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24 Posts |
Posted - 2013-12-17 : 19:58:38
We use VB6 and MSSQL 2000 in my Office. I want to use MSSQL 2000 to the this work below.I have to tables:1. tblTotalQty2. tblPriceHistorytblPriceHistoryRowID TransDate ItemID Quantity Price1 01/01/2013 000001 20 5002 01/01/2013 000002 30 2003 02/01/2013 000003 50 3004 02/01/2013 000002 30 3005 04/02/2013 000001 50 5006 05/02/2013 000002 50 3007 12/03/2013 000002 10 6008 12/04/2013 000003 20 2009 13/04/2013 000001 10 40010 20/04/2013 000001 30 10011 25/05/2013 000003 20 30012 03/06/2013 000002 40 20013 22/06/2013 000001 50 40014 30/06/2013 000002 10 200tblTotalQtyDate1 ItemID TotQty01/01/2013 000001 2001/01/2013 000002 3002/01/2013 000003 5002/01/2013 000002 3004/02/2013 000001 5005/02/2013 000002 5012/03/2013 000002 1012/04/2013 000003 2013/04/2013 000001 1020/04/2013 000001 30tblTotalQty is to show the Total Quantity of the items as at the current date selected while tblItemHistory is to show the price history of the Item Selected.I want to calculate valuation price using While loop or CursorcumQty is cummulative quantity from tblItemHistory as at selected date TotQty is total quantity from tblTotalQty as at dateWhile cumQty <= TotQtycumQty = Val(cumQty) + QuantityIf cumQty <= TotQty ThenitmVal = Quantity * Price + itmValElseitmVal = (((TotQty - (cumQty - Quantity)) * Price) + itmValExitEnd IfAvgPrice = itmVal / TotQtyPlease help me my boss in on my neckHow do I write this query in MSSQLNOTE - AvePrice is the Average Price (final result)TotQty is the Total Quantity from tblTotalQtyQuantity is the Quantity from tblPriceHistoryQuantity is the Price from tblPriceHistory |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-12-18 : 07:54:50
can you post what should be your end output?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
24 Posts |
Posted - 2013-12-18 : 10:22:17
Starting Member
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Posted - 2013-12-18 : 10:22:24
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Starting Member
24 Posts |
Posted - 2013-12-19 : 16:19:40
quote: Originally posted by visakh16 Learn how to post a question with proper data and output. Without that its difficult to understand what your exact reuqirements are Server MVP
The aim is to calculate Average Price(AvgPrice) of the stock valuation using two tables:ArrayUnion and StockBalance.AvgPrice = itemValue / itemBalanceitemValue is got by iterating through ArrayUnion table as per selected date.itemBalance is got from StockBalance tablecumQty is the cummulative quantity of the arrayunion table as per the selected ItemID AND dateI expected a Output like this, but not exactlyBut am gettingItemID AvgPrice1 61702 6754.023 8765.344 2052.735 7078.136 5283.06...But am gettingItemID AvgPrice1 NULL2 NULL3 NULL4 NULL5 NULL6 NULL...See the script belowif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ArrayUnion]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[ArrayUnion]GOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[StockBalance]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[StockBalance]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[ArrayUnion] ( [ItemX] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NULL , [IemID] [int] NULL , [Date1] [datetime] NULL , [QtySupBal] [float] NULL , [InvID] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [Price] [money] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StockBalance] ( [ItemID] [int] NULL , [ItemBal] [float] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(1,1,'01/01/2013','BEGBAL',6192.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(2,2,'01/01/2013','BEGBAL',6766.8)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(3,2,'02/01/2013','95422569',6766.8)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(4,2,'02/01/2013','95422100',6792.8)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(5,3,'03/01/2013','BEGBAL',9571.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(6,3,'05/01/2013','BEGBAL',6192.58)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(7,3,'05/01/2013','6900019885',9792.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(8,4,'06/01/2013','BEGBAL',2182.22)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(9,5,'07/01/2013','BEGBAL',7194.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(10,6,'08/01/2013','BEGBAL',5430.89)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(11,6,'14/01/2013','95422588',5430.89)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(1,3277)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(2,4554)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(3,6785)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(4,1824)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(5,5993)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(6,2792)CREATE TABLE StockValuation(ItemID NVARCHAR(100),AvgPrice MONEY)INSERT INTO StockValuation(ItemID, AvgPrice)SELECT DISTINCT ItemID, NULLFROM ArrayUnionORDER BY ItemID/* declare the local variables */DECLARE @ItemIDX NVARCHAR(100), @AvgPriceX MONEYDECLARE @itmBal FLOAT(8), @itmVal FLOAT(8), @cumQty FLOAT(8)DECLARE @ItemID NVARCHAR(100), @Date1 DATETIME, @QtySupBal FLOAT(8), @Price MONEY--SET @AvgPrice = 0SET @cumQty = 0SET @itmBal = (SELECT ItemBal FROM StockBalance)DECLARE curAvgPrice CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FORSELECT ItemID, AvgPriceFROM StockValuationORDER BY ItemIDOPEN curAvgPrice/* This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds. */FETCH NEXT FROM curAvgPrice INTO @ItemIDX, @AvgPriceXWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) -- whilst all is wellBEGIN UPDATE StockValuation SET avgPrice = @itmVal / NULLIF(@itmBal, 0); DECLARE curValuation CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT