These are the Upgrade Steps I posted when moving to SQL 2008, re-posted here for any comments, additions, alterations with respect to migration to newer versionsUpgrade StepsDBCC CHECKDB all databases (inc. system) before you start migration testing, and again before any final cut-overAre there any issues / methods for migrating DTS packages? (That was a pain from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005)When installing new SQL version make sure you set the appropriate folder for installation. SQL Install generates a folder below this, and then a number of sub sub folders - thus choosing to install to the ROOT of a drive is probably sufficient. Also important to avoid SQL installing System Databases on C:\Program Files\ !Check that the Collation in the new version is the same as you had beforeSELECT 'Collation', SERVERPROPERTY( 'Collation' )
Check that the new version has the most recent Service Pack applied, and consider if you any of the fixes in Cumulative Updates are relevant to youSELECT @@VERSIONEXEC Master..xp_msver
After restoring database to a new server [i.e. running a newer SQL version]:If new version is on a different server transfer the logins - see this still the best way of transferring Logins?Change the compatibility level to:100 for SQL 2008 & 2008-R2 compatibility mode110 for SQL 2012120 for SQL 2014See also: change Options : Recovery : Page verify = CHECKSUM(make sure you do this before rebuilding all indexes)USE masterGO-- Check compatibility level:SELECT compatibility_levelFROM sys.databasesWHERE name = 'MyDatabase'GO-- SET compatibility level:ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 120GOALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET PAGE_VERIFY CHECKSUM WITH NO_WAITGO
Note: It is advisable to also change the BACKUP commands to add the "CHECKSUM" option to the WITH clause. This will a) check any database file reads that have the Checksum set to ensure that it is correct, and b) add a Checksum too all pages in the backup file - which will provide reassurance and protection on any Restore. This will cause the Backup to abort on any error, which you may not want, so also consider the CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR option.Consider changing the database to turn READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT on. If you are using NOLOCK liberally in your code remove it!! and use READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT instead (if you are using NOLOCK frequently you probably have no idea how much damage Dirty Reads may be causing you, and READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is probably what your thought you wanted when you chose NOLOCK!)USE masterGOALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATEGOALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ONGOALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET MULTI_USER, READ_WRITE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATEGOUSE MyDatabaseGO
At the time of the release of SQL 2005 Microsoft said that they had fixed issues with earlier versions that caused inaccurate USAGE figures, however Microsoft appear to still be recommending freshening-up the Usage on installation of new versions, so even if it makes no change probably still worth running DBCC UPDATEUSAGE "belt & braces"Use DBCC CHECKDB to check that there are no problems in the dataDBCC CHECKDB WITH NO_INFOMSGS, DATA_PURITY
DBCC CHECKDB in newer versions may detect more issues than in previous versions, hence worth running with the full checking options (such as DATA_PURITY) to be sure that all currently detectable errors have been found. If this takes too long then it can be performed on a freshly made backup (i.e. from the NEW version's installation) restored onto another machine and then checked on that machine.Reindex ALL the tables / Indexes and Update Statistics(Note: having a Clustered Index on every table will help be a benefit at this point)USE MyDatabaseGOSELECT 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON dbo.[' + [name] + '] REBUILD ' + 'WITH (ONLINE=OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF)' FROM sys.tables ORDER BY [name]SELECT 'UPDATE STATISTICS dbo.[' + [name] + '] WITH FULLSCAN' FROM sys.tables ORDER BY [name]
(Note: Rebuild Indexes will update their statistics, but it won't update the statistics that are not on indexes, so the Update Statistics will re-update the Statistics for Indexes (again!), but also rebuild them for non-indexesYou may want to run Update usage again (Belt&Braces, although real-time maintenance of usage is supposed to be fixed from SQL2008 onwards), and I would do a final DBCC CHECKDB to make sure there are no corruptions in the databaseDBCC CHECKDB WITH NO_INFOMSGS, DATA_PURITY
Make a full set of Regression and Performance tests before going Live