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Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-28 : 04:34:52
Hallo How to show in 1 row on the grid for Work In and Work Out Over 24Hour in sqlExample :USERID NAME CHECKIN CHECKOUT007 TOM 28/05/2013 19:00:00 29/05/2013 07:00:00 |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-28 : 05:06:42
you need to have two fields in your table of type datetime for storing CHECKIN and CHECKOUT and then a simple insert would be enough.For displaying just do SELECT * FROM table.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-10 : 03:24:37
I mean like this Mr. VisakhExample:I have Table checkinoutuserid name checktime007 raju 28/05/2013 19:00:00 ---> in007 raju 29/05/2013 07:00:00 ---> outand I want to display the grid to be "USERID NAME CHECKIN CHECKOUT007 raju 28/05/2013 19:00:00 29/05/2013 07:00:00thanks |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2242 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-10 : 03:38:03
quote: Originally posted by indr4w I mean like this Mr. VisakhExample:I have Table checkinoutuserid name checktime007 raju 28/05/2013 19:00:00 ---> in007 raju 29/05/2013 07:00:00 ---> outand I want to display the grid to be "USERID NAME CHECKIN CHECKOUT007 raju 28/05/2013 19:00:00 29/05/2013 07:00:00thanks
How to find the IN, OUT date values.... Is there any specific time ranges to represent IN/OUT?If you have only two rows per userid, then you can use as follows:SELECT userid, name, MIN(checktime) CheckIn, MAX(checktime) CheckOutFROM YourTableGROUP BY userid, name--Chandu |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-10 : 04:51:38
Hi see the date (I have different date) |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-10 : 08:12:41
Assuming there's a type field to indicate IN,OUTSELECT userid,name,checktime,MinTimeFROM TableOUTER APPLY (SELECT MIN(checktime) AS MinTime FROM Table WHERE userid = t.userid AND name = AND checktime > t.checktime AND type = 'OUT' )t1WHERE t.type='IN' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 03:08:56
Hallo Mr. VisakhThere are a few tables :GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[CHECKINOUT] ( [USERID] [int] NOT NULL , [CHECKTIME] [datetime] NOT NULL , [CHECKTYPE] [nvarchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT INTO CHECKINOUT VALUES(256, '29/04/2013 19:03:30', 'I'),(256, '30/04/2013 06:34:42', 'O'),(205, '03/04/2013 21:56:13', 'I'),(205, '04/04/2013 06:01:15', 'O');GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[USERINFO] ( [USERID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [Badgenumber] [nvarchar] (24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [Name] [nvarchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT INTO USERINFO VALUES(256, '1061052', 'TAJUDIN'),(205, '1061010', 'RAJU');GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[SchClass] ( [schClassid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [schName] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [StartTime] [datetime] NOT NULL , [EndTime] [datetime] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT INTO SchClass VALUES (4, 'NIGHT SHIFT', '23:00:00', '07:00:00'),(6, 'LONG SHIFT', '19:00:00', '07:00:00');GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[UserUsedSClasses] ( [UserId] [int] NOT NULL, [SchId] [int] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT INTO UserUsedSClasses VALUES(256, 6),(205, 4);I want the output like this :USERID NAME SCHNAME DATEIN TIMEIN DATEOUT TIMEOUT256 TAJUDIN LONG SHIFT 29/04/2013 19:03:30 30/04/2013 06:34:42205 RAJU NIGHT SHIFT 03/04/2013 21:56:13 04/04/2013 06:01:15Thanks |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 03:41:07
