Microsoft SQL Server MVPs at

By Bill Graziano on 13 February 2004 | Tags: Site News

There were some forum threads running around over the last year congratulating the some of the SQL Server MVPs that frequent this site. MVPs are recognized by Microsoft for their active participation in technical communities (MS MVP Site). I just wanted to take a second and recognize them for their contributions to the SQL Server community and to this site.

Narayana Vyas Kondreddi (who fortunately says to call him "Vyas") has a site with his SQL Server articles. He also shows up in our forums now and then as VyasKN. Vyas writes great articles and I'd encourage you to visit his site and check them out. Jasper Smith (whose name I can actually pronouce) has been visiting the site to answer questions for almost 2 years. He's active in the forums and is finally closing in on the 1,000 post mark. So we'll have to get him some cool title soon.

Nigel Rivett and Rob Volk were both awarded MVP at the same time (IIRC). Nigel has a collection of SQL scripts published on his site. Microsoft awards MVP status based in part on a persons contributions to a technical community. That means answering questions in a forum. Early in the program they only reviewed their own newsgroups for participation. Rob was one of the first MVPs awarded based on participation in a non-Microsoft forum (i.e. Rob is still our most prolific poster with almost 8,000 posts. If you take out the posts about beer and beaches, that still leaves many, many people that have benefited from his answers.

This year I was awarded MVP status so I get a year of soaking in the glory :) And I'm discovering, many conference calls and status reports. One of the best benefits is access to the SQL Server team at Microsoft. Hopefully questions that we can't answer we can get an "insider" to take a look at.

Congratuations to all the MVPs! You've certainly helped many people and it's great to see Microsoft reward you for your contributions. And hopefully as we continue to help people with problems we'll see more MVPs from this site.

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