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Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2001-01-16 : 14:41:00
The topic of hierarchies has been beaten with an ugly stick, but, there's something that I've been trying to figure out.The traditional hierarchy is that a child node is only a child node of a single parent, but, if you think about a corporate heirarchy from a regional/departmental standpoint you end up with a tree like:East | Atlanta | | Legal | | | IS | | | Development | | Brokers | | | IS | Boston | | Admin. | | | Development Where an accounting report would be "What was the spending for all 'Development' departments in the East region?"I've come up with the following DB structures, but, I don't know how to use it effectively:TABLE: tblHierElementHierID HierDescr HierLevel------ --------- ---------1 East 02 Atlanta 13 Boston 14 Legal 25 Broker 26 Admin. 27 IS 38 Development 3TABLE: tblHierRelationrelID rel_hierID parent_relID----- ---------- ------------1 1 02 2 13 4 24 7 35 8 36 5 27 7 68 3 19 6 810 8 9 I would then store the relID for each order for the East/Boston/Admin/Development.Should I be storing the AND'd ID's in a field? (.1.2.3.)? I've written a view that takes these 2 tables and gives me a flat recordset of (hierID, hierDescr, hierLevel, parent_hierID) but it doesn't shed any light on the hierarchy path something is (the difference between east/boston/admin/development and east/atlanta/legal/development).Any ideas are greatly appreciated. |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2005-03-03 : 15:21:43
I am trying to figure out how to display a family tree of my membermanagement/replication system and I am having much trouble understandinghow to put the sql query together to Re-Build all the users lineage fields!Mainly it's the part where there is a WHILE loop inside of the sql query!!!Also, I have all user data inside of one table so I guess there would be noneed to do a INNER JOIN which is something I was just learning now.Apparently it is used to join one table to another table.I think the only fields that would come into playwould be the username, sponsor, lineage fieldand mabey the id field would count too.Here's the structure of my table:==================================TABLE: $user_info_tableid username sponsor lineage-- -------- ------- -------1 flavor 2 licker flavor flavor3 loser licker flavor/licker4 lamer licker flavor/licker5 spunky flavor flavor 6 spanky spunky flavor/spunky7 sporky spanky flavor/spunky/spanky8 spyder sporky flavor/spunky/spanky/sporky======================================The Tree I'm Trying To Create Would Look Like This:======================================+->flavor | +->licker | | | +->loser | | | +->lamer | +->spunky | +->spanky | +->sporky | +->spyder==================================Please tell me I can do this with one table;-]!I would imagine it would be possible if thequery could call on it's own table again.I just have no idea how to write it.I know html+css+js+php+mysql(well, basic mysql)Peace~in~it;-]irresistableflavor=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-P.S. I ditched the depthfield because I'm hoping the (/)slashes could be counted to get that.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2005-03-04 : 14:51:32
Hello SeventhNight,I was looking at this tutorial u gave me... I found this part about half way down the page:quote: The first thing to do is to populate the parent nodes, which is unecessary if you use a single table, but it's easy to do in any case:
I found this interesting because I only have one table in my case!So, what I would like to do instead of having nodes is to justbuild it off of a username/sponsor relationship where sponsoris the username of the person who sponsored the person;-]So, in order to populate the lineage fields I wouldneed to do some kind of sql UPDATE query whichis the place I come to a screeching halt @.As for ditching the depth field I thinkit could be done if a slash was lefton either side of the lineagepath which would createthe correct numberlevels down foreach user;-]Any Thoughts?Peace~in~it;-]irresistableflavor... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-P.S. Extinction of the Stick People: |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-19 : 14:20:53