[code]SELECT ui.[USERID],ui.[Name],sc.schName,CONVERT(varchar(10),cin.CHECKTIME,103) AS DATEIN,CONVERT(varchar(8),cin.CHECKTIME,108) AS TIMEIN ,CONVERT(varchar(10),cout.CHECKTIME,103) AS DATEOUT,CONVERT(varchar(8),cout.CHECKTIME,108) AS TIMEOUTFROM USERINFO uiINNER JOIN SchClass scON sc.UserId = ui.USERIDINNER JOIN CHECKINOUT cinON cin.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cin.CHECKTYPE = 'I'INNER JOIN CHECKINOUT coutON cout.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cout.CHECKTYPE = 'O'AND cout.CHECKTIME BETWEEN cin.CHECKTIME AND DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,cin.CHECKTIME),sc.EndTime)[/code]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 04:24:49
Sorry,how about table UserUsedSClasses |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 04:34:57
ah...missed thatSELECT ui.[USERID],ui.[Name],sc.schName,CONVERT(varchar(10),cin.CHECKTIME,103) AS DATEIN,CONVERT(varchar(8),cin.CHECKTIME,108) AS TIMEIN ,CONVERT(varchar(10),cout.CHECKTIME,103) AS DATEOUT,CONVERT(varchar(8),cout.CHECKTIME,108) AS TIMEOUTFROM USERINFO uiINNER JOIN UserUsedSClasses uusON uus.UserId = ui.USERIDINNER JOIN SchClass scON sc.schClassid = uus.SchIdINNER JOIN CHECKINOUT cinON cin.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cin.CHECKTYPE = 'I'INNER JOIN CHECKINOUT coutON cout.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cout.CHECKTYPE = 'O'AND cout.CHECKTIME BETWEEN cin.CHECKTIME AND DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,cin.CHECKTIME),sc.EndTime) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 05:30:10
Sorry, nothing haven |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 05:30:50
what does that mean?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 05:34:15
Execute is ok but file cannot display.Please to check the table step by stepSorry Mr. Visaks i am newbie |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 06:17:18
it should be this i guessSELECT ui.[USERID],ui.[Name],sc.schName,CONVERT(varchar(10),cin.CHECKTIME,103) AS DATEIN,CONVERT(varchar(8),cin.CHECKTIME,108) AS TIMEIN ,CONVERT(varchar(10),cout.CHECKTIME,103) AS DATEOUT,CONVERT(varchar(8),cout.CHECKTIME,108) AS TIMEOUTFROM USERINFO uiINNER JOIN UserUsedSClasses uusON uus.UserId = ui.USERIDINNER JOIN SchClass scON sc.schClassid = uus.SchIdINNER JOIN CHECKINOUT cinON cin.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cin.CHECKTYPE = 'I'INNER JOIN CHECKINOUT coutON cout.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cout.CHECKTYPE = 'O'AND cout.CHECKTIME BETWEEN cin.CHECKTIME AND DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,cout.CHECKTIME),sc.StartTime) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 06:38:14
So I changed to be like this :AND cout.CHECKTIME BETWEEN cin.CHECKTIME AND DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,sc.StartTime,cin.CHECKTIME),0)the Results is :256 TAJUDIN LONG SHIFT 29/04/2013 19:03:30 30/04/2013 06:34:42205 RAJU NIGHT SHIFT 03/04/2013 21:56:13 04/04/2013 06:01:15as expected |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-13 : 06:54:36
Nope it should be the way i gave as out time can be anywhere until next day shift start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-28 : 03:09:53
Hi Mr. Visakhsorry to disturb againI want to ask again, what if from the above table, I want to display the results like this:USERID NAME SCHNAME CHECKTIME AS CHECKIN CHECKTIME AS CHECKOUT156 INDRA NON SHIFT 29/04/2013 07:00:30 30/04/2013 18:30:02256 TAJUDIN LONG SHIFT 29/04/2013 19:03:30 30/04/2013 06:34:42205 RAJU NIGHT SHIFT 03/04/2013 21:56:13 04/04/2013 06:01:15date and time are not in separate.Thanks |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-06-28 : 03:39:55
do you mean you want them in same field in output?SELECT ui.[USERID],ui.[Name],sc.schName,cin.CHECKTIME AS DATEIN,cout.CHECKTIME AS DATEOUTFROM USERINFO uiINNER JOIN UserUsedSClasses uusON uus.UserId = ui.USERIDINNER JOIN SchClass scON sc.schClassid = uus.SchIdINNER JOIN CHECKINOUT cinON cin.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cin.CHECKTYPE = 'I'INNER JOIN CHECKINOUT coutON cout.USERID = ui.USERIDAND cout.CHECKTYPE = 'O'AND cout.CHECKTIME BETWEEN cin.CHECKTIME AND DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,cout.CHECKTIME),sc.StartTime) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |