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Starting Member
6 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-11 : 08:42:56
Hi group, I'm trying to implement a dynamic audit trail that will work onany table.I have had some problems using the sp_executesql in the trigger becuse itdoes not find the'Deleted' and 'Inserted' temp tables, running outside thetrigger process I think.First I wrote this to get number of columns in a table...SELECT @TABLENAME = 'myTable'SELECT @TABLENAMENR = (SELECT OBJECT_ID(@TABLENAME))SELECT @COUNTER = (SELECT count(COL_NAME(@TABLENAMENR, ORDINAL_POSITION))Then I iterated @COUNTER to audit each column if there where any change...SELECT @COLUMNNAME = (SELECT distinct COL_NAME(@TABLENAMENR, @COUNTER)FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNSWHERE TABLE_NAME = @TABLENAME)And here below on the 'SELECT @INSERTVALUE' row the trigger cant find the 'Inserted' table...SELECT @SQLSTATEMENT = ('SELECT ' + @COLUMNNAME + ' FROM '+ 'INSERTED')SELECT @INSERTVALUE = (EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLSTATEMENT)EXECUTE @INSERTVALUE = sp_executesql @SQLSTATEMENTThis is not the whole trigger just a few rows to let you get the idéa aboutmy problem with building a dynamic trigger, if I can find a way of lettingsp_executesql find my temp tables my trigger will work. TIA-Stefan- |
Slave to the Almighty Yak
159 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-11 : 09:11:14
G'day, more like good evening... I may be wrong, but I know that I will be corrected by the guys. All temp tables from my memory are created either on tempdb or master, so if you know the name of your temp table then just access them directly master..#temptable or tempdb..#temptable... That may be purely speculation on my part, but I think it may be a good guess, I'm only saying this coz I may have tried it in the past and don't quite remember the outcome, plus I am at home so it's a bit hard for me to try to check it for you, so I'll leave it for you to investigate.. If your topic is still here when I get to work in the morning then I'll verify it for ya.. Good luck.. ==================================================World War III is imminent, you know what that means... No Bag limits!!!Master Fisherman |
12543 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-11 : 09:16:40
Nope that won't work.temp tables are in tempdb and prefixing with the database won't help.In this case though the attempt is to access the inserted/deleted tables which unfortunatley aren't available in the sp_executesql batch.You can select * into #inserted from inserted then use #inserted in the dsql though.==========================================Cursors are useful if you don't know sql.Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy. |
Starting Member
6 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-11 : 09:55:58
Thank you for your answers, I have thought about storing in a temp table like 'select * into #inserted from inserted'.But then I have to create the temp table first...CREATE TABLE #Inserted ('All the datatype defined columns from Inserted')I cant find a smooth way to dynamicly define the temp table so that it becomes a copy of the current 'Inserted' table(I cant hard code the values as I dont know what the 'Inserted table will hold).If anyone know a good method to create the temp table based upon the 'Inserted' table, I could use your suggestion 'Nr'. TIA-Stefan- |
Starting Member
6 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-11 : 13:32:29
*Bump* |
Slave to the Almighty Yak
159 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-12 : 01:51:05
Thanks for the correction nr, squisher, the Select * Into #Inserted will create the table for you.. No need to use CREATE TABLE blah blah... nr's advise will sure help you.. He's a SQL legend!! ==================================================World War III is imminent, you know what that means... No Bag limits!!!Master Fisherman |
Starting Member
6 Posts |
Posted - 2001-12-12 : 02:06:55
Thank you so much both of you, I didnt know it was made on the fly.This will make things so much easier :)I'm of to run some tests.-Stefan- |