Hi all I am trying to give users the ability to see the year rather then the month the day and the year. I want to convert Finasuitdone DATETIME so that the users will see the year rather then the entire date. trying to incorporate that into this stored procedureSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Renewals](@StartFINALSUITDONE datetime,@EndFINALSUITDONE datetime,@FINALBYYR varchar(4))ASSELECT TM#, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, CONDITIONAL, DATEOFCONDITIONAL, FINALSUITDONE, JOBTITLE, HIREDATE, FINALBYYRFROM dbo.EmployeeGamingLicenseWHERE (FINALSUITDONE BETWEEN @StartFINALSUITDONE AND @EndFINALSUITDONE OR FINALBYYR = @FINALBYYR)
alter table dbo.EmployeeGamingLicense add FINALBYYR as reverse(cast(reverse([FINALSUITDONE]) as NVARCHAR(10)))