ItemID, Date1, QtySupBal, Price, AvgPrice FROM ArrayUnion ORDER BY ItemID, Date1 OPEN curValuation -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds. FETCH NEXT FROM curValuation INTO @ItemID, @Date1, @QtySupBal, @Price, @AvgPrice WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) AND (@cumQty <= @itmBal) --whilst all is well & Cummulative Qty = Total Qty as at selected Date BEGIN SET @cumQty = @cumQty + @QtySupBal IF @cumQty <= @ItmBal --current record isnt sufficient, use it and move on BEGIN UPDATE StockValuation SET avgPrice = @itmVal / NULLIF(@itmBal, 0); SET @itmVal = (@QtySupBal * @Price) + @itmVal END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE StockValuation SET avgPrice = @itmVal / NULLIF(@itmBal, 0); SET @itmVal = ((@itmBal - (@cumQty - @QtySupBal)) * @Price) + @itmVal END FETCH NEXT FROM curValuation INTO @ItemID, @Date1, @QtySupBal, @Price, @AvgPrice END CLOSE curValuation DEALLOCATE curValuation FETCH NEXT FROM curAvgPrice INTO @ItemIDX, @AvgPriceXENDCLOSE curAvgPriceDEALLOCATE curAvgPrice |
Starting Member
24 Posts |
Posted - 2013-12-19 : 16:21:59
quote: Originally posted by visakh16 Learn how to post a question with proper data and output. Without that its difficult to understand what your exact reuqirements are Server MVP
Am very sorry. See the detail. Please helpThe aim is to calculate Average Price(AvgPrice) of the stock valuation using two tables:ArrayUnion and StockBalance.AvgPrice = itemValue / itemBalanceitemValue is got by iterating through ArrayUnion table as per selected date.itemBalance is got from StockBalance tablecumQty is the cummulative quantity of the arrayunion table as per the selected ItemID AND dateI expected a Output like this, but not exactlyItemID AvgPrice1 61702 6754.023 8765.344 2052.735 7078.136 5283.06...But am gettingItemID AvgPrice1 NULL2 NULL3 NULL4 NULL5 NULL6 NULL...See the script belowif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ArrayUnion]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[ArrayUnion]GOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[StockBalance]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[StockBalance]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[ArrayUnion] ( [ItemX] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NULL , [IemID] [int] NULL , [Date1] [datetime] NULL , [QtySupBal] [float] NULL , [InvID] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [Price] [money] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StockBalance] ( [ItemID] [int] NULL , [ItemBal] [float] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(1,1,'01/01/2013','BEGBAL',6192.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(2,2,'01/01/2013','BEGBAL',6766.8)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(3,2,'02/01/2013','95422569',6766.8)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(4,2,'02/01/2013','95422100',6792.8)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(5,3,'03/01/2013','BEGBAL',9571.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(6,3,'05/01/2013','BEGBAL',6192.58)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(7,3,'05/01/2013','6900019885',9792.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(8,4,'06/01/2013','BEGBAL',2182.22)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(9,5,'07/01/2013','BEGBAL',7194.52)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(10,6,'08/01/2013','BEGBAL',5430.89)INSERT ArrayUnion VALUES(11,6,'14/01/2013','95422588',5430.89)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(1,3277)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(2,4554)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(3,6785)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(4,1824)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(5,5993)INSERT StockBalance VALUES(6,2792)CREATE TABLE StockValuation(ItemID NVARCHAR(100),AvgPrice MONEY)INSERT INTO StockValuation(ItemID, AvgPrice)SELECT DISTINCT ItemID, NULLFROM ArrayUnionORDER BY ItemID/* declare the local variables */DECLARE @ItemIDX NVARCHAR(100), @AvgPriceX MONEYDECLARE @itmBal FLOAT(8), @itmVal FLOAT(8), @cumQty FLOAT(8)DECLARE @ItemID NVARCHAR(100), @Date1 DATETIME, @QtySupBal FLOAT(8), @Price MONEY--SET @AvgPrice = 0SET @cumQty = 0SET @itmBal = (SELECT ItemBal FROM StockBalance)DECLARE curAvgPrice CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FORSELECT ItemID, AvgPriceFROM StockValuationORDER BY ItemIDOPEN curAvgPrice/* This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds. */FETCH NEXT FROM curAvgPrice INTO @ItemIDX, @AvgPriceXWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) -- whilst all is wellBEGIN UPDATE StockValuation SET avgPrice = @itmVal / NULLIF(@itmBal, 0); DECLARE curValuation CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT ItemID, Date1, QtySupBal, Price, AvgPrice FROM ArrayUnion ORDER BY ItemID, Date1 OPEN curValuation -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds. FETCH NEXT FROM curValuation INTO @ItemID, @Date1, @QtySupBal, @Price, @AvgPrice WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) AND (@cumQty <= @itmBal) --whilst all is well & Cummulative Qty = Total Qty as at selected Date BEGIN SET @cumQty = @cumQty + @QtySupBal IF @cumQty <= @ItmBal --current record isnt sufficient, use it and move on BEGIN UPDATE StockValuation SET avgPrice = @itmVal / NULLIF(@itmBal, 0); SET @itmVal = (@QtySupBal * @Price) + @itmVal END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE StockValuation SET avgPrice = @itmVal / NULLIF(@itmBal, 0); SET @itmVal = ((@itmBal - (@cumQty - @QtySupBal)) * @Price) + @itmVal END FETCH NEXT FROM curValuation INTO @ItemID, @Date1, @QtySupBal, @Price, @AvgPrice END CLOSE curValuation DEALLOCATE curValuation FETCH NEXT FROM curAvgPrice INTO @ItemIDX, @AvgPriceXENDCLOSE curAvgPriceDEALLOCATE curAvgPrice |