I'm lost. I tried to implement Rob Volk's code against a table of Employees. Each Employee has and ID and a ManagerID (their manager). I've been able to get the code Rob posted working, but when I select out the results and sort by Lineage I essentially end up with the top guy, the second level folks, then all the other folks in sort of ridiculous sequences (I'm sure it makes sense to SQL, but not to me...). I added the current node to the lineage and it works perfectly to display each level beneath the manager above that level, i.e. Fred and Jim->Bob->Joe then George and Jane->Ann->Joe. You can read it as a tree and print an appropriately indented report.EXCEPT!!!The end-node people need to be sorted by name. Since their lineage now includes their own node they're all sorted by their node regardless of name order. What would I need to do to the tree to recurse it and set a flag (i.e. EndNode) for all the poor schmucks at the bottom? If I can find them then I can trim their lineage back one level and sort them by name like my customer wants.Here's the code I have so far to produce the Tree:Truncate Table TreeInsert into Tree (EmployeeID) select '225663' as IDInsert into Tree (EmployeeID) Select ID from Employees where Status<>2 and Supv_ID is not nullUPDATE T SET T.ParentNode=P.NodeFROM Tree as T INNER JOIN Employees E ON T.EmployeeID=E.IDINNER JOIN Employees B ON E.Supv_ID=B.IDINNER JOIN Tree P ON B.ID=P.EmployeeIDUPDATE Tree set depth=0, lineage=NULLUPDATE Tree set depth=1, lineage='\100\' where EmployeeID='225663'WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Tree WHERE Depth=0)UPDATE P set P.depth=B.Depth+1, P.Lineage=B.Lineage+cast(P.Node as varchar(6))+'\'FROM Tree AS P INNER JOIN Tree AS B ON (P.ParentNode=B.Node)WHERE B.Depth>0 AND B.Lineage Is Not Null AND P.Depth=0Any ideas on an additional WHERE clause to spin the tree again and find the end-node rows would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking at this so long I can't even see it anymore. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-19 : 15:43:22
Well if you are just trying to identify the end nodes, all you need is to figure out those records that do not have 'children'.This should be the set of 'end nodes':Select * From tree AWhere not exists(Select * From tree B Where parentNode = A.node) As far as Alphabatizing, I reorder the entire table alphabetically with an orderId column.I then use the orderId as the lineage data src. I still have to use parentnode and node to determine relationships so the query is a bit larger, but manageable.Click the image below to see an example of an alphabatized multiparent tree structure (my photo categories)Corey Secret Service Agent: Mr. President, you're urinating on me.President Lyndon Johnson: I know I am. It's my prerogative. |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
464 Posts |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-19 : 16:33:22
they are already referencing that.and hopefully they've looked at mine too ( Secret Service Agent: Mr. President, you're urinating on me.President Lyndon Johnson: I know I am. It's my prerogative. |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-20 : 07:09:45
That's pretty much the query I came up with 7th. I got the whole thing working exactly the way the customer wants it. Took some work but hopefully they'll like it. And yes, I did read your article.Thanks everyone for all the help. |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2006-01-21 : 00:26:17
I have used the method as suggested by dsetzer (using stored procedure). I want to be able to use output of stored procedure in a select statements so that I can join to other tables and retrieve other information. For example SELECT * FROM (EXEC ap_getDescendants 1). This is not a valid statement in SQL server. I cannot convert it to UDF or view as both types cannot use temp tables. Is there any other way I can obtain hierarchy information for any given member and be able to use it in a select statement directly?I do not want to use Lineage column coz I need 24452 characters long string to save lineage of bottom most node in the hierarchy and this hierarchy is growing every day.Thanks for your help in advance.Cheers,Best MLM Software-Intelli Pyramid |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2365 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-21 : 17:30:52
Change ap_getDescendants from a stored procedure to a user-defined table function. Then you can reference it like this:SELECT * FROM dbo.ap_getDescendants(1) |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-23 : 08:42:31
quote: I do not want to use Lineage column coz I need 24452 characters long string to save lineage of bottom most node in the hierarchy and this hierarchy is growing every day.
how many levels does this represent??oh and you could also execute the sp to a table... though it is a 2 step process Insert Into #SomeDefinedTableExec ap_getDescendants 1Corey Co-worker on children "...when I have children, I'm going to beat them. Not because their bad, but becuase I think it would be fun ..." |
Posting Yak Master
216 Posts |
Posted - 2006-04-29 : 00:42:42
This may be an old thread but since this is part of the "sticky" FAQ list, might as well contribute the following links which deal with hierarchical table structures: Server Helper |