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Starting Member
18 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-14 : 02:25:15
Hi this code suddenly stoppped working
exec master..xp_sendmail @recipients = '', @subject = 'test', @message = 'test'
Server: Msg 18025, Level 16, State 1, Line 0 xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x8004060c
i am on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 2000 00:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
i logged on with the user that SQL serverice and AGENT is running under , when i double click on the mail icon , i can't see any profile, but on the Support servicer -> Sql Mail -> i can see a profile , which i can test successfully!! , i created a new profile , sql server can't see it in the Server Setting -> sql mail
1)do i need to restart sql to see the new profile? 2)where is the old profile gone? 3)how come the old profile is not visible , but sql server can test it successfully? 4) how to get sql mail working again?
Please help?
Thanks very much
Thanks |
5072 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-14 : 12:29:04
tried explicitly starting mail session (xp_startmail)? you're living in a dangerous world on SQL 2000 RTM...
EDIT: To clarify, you should apply Service Pack 4 |
Starting Member
18 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-14 : 18:53:08
Hi both 2 commands are executing successfully but still the problem exist
exec master.dbo.xp_stopmail exec master.dbo.xp_startmail
i will go to 2008 soon , but for now i need to fix this production problem
Thanks |
Slow But Sure Yak Herding Master
3608 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-15 : 04:17:39
You will need to reinstall the outlook client. This was an issue with SQL 2000 and I have seen it before. For some reason the outlook client gets its knickers in a twist and creating any mail profile doesn't seem to make any difference. A restart sometimes fixes it, but not always.
BTW, which version of Outlook are you using? If it is anything above 2002, you will have issues. |
Starting Member
18 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-16 : 21:00:19
Thanks buddy restart the machine did not fix it i am using outlook 2003 will install 2002 and let you know thanks
Thanks |