Check out the forum...

By Sean Baird on 2 August 2000 | Tags: Site News

Graz has added a forum to the site. Since we're getting creamed with a lot of questions, we'll post some of the easier questions to the forum so you can try your hand a being the next SQLGuru ;)

The forum is pretty basic right now, but Graz has promised to upgrade it before the Age of Kings expansion pack is released and he drops off the face of the earth.

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Other Recent Forum Posts

alculate the total daily medication dosage for each patient between specified start and end dates to generate a daily report. (9h)

Pivot help (Stuff, XML Path?) (2d)

I wrongly deleted rows in table (4d)

Manage login details? (4d)

Displaying all records of a SQL Server table in a Razor Page (5d)

Calculating Survey Scores by Month and YTD (9d)

ROWID in MS SQL (9d)

Query taking long time to run (9d)

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