Awesome, thanks for the reply. FWIW, I modified it to handle a Key/Value Pair Array instead of just single values. Code is below:Create procedure sp_TestParseArray( @Array varchar(1000), @ItemSeparator char(1), @PairSeparator char(1)) AS' SET DEMO DATASET @Array = 'one,1#two,2#three,3'SET @ItemSeparator = ','SET @PairSeparator = '#'-- Created by, modified by Jeepaholicset nocount on-- @Array is the array we wish to parse-- @ItemSeparator is the separator charactor such as a comma for each item in the pair-- @PairSeparator is the separator character for each pairdeclare @ItemSeparatorPosition int -- This is used to locate each separator characterdeclare @PairSeparatorPosition int -- This is used to locate each separator characterdeclare @ArrayValue varchar(1000) -- this holds each array value as it is returneddeclare @ArrayKey varchar(1000) -- this holds the Key portion of the pairdeclare @ArrayItem varchar(1000) -- this holds the Value portion of teh pair-- For my loop to work I need an extra separator at the end. I always look to the-- left of the separator character for each array valueset @Array = @Array + @PairSeparator-- Loop through the string searching for Pair separtor characterswhile patindex('%' + @PairSeparator + '%' , @Array) <> 0 begin -- patindex matches the a pattern against a string set @PairSeparatorPosition = patindex('%' + @PairSeparator + '%' , @Array) set @ArrayItem = left(@Array, @PairSeparatorPosition - 1) set @ItemSeparatorPosition = patindex('%' + @ItemSeparator + '%', @ArrayItem) Set @ArrayKey = left(@ArrayItem, @ItemSeparatorPosition -1) Set @ArrayValue = right(@ArrayItem, len(@ArrayItem)- @ItemSeparatorPosition) -- This is where you process the values passed. -- Replace this select statement with your processing SELECT @ArrayKey as [Key], @ArrayValue as [Value] -- This replaces what we just processed with and empty string set @Array = stuff(@Array, 1, @PairSeparatorPosition, '')endset nocount offgo
Edited by - Jeepaholic on 06/24/2003 20:44:37Edited by - Jeepaholic on 06/24/2003 20:46:12