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Posted - 2002-11-05 : 08:40:18
Mike writes "I have a table with over 200 fields in it. I need to update the table setting each field to null where that field = ''. UPDATE table SET fieldA = null WHERE fieldA = ''This has to do with how an obscure letter writing program interprets blank fields in th exported ascii file. How can I do this without writing 200 seperate sql statements? I need to include this in a stored procedure in SQL Server 2000.Thanks" |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-11-05 : 08:43:39
Once again, the CASE expression to the rescue!UPDATE tableSET fieldA=CASE WHEN fieldA='' THEN Null ELSE fieldA END,fieldB=CASE WHEN fieldB='' THEN Null ELSE fieldB END,fieldC=CASE WHEN fieldC='' THEN Null ELSE fieldC ENDYou don't need a WHERE clause.Actually, you can also do it this way:UPDATE tableSET fieldA=NULLIF(fieldA,''),fieldB=NULLIF(fieldB,''),fieldC=NULLIF(fieldC,'') |
Yak Posting Veteran
80 Posts |
Posted - 2002-11-13 : 14:27:00
You can do the followingEXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', 1RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDEGODECLARE @Str VARCHAR(8000)SET @Str = 'UPDATE TABLE table'UPDATE cSET @Str = @Str + ' SET ' + name + ' = NULLIF(' + name + ',''''),'FROM syscolumns cWHERE id = OBJECT_ID('table') AND isnullable = 1SET @Str = LEFT(@Str, LEN(@Str) - 1)EXEC (@Str)GOEXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', 0RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDEGOif you do not want to use EXEC you can run the script in query analyzer and instead of EXEC (@Str) you can replace SELECT @Str or PRINT @Str andpaste result pane where ever you want. if this if so for a better formatting do the following:SET @Str = 'UPDATE TABLE tb' + CHAR(10)UPDATE cSET @Str = @Str + 'SET ' + name + ' = NULLIF(' + name + ',''''),' + CHAR(10)FROM syscolumns cWHERE id = OBJECT_ID('tb') AND isnullable = 1SET @Str = LEFT(@Str, LEN(@Str)-2)SELECT @Strbe awere although that the UPDATE statement does not change any system tableyou should use it carefully and do not remember to disable 'allow updates'.you can do the job at least in to other ways (including cursor bocomes three).if you are not happy with this solution i can send other ways to you. |
Sheikh of Yak Knowledge
1456 Posts |
Posted - 2002-11-17 : 05:55:09
Going by the same lines as burbakei, here's one thats less dangerous (it doesnt need you to run sp_configure)SELECT 'UPDATE table_name SET ' + name + ' = NULLIF(' + name + ', '''') ' FROM syscolumns WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('table_name')If you run this from Query Analyzer, you will get in the Results pane, one SQL statement per column in your table. Just copy the statments and execute them from the Query Analyzer |