I wrote a stored procedure to retrieve an employee's badge number from the full name. (it looks through the string for spaces, and parses them as needed)The stored procedure seems to handle everything I throw at it, so I started placing it in some of my larger stored procedures that were spending a good portion of their time doing this in a crude fashion that was taking too long (see code segment at the bottom).So far, I have placed it in 2 of my stored procedures. One works fine and the turnaround time is greatly reduced (from 4 seconds per part number to under half a second). The seconds stored procedure saved on the server, but will not run:Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure X, Line XInvalid object name 'dbo.sp_GetBadge'.Could someone clue me in to what causes this to work on one procedure but not another?sp_GetBadge is defined as follows:PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetBadge](@FullName nVarChar(255)) ASBEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @FirstName nVarChar(255), @LastName nVarChar(255) declare @space nVarChar(1), @lastChar nVarChar(1) declare @index int set @space=' ' -- constant - do not change set @FirstName='' -- initialize just in case there are no spaces! set @LastName=LTrim(RTrim(@FullName)) set @index=CharIndex(@space, @LastName) if (0 < @index) Begin set @FirstName=SubString(@LastName, 1, @index) set @index=Len(@LastName)-1 set @lastChar=SubString(@LastName, @index, 1) -- starts at the end... While (@lastChar!=@space) Begin set @index=@index-1 -- ...and walks back one char at a time set @lastChar=SubString(@LastName, @index, 1) End set @LastName=SubString(@LastName, @index+1, Len(@LastName)) End If (@LastName!='') Begin SELECT TOP 1 NUM FROM EmployeeInfo WHERE (FIRSTNAME=@FirstName) AND (LASTNAME=@LastName) ORDER BY [COUNT] DESC End Else Begin SELECT @LastName As 'NUM' EndEND
I hate that it is so long! Our SQL Table for EmployeeInfo is imported daily from an older MS Access table that HR uses. It has many errors, and we are trying hard to get away from it, but it has taken years.The stored procedure that sp_GetBadge fails on is as follows:SELECT CASE WHEN (Len(dbo.sp_GetBadge(TR.OP_ID))=6) THEN EI.[FIRSTNAME]+' '+EI.[LASTNAME]+' ('+dbo.sp_GetBadge(TR.OP_ID)+')'/* --- Replaced Section ---SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT Count(FIRSTNAME) FROM EmployeeInfo WHERE (Replace(RTrim(TR.OP_ID), ' ', ' ')=(RTrim(FirstName)+' '+RTrim(LastName))) )>0) THEN ( SELECT TOP 1 FIRSTNAME+' '+LASTNAME+' ('+NUM+')' AS 'Operator' FROM EmployeeInfo WHERE (Replace(RTrim(TR.OP_ID), ' ', ' ')=(RTrim(FirstName)+' '+RTrim(LastName))) ORDER BY [COUNT] DESC )*/ ELSE TR.[OP_ID] END AS 'Operator', TR.[Serial_Number], TR.[Date_Time]FROM Test_Results TR LEFT JOIN EmployeeInfo EI ON dbo.sp_GetBadge(TR.OP_ID)=EI.[NUM]
The commented section is what sp_GetBadge is meant to replace.Does anyone have a clue?All fields are stored as nVarChar(255).Thank you,Joe
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