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 Restoring an old database with no file extension

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2008-01-08 : 03:10:28
I'm a complete newbie when it comes to SQL Server 2000. I've been given a database file that i need to import into my database but this file has no extension (not .mdf). I have no idea on how I'm going to get the data out of that file.

I'm running Windows Server 2003 Standard in VMware with SQL Server 2000 installed. I'm not sure which service pack is installed and not sure how to check.

When I tried to attach the file it complains that its not a valid SQL database file. But when I tried importing the file and specified that it is a text file in the preview dialog below it just says TAPE.

Could it be like an image of a magnetic tape like a .nrg CD image? I know that you get like virtual CD Drives that you can mount virtual CD images on but does something like that exist for magnetic tapes and if it does exist where can I find it?

Any other suggestions?


Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-08 : 04:40:13
Its seems its a flat data file.
So this file might be contaning export of table which can be imported easily into the database using dts import/export.

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Aged Yak Warrior

771 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-08 : 10:01:00
open Query Analyzer, and run this as a test:
restore headeronly from disk = 'path to your filename here'

If this is a backup file, this should list out all the backups in the file.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

7266 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-08 : 22:58:48
Ask people you got file from what kind of file it is.
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