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Aged Yak Warrior
571 Posts |
Posted - 2002-10-12 : 19:08:20
Can't seem to find a scenerio for this in a few hours of looking.I can set up the virtual servers when both IIS and SQL are single host with IIS Virtual Directory Manager of SQL SERVER (iis-VIRDIRMAN4SQL) but not when on separate machines and a hopefully hardened IIS without SQL, I don't think IIS has the appropriate SQL XML service (dll) registered. Any pointers. Im thinking it might be the CD > connectivity components or some such. Maybe web release WR1,2,3?Anyways .NET framework will go on IIS too and it probably has the neccessary config but I was trying to follow this logically up the hill. Using the iis-VIRDIRMAN4SQL upon connection to IIS does not help you configure a network IIS server. That seems to say that the connection does not reveal the IIS server as being capable. But I did force it using UNC naming. Only to fail because the XML module isn't available. This could really be summed up as how does one enable SQL XML services for IIS without installing SQL on IIS.Voted best SQL forum nickname...."Tutorial-D" |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2002-10-12 : 22:25:46
If the IIS server is sitting in the dmz on a remote subnet. The SQL server is sitting in the internal LAN. From the SQL services for XML, right click connect to the server. Connect to the IIS server sitting in the DMZ. This will use the funcationality of both IIS and SQL. I haven't tested but should work. HTH,KevinYour as fast as your slowest link. |
SQL Server MVP & SQLTeam MVY
846 Posts |
Posted - 2002-10-13 : 09:30:41
Install SQLXML 3 SP1 on the web server. Then configure the virtual directories on the web server to point at your SQL server.HTHJasper Smith |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2002-10-13 : 10:18:12
One more note- Run the services as a domain user account. Your as fast as your slowest link. |
Aged Yak Warrior
571 Posts |
Posted - 2002-10-13 : 20:00:06
Working on it.Client tools going in on IIS. requiredSoap Toolkit2 sp2 required for SQLXML3 sp1Soap Toolkit3 ? not sure but SQLXML3 needs Soap Toolkit2 sp3anyways. they all seem to be in but something isn't quite right yet and here is why I think that...Set ObjXML = CreateObject("SQLVDir.SQLVDirControl")ObjXML.Connect 'Connect to the local computer and Web site "1"Set ObjVDirs = ObjXML.SQLVDirsSet ObjVDir = ObjVDirs.AddVirtualDirectory("nwind")'General tab in UIObjVDir.PhysicalPath = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\nwind"'Security tab in UIObjVDir.UserName = "sa" 'SQL Server loginObjVDir.Password = "" 'SQL Server Password (is "" per default)'Data source tab in UI'(local) is default for the SQL ServerObjVDir.DatabaseName = "Northwind"'Settings tab in UIobjVDir.AllowFlags = 73 'afURL_QUERIES OR afTEMPLATES OR afXPath'Virtual Name Configuration tab in the UISet objVNames = objVDir.VirtualNamesobjVNames.AddVirtualName "dbobject", 1, ""objVNames.AddVirtualName "schema", 2, "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\nwind\schema"objVNames.AddVirtualName "template", 4 , "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\nwind\template"'Disconnect from the server.objXML.Disconnectmsgbox "Done."This is basically what the iis-VIRDIRMAN4SQLSER does for youNote the property .PhysicalPath well I think that is required but when the connection Object is the local computer and the real object is a network machine.... well obviously this won't work.SO time to properly define that connection object. Gonna rethink this for a while because I'm missing something as I dance around BOL,MSDN,TechNet. Is this not the most common scenario for a sqlxml services rollout? It would have to be! Edited by - sitka on 10/13/2002 20:55:45 |
Aged Yak Warrior
571 Posts |
Posted - 2002-10-14 : 00:42:48
Woot, got it.couple things were getting in the way but the main one wasI was using the iis-ViRDIRMAN4SQLSER from the SQL server not the IIS server. That's why the gui made no sense WRT local path. Great fun.I'm not sure if the iis-ViRDIRMAN4SQLSER is transitive in its abilities to set up from either side?quote: Use the IIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server utility (click Configure SQL XML Support in IIS in the SQL Server Tools program group) to define and register a new virtual directory, also known as the virtual root, on the computer running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Voted best SQL forum nickname...."Tutorial-D"Edited by - sitka on 10/16/2002 17:59:12 |