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Posting Yak Master
157 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-23 : 22:52:52
Good evening ive got 3 simple queries that do the same task (deletes) and I'd like to if there is a more efficient one that deletes faster, or enhanced one of them:here are:--1st deleteset rowcount 1000while exists(select * from HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONESwhere HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231'and HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131')deletefrom HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONESwhere HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231'and HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131' 2nd WHILE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231'and HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131')BEGIN SET ROWCOUNT 1000 DELETE HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES -- whats the differenve sithnthos sentence ? WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231' and HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131' SET ROWCOUNT 0ENd --3rd SET ROWCOUNT 1000;DELETE hmpaFROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES hmpaWHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231' and HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131'obviously this query seems to be the winner but i want this query to be automaticThanks in advanced Cordialmente |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2242 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-24 : 00:23:22
That should be like this..... (No need of alias name in the case of single table)--3rd SET ROWCOUNT 1000;DELETE FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231' and HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131' >>this query to be automatic ? In which way the query has to be automatic process?--Chandu |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-24 : 00:42:56
The way you've written the deletes it just removed 1000 "random" rows from the table. Is this the real intention? if your attempt is to remove oldest 1000 rows satisfying the condition, it should be something likeDELETE tFROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY PKcol) AS Seq FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231' and HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131' )tWHERE Seq <=1000 PKCol is the primary key of the table (or unqiue valued column)If you want to make it automatic you need to explain us the basis for selecting the date range ('20101231' and '20110131')I'm assuming its always from year-3 dec to year -2 jan that being case you can rewrite it as below to take date values automatically. If not, please let us know your rules for determining datesDELETE tFROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY PKcol) AS Seq FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE())-3,'19001231') and HOR_PROCESO <= DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE())-2,'19000131') )tWHERE Seq <=1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2242 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-24 : 01:06:12
@Visakh, OP wants query in MSSQL 2000...ROW_NUMBER() OVER() will not available in MSSQL 2K--Chandu |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-24 : 01:12:43
quote: Originally posted by bandi @Visakh, OP wants query in MSSQL 2000...ROW_NUMBER() OVER() will not available in MSSQL 2K--Chandu
I know thatI was explaining on his requirementby the way he has written it just removes 1000 random rowsAnyways if he want a 2000 complaint solution with guaranteed orderhere it isSELECT PKColINTO #Temp FROM (SELECT TOP 1000 PKCol FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE())-3,'19001231') and HOR_PROCESO <= DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE())-2,'19000131') ORDER BY PKCOl)t CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IDX_Clust ON #Temp(PKCol)DELETE tFROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES tWHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #Temp WHERE PKCol = t.PKCol) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-24 : 03:01:03
I believe the intention is to delete ALL rows satisfying the criteria and doing this in batches to lessen the log file strain.SET ROWCOUNT 1000WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 DELETE FROM dbo.HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20101231' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110131'SET ROWCOUNT 0 N 56°04'39.26"E 12°55'05.63" |
Posting Yak Master
157 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-24 : 16:15:08
Thanks very much to all of you for your help and support As Swepeso said the intention is to delete ALL rows satisfying the criteria and doing this in batches to lessen the log file strainm and all those choices are very interesting and i think the last one is affordable for me however according to your answers a couple of questions came up to me1.ROW_NUMBER() OVER() is available in MSSQL 2008 ?2.On the query that creates the #Temp table, this Temp table is dropped automatically once the query is finiished ?3. Would you explain to me why In the date functions the 19001231 parameter is given ?Thanls in advanced |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-25 : 00:56:13
quote: Originally posted by alejo46 Thanks very much to all of you for your help and support As Swepeso said the intention is to delete ALL rows satisfying the criteria and doing this in batches to lessen the log file strainm and all those choices are very interesting and i think the last one is affordable for me however according to your answers a couple of questions came up to me1.ROW_NUMBER() OVER() is available in MSSQL 2008 ? Its available in SQL 20082.On the query that creates the #Temp table, this Temp table is dropped automatically once the query is finiished ? Nope, you've to explicitly drop it using DROP TABLE statement. If you're doing this inside a procedure it will automatically get dropped unpon executing the procedure3. Would you explain to me why In the date functions the 19001231 parameter is given ?19000101 is the base date for sql server. I set the day month part as 1231 as you wanted to start from 31st Dec in your queryThe full expression DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE())-3,'19001231')causes date to automatically set to 31st dec 3 years before given any date valueThanls in advanced
Responses inline above------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-26 : 11:39:00
You don't want to use ROW_NUMBER() in this case.Why add unneccesary complexity to a simple solution? N 56°04'39.26"E 12°55'05.63" |
Posting Yak Master
157 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-26 : 17:44:20
OK you're right, its just a matter of knowledgeBut got a problemI run the query and just working fine, but i canceled the execution to increase the rowcount to 200000, after that i run the query again is not longer working, it yields the message:The command(s) completed successfully.SET ROWCOUNT 200000WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 DELETE FROM dbo.HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430'SET ROWCOUNT 0Thanks in advanced |
Posting Yak Master
157 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-26 : 18:16:03
i think i found the solution becuse of the system variable @@rowcount is set to 0A provisional solution was creating a var and and the vauie of select count, so this is:declare @count intSELECT @Count = COUNT(hor_proceso)FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430'SET ROWCOUNT 200000WHILE @count > 0 DELETE FROM dbo.HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430'SET ROWCOUNT 0One more question the instruction SET ROWCOUNT 0 is used for ? |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-27 : 01:05:57
quote: Originally posted by alejo46 i think i found the solution becuse of the system variable @@rowcount is set to 0A provisional solution was creating a var and and the vauie of select count, so this is:declare @count intSELECT @Count = COUNT(hor_proceso)FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430'SET ROWCOUNT 200000WHILE @count > 0 DELETE FROM dbo.HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430'SET ROWCOUNT 0One more question the instruction SET ROWCOUNT 0 is used for ?
SET ROWCOUNT 0 Is used to reset the ROWCOUNT setting. 0 is default value which will make sure the current ROWCOUNT set value is reset and any further statements will return you the full resultset (rather than just the first x rows as defined by ROWCOUNT)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Posting Yak Master
157 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-28 : 06:17:22
Good morningI just run the query as i mentioned but turn into an infinite loop and when the value for the var @count was 0 the while loop cycle kept running and i hat to cancel itId appreciate your help in advancedeclare @count intSELECT @Count = COUNT(hor_proceso)FROM HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430'--print @countSET ROWCOUNT 200000WHILE @count > 0 DELETE FROM dbo.HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430'SET ROWCOUNT 0 |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-28 : 06:26:45
it is indeed an infinite loop as you're not decrementing the value if @count anywhere. So it will always be having value returned by select query and loop will go on ieterating infinitely------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-29 : 04:35:21
[code]SET ROWCOUNT 200000WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.HECHOS_MOVTO_PREPAGO_ACTUACIONES WHERE HOR_PROCESO >= '20110331' AND HOR_PROCESO <= '20110430' IF @@ROWCOUNT < 200000 BREAK ENDSET ROWCOUNT 0[/code] N 56°04'39.26"E 12°55'05.63" |
Posting Yak Master
157 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-29 : 16:22:53
OK THANKS, just one more question please, the loop WHILE 1 = 1 what exactly means ? |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-30 : 04:43:08
Continue forever, but do at least one loop. N 56°04'39.26"E 12°55'05.63" |