I've been struggling with a problem with one of my Stored Procedures:create table #tmp_mobile_usage (date varchar(20), time varchar(20), called varchar(30), mobile_id varchar(20), country char (3), key_word varchar(20), description varchar(100), usage varchar(15), cost varchar(20))BULKinsert #tmp_mobile_usage FROM 'C:\wamp\www\csv\latest.csv' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n')set @bulk_err = @@error
I'm running this as a user, which has permission to run the stored procedures.I get the error message: "The current user is not the database or object owner of table '#tmp_mobile_usage'"I've done some serious searching of forums and websites and I'm struggling to find a definite solution to this problem.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance,Rich