Yak Posting Veteran
55 Posts |
Posted - 2009-08-05 : 09:34:46
can u help me to code below to procedures which i can implement properly and through that i can send mail after hit the apply button in the erp module.in the leave section...i highlighted that in below... CREATE PROC ps02_l03 @Leave_tmp LEAVCD, @RecOption Char(1), /*--'C', 'E', 'P', 'N', 'O', 'A', 'S', 'T', 'M'--*/ @c03_organisation_code GLCOMPANY = NULL, @c29_location_code GLLOCN = NULL AS BEGIN DECLARE @pamt INT DECLARE @prate INT DECLARE @pqty INT DECLARE @pexch_rate INT DECLARE @phigh INT DECLARE @pmed INT DECLARE @plow INT DECLARE @LV_UNITS cmn_plow DECLARE @Modified_Date_Tmp DATETIME DECLARE @Organisation_Code GLCOMPANY DECLARE @Location_Code GLLOCN IF @c03_organisation_code is NULL BEGIN EXEC GETORG @Organisation_Code OUT EXEC GetLoc @Location_Code OUT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @Organisation_Code = @c03_organisation_code SELECT @location_code = @c29_location_code END /*---Retrieve precision details for each of the NUMERIC fields---*/ exec common..cmn_precision_details_rtr 'B', @Organisation_Code, @pamt OUT, @prate OUT, @pqty OUT, @pexch_rate OUT, @phigh OUT, @pmed OUT, @plow OUT SELECT @LV_UNITS = P01_BU_Conv_Fact From P01_Period_Units Where C03_Organisation_Code = @Organisation_Code AND P01_Period_Unit_Code = ( SELECT L03_Leave_Unit FROM L03_LeaveCode WHERE C03_Organisation_Code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_Code = @Leave_tmp ) IF @LV_UNITS IS NULL SELECT @LV_UNITS = 1.0 /*--Commented out check for LOP to prevent view/modification of LOP leave type. Renu Joy on 30-May-1998 MAT BUG HRM3.1S_003121--*/ IF @RecOption = 'C' /*--Get leave codes and descriptions--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_code, L03_leave_desc FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code /* code commented and Added by Sanjay kumar patro on 27th Aug 2001 for SQL 80 porting - Failure id 28417 Begins*/ /* AND L03_Leave_code like LTRIM(RTRIM(@Leave_Tmp)) + '%' */ AND L03_Leave_code like CASE WHEN LTRIM(RTRIM(@Leave_Tmp))IS NULL THEN '%' ELSE LTRIM(RTRIM(@Leave_Tmp)) + '%' END /* code commented and Added by Sanjay kumar patro on 27th Aug 2001 for SQL 80 porting - Failure id 28417 ends*/ -- AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END IF @RecOption = 'P' /*-Get Posting details--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_posting_rule, ROUND((L03_minimum_unit / @LV_UNITS),@plow), ROUND((L03_maximum_unit / @LV_UNITS),@plow), L03_affects_service_growth, L03_encash_leave, L03_holiday_inclusive, L03_medical_certification, L03_without_entitlement FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END IF @RecOption = 'E' /*-Get Entitlement details--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_entitlement_rule, ROUND((L03_entitled_unit / @LV_UNITS),@plow), L03_without_entitlement FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END IF @RecOption = 'N' /*-Get Encashment details--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_Encashment_Rule, ROUND((L03_Encashment_Unit /@LV_UNITS),@plow) FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp AND L03_encash_leave = 'Y' AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END IF @RecOption = 'O' /*-Get Carry Over details--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_code, L03_leave_desc, L03_leave_unit, L03_carryover_rule, ROUND((L03_carryover_days / @LV_UNITS),@plow), L03_affects_service_growth, L03_encash_leave, L03_holiday_inclusive, L03_medical_certification, L03_without_entitlement FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp END IF @RecOption = 'A' /*-Filling Combo Box in Entitlement--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_desc, L03_leave_code FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Without_Entitlement = 'N' AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END /* IF @RecOption = 'F' /*-Filling Combo Box in Entitlement--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_desc, L03_leave_code FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Without_Entitlement = 'N' AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END */ IF @RecOption = 'S' /*-Filling Combo Box in Encashment--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_desc, L03_leave_code FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Encash_Leave = 'Y' AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END IF @RecOption = 'T' /*-Filling Combo Box in Posting--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_desc , L03_leave_code FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code END IF @RecOption = 'I' /*-Filling Combo Box in Posting--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_desc FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code END IF @RecOption = 'M' BEGIN SELECT L03_medical_certification FROM L03_LeaveCode WHERE C03_Organisation_Code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_Code = @Leave_tmp END IF @RecOption = 'H' /*-Whether Holiday Incl. or not--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_holiday_inclusive FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp END /*Code Added by Bala on 07 Oct 1999 for failure id: 18243Begins*/ IF @RecOption = 'D' /*-Whether Holiday Incl. or not, NO.of hours/day--*/ BEGIN DECLARE @P01_BU_Conv_Fact cmn_plow SELECT @P01_BU_Conv_Fact = P01_BU_Conv_Fact FROM P01_period_units p01 WHERE P01.C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND P01_period_unit_code = 'DAY' SELECT L03_holiday_inclusive, P01_BU_Conv_Fact= @P01_BU_Conv_Fact FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp END /*Code Added by Bala on 07 Oct 1999 for failure id: 18243Ends*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF @RecOption = 'Z' /*-Get Posting details--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_posting_rule, Minimum_units = ROUND((L03_minimum_unit / @LV_UNITS),@plow), Maximum_units = ROUND((L03_maximum_unit / @LV_UNITS),@plow) FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp AND L03_Leave_code <> 'LOP' END \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ IF @RecOption = 'O' /*-Get Carry Over details--*/ BEGIN SELECT L03_leave_unit FROM L03_Leavecode WHERE C03_Organisation_code = @Organisation_Code AND L03_Leave_code = @Leave_Tmp END END /*---End of procedure ps02_l03-----*/below the mail procedure is their how attached with above proc. the highlighted lines are the leave postings paragraph.-- Enable Database Mail for this instanceEXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced', 1;RECONFIGURE;EXECUTE sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs',1;RECONFIGURE;GO -- Create a Database Mail accountEXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp @account_name = 'Primary Account', @description = 'Account used by all mail profiles.', @email_address = 'myaddress@mydomain.com', @replyto_address = 'myaddress@mydomain.com', @display_name = 'Database Mail', @mailserver_name = 'mail.mydomain.com'; -- Create a Database Mail profileEXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp @profile_name = 'Default Public Profile', @description = 'Default public profile for all users'; -- Add the account to the profileEXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp @profile_name = 'Default Public Profile', @account_name = ' Primary Account', @sequence_number = 1; -- Grant access to the profile to all msdb database usersEXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile_sp @profile_name = 'Default Public Profile', @principal_name = 'public', @is_default = 1;GO --send a test emailEXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @subject = 'Test Database Mail Message', @recipients = 'testaddress@mydomain.com', @query = 'SELECT @@SERVERNAME';GO |