MSDN Webcast: What I Wish Developers Knew About Writing Queries in SQL Server 2005 (July 2006)

By Bill Graziano on 10 July 2006 | Tags: Presentations , Webcasts

I'm doing a webcast on Wednesday, July 12th, 2006. The abstract reads "As a consultant, I visit many companies that are having performance problems with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database. This webcast describes some of the most common problems I see from clients, and explains how to avoid them. I cover reading query plans, SQL Profiler, indexing, correlated sub-queries, temporary tables, and user-defined functions, and show how you can use them together to improve performance." It's going to be a mix of query tuning and some of the common problems I see writing queries.

You can download a ZIP file of the presentation and demo files here. You can view the presentation here.

Link: MSDN Webcast: What I Wish Developers Knew About Writing Queries in SQL Server 2005 (July 2006)

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