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Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 2010-09-24 : 14:22:02
OK, So I've analyzed our databases here and our recovery needs. The databases are relatively small and most of the data orders are recoverable. I am going to take a fill backup each night and transaction logs a couple of times a day. 1. Is it better to use the BackiupMaintenancePlan or just a job with some t-sql? 2. I see in BackiupMaintenancePlan, I can say ALL databases. Can I do that in t-sql too? or do I need one backup command per database?3. Is there a difference between backing up the regular transaction log and the tail of the current one? If I sql BACKUP LOG doesn't that take the current transaction log with should still be active since the last BACKUP LOG was executed? In which case, why would I ever specify NO_TRUNCATE?thanksjon |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2010-09-24 : 14:31:16
1. Either way is fine, provided that they are monitored and tested. I never use maintenance plans. I wrote my own tools. A backup is only good if it can be restored. Make sure you perform test restores to prove that you can recover.2. Yes you can. You can use my script for that and all of your database backup needs: do need one command per database. The maintenance plan will issue one command per database even if ALL is selected.3. You should never specify NO_TRUNCATE! Also backup your tlog more often than a couple of times per day. Increase your recovery points. We backup our tlogs every 15 minutes. Why bother risking data loss when there is no problem with backing up the tlog frequently? 15 minutes of data loss is much better than 24 hours of data loss.The tail of the backup is when you've encountered a problem and need to restore. Sometimes you can backup the tail and not lose any data. Sometimes you can't, so you restore as much as you can.Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server to my blog |
Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-06 : 12:47:36
Thanks - this script looks great. However, I see that it references 2 stored procedures: master.dbo.xp_backup_log and master.dbo.sqlbackupWHere do these come from? Is this supposed to be recursive? The name of this procedure is called: isp_Backupthanks,jon |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
4507 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-06 : 12:56:19
No_truncate on a log backup is for when the mdf file is missing or damaged.--Gail ShawSQL Server MVP |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-06 : 13:21:47
quote: Originally posted by jonjsilver2 Thanks - this script looks great. However, I see that it references 2 stored procedures: master.dbo.xp_backup_log and master.dbo.sqlbackupWHere do these come from? Is this supposed to be recursive? The name of this procedure is called: isp_Backupthanks,jon
One is for Quest's Litespeed product, and the other is for Red Gate's SQL Backup product. Ignore the warnings that you'll get when add the stored procedure to your system. SQL is throwing the warnings, but my code will specifically handle the situation when one or more options are not available.They are not required. My code supports 4 different kinds of backups: native backup, native backup with compression, Litespeed backup, SQL Backup backup.Yes it is recursive.Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server to my blog |
Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-20 : 12:08:20
Really interesting problem using this stored procedure -If I call this from sql server, it works great.But if I execute the stored procedure from a vbscript, It backs up only the system databases. It hangs on the user DB.really strange to me. I added some logging to the stored procedure. Any ideas? This is repeatable. LogFile --- ------------- called from vb script ---------2010-10-20 10:27:48 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<master>2010-10-20 10:27:49 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\master\master_20101020102749.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 10:27:52 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<model>2010-10-20 10:27:52 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [model] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\model\model_20101020102752.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 10:27:55 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<msdb>2010-10-20 10:27:55 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [msdb] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\msdb\msdb_20101020102755.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 10:28:01 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<OrderExpress>2010-10-20 10:28:01 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [OrderExpress] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\OrderExpress\OrderExpress_20101020102801.BAK' WITH INIT>------ seems to hang right here --------------- called from sql server -----------2010-10-20 11:29:34 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<master>2010-10-20 11:29:35 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\master\master_20101020112935.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 11:29:38 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<model>2010-10-20 11:29:38 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [model] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\model\model_20101020112938.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 11:29:39 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<msdb>2010-10-20 11:29:39 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [msdb] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\msdb\msdb_20101020112939.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 11:29:48 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<OrderExpress>2010-10-20 11:29:48 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [OrderExpress] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\OrderExpress\OrderExpress_20101020112948.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 11:30:28 S0 isp_Backup: Processing DB<OrderExpressHistory>2010-10-20 11:30:28 S0 isp_Backup: Calling SQL<BACKUP DATABASE [OrderExpressHistory] TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\DB\OrderExpressHistory\OrderExpressHistory_20101020113028.BAK' WITH INIT>2010-10-20 11:31:25 S0 isp_Backup: Ending RC<0> |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-20 : 12:46:42
I put it in vbscript, because I wanted to combine this with anFTP of the backup files off of the box. Code just calls the store procedure via exec. Same call, I copied and pasted it. Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnn.Open OEConnectionString If cnn.State = adStateOpen Then ASNLog "Connected to Database " & DATADBASE Else ASNLog "Connection to <" & OEConnectionString & "> Failed" End If sSQL = "exec [master].[dbo].[isp_Backup] " _ & " @path = 'C:\Backup\DB\', @dbType = 'All', @bkpType = 'Full', " _ & " @retention = 5, @bkpSwType = 'NV', @archiveBit = 0, @copyOnly = 0" ASNLog "Processing SQL <" & sSQL & ">" cnn.Execute sSQL ASNLog "Back from SQL cnn.Errors.Count <" & cnn.Errors.Count & ">" |
5072 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-20 : 14:39:24
permissions problem?anyway, i'd still use a sql agent job.- step 1, Tara's backup script (step type T-SQL Command)- step 2, FTP script (step type Operating system command) |
Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-20 : 14:51:14
Don't think its a permission problem, but good point - a Two stepjob would be better.thanks :) |
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
4507 Posts |
Posted - 2010-11-18 : 05:05:49
Please post new questions in a new thread.--Gail ShawSQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2010-12-26 : 04:36:41
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