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 Bulk Insert, OSQL and VMWare!

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Posted - 2006-08-10 : 09:49:49
Herb writes "I have gone through your FAQ and was not able to find (my wife states I have trouble finding things even when they are right under my nose) all the pieces. I have created the following procedure (my first). Oh, one last thing, my DB in on a virtual machine and the “C-Drive” of the PC is mapped at the time the VM is created. So here I am trying to learn both VM and SQL Server and I have no one around to ask. Like me, they know Oracle and Informix. So SQL Server Gods can you help to let me know that:
(1) if the procedure is created correctly (system states no syntax error) or could be done better
(2) how to interface it with a table (DataTab) containing table names (TabName) and file names (FileName) where the data for the table is located
(3) execute it to load all the tables (somewhere around 400)

@FileName varchar(20),
@TabName varchar(8)
DECLARE @LOAD varchar(200)
SET @LOAD = "BULK INSERT TestDB.dbo.['+@TabName+'] FROM '\\tsclient\c\DATA\+@FilePath+' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '|' "

I think I will need to use OSQL Utility, but not sure or how to go about it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
SQL Server 2000
OS: WinServer 2003

PS: Is it true a stored procedure name like MYspDataImport is better than MYsp_Data_Import?

Herb Overstreet
Macon, GA"

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