in your case you need to run sp_change_users_login to fix the orphaned users. Look this up in BOL for the syntax. If you are running SP3 the syntax has changed a little bit and you will want to download the updated BOL from microsoft ( solution is to run the following script. It will script out all the users of a database, including their GUID and password. This effectively transfers all the user information from one system to another. Set Query analyzer to output as text and then run the script on your SQL2K system. COpy the output and run that against the MSDE copy and you should be set.SET NOCOUNT ONSELECT 'EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = ''' + loginname + '''',', @defdb = ''' + dbname + '''',', @deflanguage = ''' + language + '''',', @encryptopt = ''skip_encryption''',', @passwd =', cast(password AS varbinary(256)),', @sid =', sidFROM sysloginsWHERE name NOT IN ('sa')AND isntname = 0