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Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 03:14:22
i have a master table stock (codeitem,stock) and will update with from transaction table (id, codeitem,qty_in).examplecodeitem stock001 100002 50transaction tableid codeitem qty_in1 001 50how this change the current stock with trigger, if qty_in changed become 50 with 60 or anything number.Thx |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 03:49:14
write an insert trigger in transaction table for thislikeCREATE TRIGGER StockUpdateON transactionAFTER INSERT ASBEGININSERT INTO stockSELECT codeitem,SUM(qty_in)FROM INSERTED iWHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM stock WHERE codeitem = i.codeitem)GROUP BY codeitemUPDATE sSET s.stock = s.Stock + i.TotalqtyFROM Stock sINNER JOIN (SELECT codeitem,SUM(qty_in) AS TotalQty FROM INSERTED GROUP BY codeitem)iON i.codeitem = s.codeitem END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 04:12:16
Suppose we have a stock of 100 for codeitem 001, and get in stock 2, so the stock to 102. If the incoming number was changed to 3, how to update the stock with a trigger.sorry about my bad english |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 04:21:50
quote: Originally posted by indr4w Suppose we have a stock of 100 for codeitem 001, and get in stock 2, so the stock to 102. If the incoming number was changed to 3, how to update the stock with a trigger.sorry about my bad english
for that you need to make it an insert update triggerCREATE TRIGGER StockUpdateON transactionAFTER INSERT ,UPDATEASBEGININSERT INTO stockSELECT codeitem,SUM(qty_in)FROM INSERTED iWHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM stock WHERE codeitem = i.codeitem)GROUP BY codeitemUPDATE sSET s.stock = s.Stock + i.TotalqtyFROM Stock sINNER JOIN (SELECT codeitem,SUM(qty_in) AS TotalQty FROM INSERTED GROUP BY codeitem)iON i.codeitem = s.codeitem END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 04:55:26
Mr. Visakhi have syntax like this:CREATE TRIGGER G_StockUpdateON dbo.g_TDBarangMasukAFTER INSERT ,UPDATEASBEGINDECLARE @Jumlah intDECLARE @kodebarang varchar(30)DECLARE @LBarcode varchar(30)DECLARE @Satuan varchar(10)DECLARE @Konversi intINSERT INTO MBarangSELECT @KodeBarang=KodeBarang, @Jumlah=SUM(qty), @Lbarcode=Barcode, @Satuan=satuan FROM INSERTED iWHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MBarang WHERE KOdeBarang = i.KodeBarang)GROUP BY KodeBarangSELECT @Konversi=isi FROM g_KonversiSatuan WHERE kodebarang=@KodeBarang AND satuan=@SatuanUPDATE sSET s.Mbarang = s.MBarang + (i.Totalqty*@konversi)FROM Mbarang sINNER JOIN (SELECT @KodeBarang=KodeBarang, @Jumlah=SUM(qty) AS Totalqty, @Lbarcode=Barcode, @Satuan=satuan FROM INSERTED GROUP BY KodeBarang) iON i.kodebarang = s.kodebarangENDWhere i click check syntax getting error :"Error 199: An Insert Statement cannot containt a Select statement that assigns values to a variable" what the fault? |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 04:57:25
The syntax is wrong . As specified by error message you cant mix INSERT with SELECT which assigns value to variablesWhat was the problem with my earlier suggestion?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 05:25:53
How do I compare, qty old with the new qty so stock can be updated using the trigger |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-30 : 05:45:23
use INSERTED and DELETED tables for that and check for i.ColumnValue <> d.ColumnValue. If you want to handle NULLs also use ISNULL or COALESCE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-05 : 02:36:29
Thanks Mr. Visakh, its solve.God bless you |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-05 : 02:43:10
welcome------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |