MSDN Webcast: What I Wish Developers Knew About Writing Applications for SQL Server 2005

By Bill Graziano on 14 July 2006 | Tags: Presentations

I have another webcast coming up in a couple of weeks. This is I described as "Many of my consulting engagements come about because of an application that is causing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to behave poorly. Often I see the same mistakes in applications that use SQL Server. This webcast addresses some of the most common errors I encounter, and explains how to avoid them in your applications. I cover connecting to SQL Server, cursors, handling NULLs, stored procedures and dynamic SQL, error handling, and transactions." The webcast will be on July 26th, 2006 at 11AM central time.

UPDATE: You can download the PowerPoint and demo files here.

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UPDATED: SQL Server 2005 Query Plan Webcast (20 March 2006)

Presentation: What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server (17 November 2005)

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