Respected Coders,I have the following after insert trigger in attendence_date table:CREATE TRIGGER Students_dateON dbo.attendence_dateAFTER INSERTASSET NOCOUNT ONINSERT INTO mark_absent (attendence_ID, student_ID, mark_absent) SELECT ad.attendence_ID, sc.student_ID, '0'FROM dbo.attendence_date ad INNER JOIN dbo.section_course sc ON ad.course_code = sc.course_code AND = AND ad.section_name = sc.section_name AND ad.routine_batch = sc.batchcode
Whenever I am firing the following TRIGGER, new data as well as the old data is again being inserted in the attendence_date table.Can you tell me, how to avoid inserting duplicate data in the attendence_date by firing the following TRIGGER!Please am in great need..PLEASE HELP!!Daipayan