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Posted - 2012-05-16 : 02:35:38
hello guys... i need your help in sqlserver 2000 programming plz guide me regrading cursors and loops..I need to write a procedure in sql server 2000 to roundoff the cheaper order values and the condition is as follows:if p+q+r > 15 if p+q+r < 7 then update table set p= 0,q = 0,n=0 p,q,n are size_codes and there values are stored in qty , final_qty , supplied_qty. value of qty should be same and values of final_qty and supplied_qty should be changed as per roundoff conditions.if p+q+r >= 7 thenrem_qty = 15 - (p+q+r)now rem_qty will be added in either p,q or r which is greater in all three i have put my efforts do it but i am getting problems my procedure doesnot roundoff table values as per roundoff conditions..i am posting my stored procedure.... but plz help me in correcting it.CREATE Procedure usp_CheaperRoundoff --updated by bhumika 1542012@order_id numeric, @excise_order_no numeric,@order_dt datetime,@period_from_dt datetime,@period_to_dt datetime,@order_type varchar(10),@ctg varchar(10),@msg varchar(50) =null output,@adt_user_id varchar(20) ASdeclare @FinalPurchase_amt numeric(15,3), @ln_purchase_amt numeric(18,3), @ln_bottle_per_case numeric(18), @recovery_amt numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_stax numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_sd_fee numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_ast_fee numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_vnd_fee numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_sale_price numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_final_stax numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_final_sd_fee numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_final_ast_fee numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_final_vnd_fee numeric(15,3), @ln_tot_final_sale_price numeric(15,3), --@order_id numeric(18,0), @ld_period_from_dt datetime, @ld_period_to_dt datetime, @ln_order_counter numeric, @cntr numeric, @ln_collection_count numeric, @ln_brand_collection_price numeric(15,3), @licencee_code varchar(10), @shop_code varchar(10), @brand_code varchar(10), @size_code varchar(10), @adt_trans_time datetime, --@lv_adt_user_id varchar(20), @ln_ord_qty numeric(18,0), @qty numeric(18,0), @rem_ord_qty numeric(18,0), @final_qty numeric(18,0), @supplied_qty numeric(18,0), @N numeric(18,0), @Q numeric(18,0), @P numeric(18,0), @sum_qty numeric(18,0), @ln_min_ord_qty numeric(15,3), @ln_cl_bal numeric, --@order_dt datetime, --@ctg varchar(10) @period_id numeric(18,0) --@lv_popular varchar(1) DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT period_from_dt, period_to_dt,shop_code, brand_code, size_code,ctg, cl_bal, brand_collection_price, adt_trans_time, adt_user_id FROM ims_stock_tracking_trans_dat WHERE ctg='2' and period_id in (select period_id from ims_order_dat where order_id = '32829') --AND shop_code='AMAP-CL' and brand_code in ('CHAO') --and size_code='Q' SET @ln_order_counter = 0 SELECT @ln_collection_count = count(shop_code) FROM IMS_PERIOD_COLLECTION_DAT WHERE period_id in ( select period_id from ims_order_dat where order_id = order_id and period_from_dt = @ld_period_from_dt) AND complete_flag='N' IF (@ln_collection_count >0) BEGIN SET @msg='Order is already created and is ready for roundoff' return END OPEN cur1 FETCH next from cur1 INTO @ld_period_from_dt,@ld_period_to_dt,@shop_code, @brand_code,@size_code,@ctg,@ln_cl_bal,@ln_brand_collection_price, @adt_trans_time,@adt_user_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN /*FETCH next from cur1 INTO @ld_period_from_dt,@ld_period_to_dt,@shop_code, @brand_code,@size_code,@ctg,@ln_cl_bal,@ln_brand_collection_price, @adt_trans_time,@adt_user_id */ DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT order_id,shop_code,brand_code,licencee_code,size_code,qty,final_qty,supplied_qty,purchase_amt,recovery_amt,tot_stax, tot_sd_fee,tot_ast_fee,tot_vnd_fee,tot_sale_price,adt_trans_time,adt_user_id from ims_order_detail_dat where order_id in (select order_id from ims_order_dat where excise_order_no = @excise_order_no and ctg = @ctg and period_id = @period_id) and final_qty > 0 and supplied_qty <> 0 and supplied_qty = final_qty select @order_dt = order_dt from ims_order_dat where excise_order_no = @excise_order_no set @cntr = 0 OPEN cur2 FETCH next from cur2 INTO @order_id,@shop_code,@brand_code, @licencee_code,@size_code,@qty,@final_qty,@supplied_qty,@ln_purchase_amt,@recovery_amt,@ln_tot_stax,@ln_tot_sd_fee,@ln_tot_ast_fee,@ln_tot_vnd_fee,@ln_tot_sale_price,@adt_trans_time,@adt_user_id WHILE (@cntr > 0) AND @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @cntr = @cntr + 1 /*FETCH next from cur2 INTO @order_id,@shop_code,@brand_code, @licencee_code,@size_code,@qty,@final_qty,@supplied_qty,@ln_purchase_amt,@recovery_amt,@ln_tot_stax,@ln_tot_sd_fee,@ln_tot_ast_fee,@ln_tot_vnd_fee,@ln_tot_sale_price,@adt_trans_time,@adt_user_id*/ /*SELECT popular,licencee_code FROM IMS_BRAND_TAB WHERE brand_code=@brand_code*/ SELECT @ln_purchase_amt = ws_price, @ln_tot_stax = stax, @ln_tot_sd_fee = sd_fee, @ln_tot_ast_fee = ast_fee, @ln_tot_vnd_fee = vnd_fee, @ln_tot_sale_price = sale_price, @ln_bottle_per_case = bottle_per_case FROM IMS_BRAND_DETAIL_TAB WHERE brand_code=@brand_code AND size_code=@size_code AND brand_price_eff_dt in (SELECT max(brand_price_eff_dt) FROM IMS_BRAND_DETAIL_TAB WHERE brand_code=@brand_code AND size_code= @size_code) --SET @ln_order_counter = @ln_order_counter + 1 IF(@ctg in ('2')) /// roundoff logic.................... BEGIN SET @ln_min_ord_qty = 15 /*FETCH next from cur2 INTO @order_id,@shop_code,@brand_code, @licencee_code,@size_code,@qty,@final_qty,@supplied_qty,@ln_purchase_amt,@recovery_amt,@ln_tot_stax,@ln_tot_sd_fee,@ln_tot_ast_fee,@ln_tot_vnd_fee,@ln_tot_sale_price,@adt_trans_time,@adt_user_id*/ select @N = qty from ims_order_detail_dat where order_id = @order_id and shop_code = @shop_code and brand_code = @brand_code and size_code = 'N' select @P = qty from ims_order_detail_dat where order_id = @order_id and shop_code = @shop_code and brand_code = @brand_code and size_code = 'P' select @Q = qty from ims_order_detail_dat where order_id = @order_id and shop_code = @shop_code and brand_code = @brand_code and size_code = 'Q' SET @sum_qty = @N + @P + @Q IF (@sum_qty < @ln_min_ord_qty) BEGIN IF (@sum_qty < 7) BEGIN SET @final_qty = 0 SET @FinalPurchase_amt = @final_qty*@ln_purchase_amt*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_stax = @final_qty*@ln_tot_stax*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_ast_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_ast_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_vnd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_vnd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sale_price = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sale_price*@ln_bottle_per_case update ims_order_detail_dat set final_qty = @final_qty , supplied_qty = @final_qty, purchase_amt = @FinalPurchase_amt, tot_stax = @ln_tot_final_stax, tot_sd_fee = @ln_tot_final_sd_fee, tot_ast_fee = @ln_tot_final_ast_fee, tot_vnd_fee = @ln_tot_final_vnd_fee, tot_sale_price = @ln_tot_final_sale_price, adt_user_id = @adt_user_id, adt_trans_time =getdate() where order_id = @order_id and shop_code = @shop_code and brand_code = @brand_code and size_code IN ('N','P','Q') END ELSE BEGIN SET @rem_ord_qty = 15 - @sum_qty IF(@P > @Q) AND (@P > @N) BEGIN SET @final_qty = @P + @rem_ord_qty SET @FinalPurchase_amt = @final_qty*@ln_purchase_amt*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_stax = @final_qty*@ln_tot_stax*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_ast_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_ast_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_vnd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_vnd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sale_price = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sale_price*@ln_bottle_per_case update ims_order_detail_dat set final_qty = @final_qty, supplied_qty = @final_qty, purchase_amt = @FinalPurchase_amt, tot_stax = @ln_tot_final_stax, tot_sd_fee = @ln_tot_final_sd_fee, tot_ast_fee = @ln_tot_final_ast_fee, tot_vnd_fee = @ln_tot_final_vnd_fee, tot_sale_price = @ln_tot_final_sale_price, adt_user_id = @adt_user_id, adt_trans_time = getdate() where order_id = @order_id and shop_code = @shop_code and brand_code = @brand_code and size_code = 'P' END ELSE BEGIN IF(@Q > @P) AND (@Q > @N) BEGIN SET @final_qty = @Q + @rem_ord_qty SET @FinalPurchase_amt = @final_qty*@ln_purchase_amt*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_stax = @final_qty*@ln_tot_stax*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_ast_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_ast_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_vnd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_vnd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sale_price = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sale_price*@ln_bottle_per_case update ims_order_detail_dat set final_qty = @final_qty, supplied_qty =@final_qty, purchase_amt =@FinalPurchase_amt, tot_stax=@ln_tot_final_stax, tot_sd_fee=@ln_tot_final_sd_fee, tot_ast_fee=@ln_tot_final_ast_fee, tot_vnd_fee=@ln_tot_final_vnd_fee, tot_sale_price=@ln_tot_final_sale_price, adt_user_id =@adt_user_id, adt_trans_time =getdate() where order_id =@order_id and shop_code =@shop_code and brand_code =@brand_code and size_code = 'Q' END ELSE BEGIN SET @final_qty = @N + @rem_ord_qty SET @FinalPurchase_amt = @final_qty*@ln_purchase_amt*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_stax = @final_qty*@ln_tot_stax*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_ast_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_ast_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_vnd_fee = @final_qty*@ln_tot_vnd_fee*@ln_bottle_per_case SET @ln_tot_final_sale_price = @final_qty*@ln_tot_sale_price*@ln_bottle_per_case update ims_order_detail_dat set final_qty = @final_qty, supplied_qty =@final_qty, purchase_amt =@FinalPurchase_amt, tot_stax=@ln_tot_final_stax, tot_sd_fee=@ln_tot_final_sd_fee, tot_ast_fee=@ln_tot_final_ast_fee, tot_vnd_fee=@ln_tot_final_vnd_fee, tot_sale_price=@ln_tot_final_sale_price, adt_user_id =@adt_user_id, adt_trans_time =getdate() where order_id =@order_id and shop_code =@shop_code and brand_code =@brand_code and size_code = 'N' END -- END END END /*if((@ln_cl_bal=0) AND (@ln_ord_qty=0)) BEGIN SET @ln_ord_qty=15 END*/ ENDELSEIF (@sum_qty > @ln_min_ord_qty)BEGINRETURNENDENDif((@ln_cl_bal=0) AND (@ln_ord_qty=0)) /// roundoff policyBEGINSET @ln_ord_qty=15END--END /*FETCH next from cur1 INTO @ld_period_from_dt,@ld_period_to_dt,@shop_code, @brand_code,@size_code,@ctg,@ln_cl_bal,@ln_brand_collection_price, @ld_adt_trans_time, @lv_adt_user_id */ FETCH next from cur2 INTO @order_id,@shop_code,@brand_code,@licencee_code, @size_code,@qty,@final_qty,@supplied_qty,@ln_purchase_amt,@recovery_amt,@ln_tot_stax,@ln_tot_sd_fee, @ln_tot_ast_fee,@ln_tot_vnd_fee,@ln_tot_sale_price,@adt_trans_time,@adt_user_id END CLOSE cur2 DEALLOCATE cur2 FETCH next from cur1 INTO @ld_period_from_dt,@ld_period_to_dt,@shop_code, @brand_code,@size_code,@ctg,@ln_cl_bal,@ln_brand_collection_price, @adt_trans_time, @adt_user_id END CLOSE cur1 DEALLOCATE cur1 --exec usp_CheaperRoundoff '32829','2','2011-12-25','2011-12-14','2011-12-21','G','2','','bhumika123'--select * from ims_order_detail_dat where order_id = '32829' and final_qty > 0---select * from ims_order_dat where order_id = '32829'GOplz check where the logic is wrong and do reply..... bhumika |
Transact Charlie
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
3451 Posts |
Posted - 2012-05-16 : 09:46:39
I didn't really understand but you don't need a cursor for it. Something like this can do it in 2 queries.:I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND YOUR LOGIC but hopefully you can see what I'm trying to say.UPDATE <theTable> SET [p] = 0 , [q] = 0 , [n] = 0WHERE [p] + [q] + [r] < 7 UPDATE <theTable> SET [p] = CASE WHEN [p] > [q] AND [p] > [r] THEN 15 - ([p] + [q] + [r]) ELSE [p] END , [q] = CASE WHEN [q] > [p] AND [q] > [r] THEN 15 - ([p] + [q] + [r]) ELSE [p] END , [r] = CASE WHEN [r] > [p] AND [r] > [q] THEN 15 - ([p] + [q] + [r]) ELSE [p] ENDWHERE [p] + [q] + [r] >= 7 Charlie===============================================================Msg 3903, Level 16, State 1, Line 1736The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION |