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 Store Procedure

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Starting Member

27 Posts

Posted - 2013-09-22 : 20:50:02
Hello Mr Visakh,
how to make a simple stored procedures from the following syntax ?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[kalkulasi_gaji] @tahun char(4), @bulan varchar(15) AS
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jamsostek=0 where nokpj is NULL AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jamsostek=0 where (nokpj is not null or nokpj<>'') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
-UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jamsostek=((upah_hr*30)+t_other)*(1.19/100) where (nokpj is not NULL AND nokpj<>' ') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan

UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jpk=0.06*(3080000) where status_pph<>'TK' AND (gaji+t_other>4000000) AND (nokpj is not null or nokpj<>'') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jpk=0.03*(3080000) where status_pph='TK' AND (gaji+t_other>4000000) AND (nokpj is not null or nokpj<>'') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jpk=0.06*((upah_hr*30)+t_other) where status_pph<>'TK' AND (gaji+t_other<4000000) AND (nokpj is not null or nokpj<>'') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jpk=0.03*((upah_hr*30)+t_other) where status_pph='TK' AND (gaji+t_other<4000000) AND (nokpj is not null or nokpj<>'') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jpk=0 where nokpj is NULL AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jpk=0 where (nokpj is not null or nokpj<>'') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan

UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_bagian=0 where t_bagian=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jabatan=0 where t_jabatan=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_lain=0 where t_lain=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_insentif=0 where t_insentif=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_pendidikan=0 where t_pendidikan=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_mskerja=0 where t_mskerja=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET ulembur=0 where ulembur=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET work_period=0 where work_period=NULL

UPDATE PYTGaji SET gaji=0 where gaji=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET upah_hr=0 where upah_hr=NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET gaji=upah_hr*hrkerja where jenis_upah='H' AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET upah_hr=gaji/hrkerja where jenis_upah='B' AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET ulembur=((gaji)/173)*tjam_lembur where jenis_upah='H' AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET ulembur=0 where jenis_upah='B' AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan


Premature Yak Congratulator

22864 Posts

Posted - 2013-09-23 : 01:22:06
=NULL should be replaced with IS NULL

Other than that the code looks fine


Failing to plan is Planning to fail
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Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2013-09-23 : 13:51:06
why do you need so many update statements? many of them conditions look similar so you can merge them into single statement
for ex:

UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jamsostek=0 where nokpj is NULL AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jamsostek=0 where (nokpj is not null or nokpj<>'') AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan

is same as

UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jamsostek=0 where tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
as other two conditions are contradictory ones so in effect you can ignore them

SQL Server MVP
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Starting Member

27 Posts

Posted - 2014-02-26 : 03:08:55
Hello Mr Visakh,

My question about the syntax used to simplify the many updates in stored procedures, until now I have not been able solution.
Here I include his table (PYTGaji) and stored procedures.

tahun char 4
bulan varchar 15
nik varchar 15
nama varchar 40
departemen varchar 30
divisi varchar 30
jabatan varchar 30
norek varchar 20
tmasuk decimal 9
L1 decimal 9
L2 decimal 9
L3 decimal 9
L4 decimal 9
tjam_lembur decimal 13
jenis_upah char 1
ulembur decimal 9
hrkerja decimal 9
upah_hr decimal 9
gaji decimal 9
t_jabatan decimal 9
t_bagian decimal 9
t_mskerja decimal 9
t_lain decimal 9
t_pendidikan decimal 9
t_insentif decimal 9
t_transport decimal 9
t_hadir decimal 9
t_lain1 decimal 9
t_lain2 decimal 9
Rapel decimal 9
t_thr decimal 9
t_meal decimal 9
t_comision decimal 9
t_tax decimal 9
t_tambahanlain decimal 9
p_tmasuk decimal 9
p_koperasi decimal 9
p_punishment decimal 9
p_fungsional decimal 9
p_lain decimal 9
subtotal1 decimal 9
subtotal2 decimal 9
total_diterima decimal 9
jmltunjangan decimal 9
tunjangan_lain decimal 9
premi decimal 9
jpk decimal 9
Bruto decimal 9
Premi_jabatan decimal 9
astek decimal 9
HBulan decimal 9
HTahun decimal 9
PTKP char 5
Batas decimal 9
Kena decimal 9
Akhir decimal 9
status_NPWP char 1
Psl21 decimal 9
P_Tahun decimal 9
Potongan decimal 9
PPH decimal 9
gross1 decimal 9
jbln int 4
tot_deduc decimal 9
nett decimal 9
nett_annualized decimal 9
gross2 decimal 9
non_tax_income decimal 9
taxable decimal 9
income_npwp decimal 9
income_non_npwp decimal 9
income_real decimal 9
tax_payable decimal 9
work_periodB1 char 3
work_periodB2 char 3
work_period int 4
nokpj varchar 30
keterangan varchar 50
Gol_Insentif_Kehadiran char 8
premihadir int 4
haritransport int 4
npwp varchar 30
p_jamsostek decimal 9
TglInput datetime
Tuser varchar 20
Status_pegawai varchar 20
memo varchar 50
noperkiraan varchar 30

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[kalkulasi_gaji] @tahun char(4), @bulan varchar(15) AS
DECLARE @Status_PPH char(3)
DECLARE @Status_NPWP char(1)
DECLARE @NPWP varchar(30)
DECLARE @Tahun1 varchar(4)
DECLARE @Bulan1 varchar(10)
DECLARE @Batas Decimal
DECLARE @Gaji Decimal
DECLARE @NominalTransport Decimal
DECLARE @KelompokUpah Varchar(20)
DECLARE @PremiHadirJabatan Decimal

UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_bagian=0 where t_bagian is NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_jabatan=0 where t_jabatan is NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_lain=0 where t_lain is NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_insentif=0 where t_insentif is NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_pendidikan=0 where t_pendidikan is NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET t_mskerja=0 where t_mskerja is NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET ulembur=0 where ulembur is NULL
UPDATE PYTGaji SET upah_hr=0 where Upah_hr is NULL

UPDATE PYTGaji SET Gaji=upah_hr*hrkerja WHERE jenis_upah='H' AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET P_Jamsostek=0.02*((30*upah_hr)+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain) where upah_hr is Not NULL AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Jmltunjangan=t_jabatan+t_bagian+t_mskerja+t_lain+t_pendidikan, Tunjangan_lain=t_pendidikan WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan

UPDATE PYTGaji SET Astek=0.02*(Gaji+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain) WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET p_tmasuk=((upah_hr*30) /21)*tmasuk where upah_hr<>0 AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET p_tmasuk=0 where upah_hr=0 AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Subtotal1=gaji-p_tmasuk+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain+t_pendidikan+t_transport+t_hadir+t_lain1+t_lain2-p_jamsostek+t_bagian where upah_hr is Not NULL AND tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Ulembur=((gaji)/173)*tjam_lembur WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Subtotal2=subtotal1+ulembur+t_tambahanlain-p_lain WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Premi=0.0119*(gaji+jmltunjangan-tunjangan_lain) WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET JPK=0.06*(gaji+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain) WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND ptkp<>'TK' AND ((gaji+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain)<4725000)
UPDATE PYTGaji SET JPK=0.03*(gaji+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain) WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND ptkp='TK' AND ((gaji+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain)<4725000)
UPDATE PYTGaji SET JPK=0.06*4725000 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND ptkp<>'TK' AND ((gaji+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain)>4725000)
UPDATE PYTGaji SET JPK=0.03*4725000 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND ptkp='TK' AND ((gaji+t_jabatan+t_mskerja+t_lain)>4725000)
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Bruto=(Gaji+Jmltunjangan+Premi+JPK+ULembur) WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Premi_Jabatan=Bruto*0.05 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Hbulan=Bruto-Premi_jabatan-Astek-P_tmasuk WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET HTahun=Hbulan*12 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan

UPDATE PYTGaji SET Kena=HTahun-Batas WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Akhir=0 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND Kena<=0
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Akhir=Kena WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND Kena>0
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Psl21=0.06 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND Status_NPWP='N'
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Psl21=0.05 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan AND Status_NPWP='Y'
UPDATE PYTGaji SET P_Tahun=Psl21*Akhir WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Potongan=P_Tahun/12 WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET PPH=Potongan WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan
UPDATE PYTGaji SET Total_diterima=Subtotal2-PPH-P_Koperasi+Rapel WHERE tahun=@tahun AND bulan=@bulan

Thank you for your attention and answer
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