val WHERE id = @id END ELSE BEGIN INSERT AppLockTest SELECT @id, @val END EXEC @res = sp_releaseapplock @Resource = 'Upsert_app_lock', @DbPrincipal = 'public', @LockOwner = 'Transaction' PRINT 'LOCK RELEASED: end our upsert' END COMMIT GO -- Run in Query Window 1 EXEC spTestAppLocks 1, 'val 1a' -- Run in Query Window 2 EXEC spTestAppLocks 1, 'val 1b' If you run the stored procedure in Query Window 1 and after 5 second your run the stored
procedure in Query Window 2 you'll see that the whole code between If all of your update/insert logic follows uses this pattern then you'll never get concurrency issues. Of course this method doesn't apply to all environments, so if you can use it requires some testing and design considerations. ConclusionWhile not often used they can come in handy in complex business logic cases. You can see that an application lock
simply locks the part of your T-SQL code and not actual data. So to achieve mutual exclusion (mutex),
all access has to follow this same lock acquisition pattern using
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