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Yak Posting Veteran
52 Posts |
Posted - 2011-06-21 : 09:37:37
Hi i am creating a trigger in mysql as given below but it is giving me errors 'Can't update chat_master in stored function / trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored procedure triggerdelimiter $CREATE TRIGGER myTrigger After INSERT ON chat_master FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE row_count INTEGER; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO row_count FROM chat_master WHERE UM_master_id=NEW.UM_master_id; IF row_count > 0 THEN delete from chat_master where UM_master_id=1; END IF;end $$Can anybody helpKeshab |
5072 Posts |
Posted - 2011-06-21 : 09:43:47
No need to make two posts for the same problem.Also, you'll have better luck on a mySQL forum than here. We specialize in Microsoft SQL Server here.Might try this one: |