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Jedi Yak
2489 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-13 : 15:24:05
Are there faster ways to do a query similar to this? My table has about 500k rows, and it growing quickly. I'm currently getting many timeouts while running this Stored Proc. I've even adjusted the CommandTimeout property of my command object, and that doesn't seem to help either.SELECT fq.CostCenterID, min(fq.cre_date) as Cre_Date, Count(*) as TotalFaxes, (select count(*) from faxqueue where ((faxstatus=0) or (faxstatus = 3 and attempts < numberofattempts)) and (costCenterID = fq.CostCenterID)) as TotalUnSent, (select count(*) from faxqueue where faxstatus=1 and costCenterID = fq.CostCenterID) as TotalInUse, (select count(*) from faxqueue where faxstatus=2 and costCenterID = fq.CostCenterID) as TotalSent, (select count(*) from faxqueue where ((faxstatus=3) and (attempts = numberofattempts)) and (costCenterID = fq.CostCenterID)) as TotalError, (select count(*) from faxqueue where faxstatus=4 and costCenterID = fq.CostCenterID) as TotalPausedFROM faxqueue fqWHERE siteID = @SiteIDAND fq.cre_date BETWEEN @BeginDate AND DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDate)GROUP BY fq.CostCenterIDORDER BY Cre_Date DESC |
Posting Yak Master
102 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-13 : 17:03:48
Use a Case Statment. Your curent query runs each of those 5 queries for every CostCenterID in your table. This should run everything just once. Remember aggragates ignore NULLs (except Count(*)).SELECTfq.CostCenterID, min(fq.cre_date) as Cre_Date, Count(*) as TotalFaxes,COUNT(CASE WHEN ((faxstatus=0) or (faxstatus = 3 and attempts < numberofattempts)) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as TotalUnSent,COUNT(CASE WHEN faxstatus=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS TotalInUse,COUNT(CASE WHEN faxstatus=2 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS TotalSent,COUNT(CASE WHEN faxstatus=3 AND attempts = numberofattempts THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)) AS TotalError,COUNT(CASE WHEN faxstatus=4 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS TotalPausedFROM faxqueue fqWHERE siteID = @SiteIDAND fq.cre_date BETWEEN @BeginDate AND DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDate)GROUP BY fq.CostCenterIDORDER BY Cre_Date DESC |
Arnold Fribble
Yak-finder General
1961 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-13 : 17:11:56
I'm suspicious of the correctness of this [the questioner's] query. It might be right, but it does look a bit odd. Your outer SELECT is looking only at faxes for a particular site and time range of ?creation, with a count for each cost center called TotalFaxes. The subselects, however, are working on all the faxes for a cost center irrespective of site and time. Is that right?If so, reducing the number of joins by treating all the subselects in one go and counting cases might help your cause (though some judicious indexing might help even more):SELECT fq.CostCenterID, min(fq.cre_date) as Cre_Date, Count(*) as TotalFaxes, count(case when fq2.faxstatus=0 or (fq2.faxstatus = 3 and fq2.attempts < fq2.numberofattempts) then 1 else null end) as TotalUnSent, count(case when fq2.faxstatus=1 then 1 else null end) as TotalInUse, count(case when fq2.faxstatus=2 then 1 else null end) as TotalSent, count(case when fq2.faxstatus=3 and fq2.attempts = fq2.numberofattempts then 1 else null end) as TotalError, count(case when fq2.faxstatus=4 then 1 else null end) as TotalPausedFROM faxqueue fqINNER JOIN faxqueue fq2 ON fq.costCenterID = fq2.CostCenterIDWHERE fq.siteID = @SiteID AND fq.cre_date BETWEEN @BeginDate AND DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDate)GROUP BY fq.CostCenterIDORDER BY Cre_Date DESC That's untested so there might be typos.If your subselects are supposed to be restricted by site and date range as the main select then you can throw away the join:SELECT CostCenterID, min(cre_date) as Cre_Date, Count(*) as TotalFaxes, count(case when faxstatus=0 or (faxstatus = 3 and attempts < numberofattempts) then 1 else null end) as TotalUnSent, count(case when faxstatus=1 then 1 else null end) as TotalInUse, count(case when faxstatus=2 then 1 else null end) as TotalSent, count(case when faxstatus=3 and attempts = numberofattempts then 1 else null end) as TotalError, count(case when faxstatus=4 then 1 else null end) as TotalPausedFROM faxqueueWHERE siteID = @SiteID AND cre_date BETWEEN @BeginDate AND DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDate)GROUP BY CostCenterIDORDER BY Cre_Date DESC In passing, I note by using BETWEEN, the midnight of the day following @EndDate is included. If cre_date is shortdatetime, this is a minute, if datetime, only 1/300 sec.Gah! Beaten to it.Edited by - Arnold Fribble on 12/13/2001 17:13:29 |