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Yak Posting Veteran
55 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-16 : 23:28:47
hi to all...i would like to know how to customize the registration_no within some numbers...i m having one uds screen...there are two coding part...1st is........HEADER APPLY STORED PROCEDURE NAMECREATE PROCEDURE em_vend_det_hdr_ins11 ( @udsid char(10), @screenid varchar(10), @company_code glcompany, @location_code gllocn, @langid smallint, @mode tinyint, @key_value varchar(255), @vendor_no char(22), @register_no char(50) ) AS BEGIN if ( LEN (@register_no) < 15) begin select '88888','error' end else begin select '99999','good' end ENDand 2nd one from fetching the data is.....HEADER FETCH STORED PROCEDURE NAME...CREATE PROCEDURE em_vend_det_hdr_sel ( @udsid char(10), @screenid varchar(10), @company_code glcompany, @location_code gllocn, @langid smallint, @mode tinyint, @key varchar(255), @vendor_no char(16) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @excise_reg BIT, @user_id cmn_userid SELECT @user_id = user_id() EXEC @excise_reg = common..em_interface_activation_check @company_code , @location_code , @langid , @user_id , 'POM' , 'B' IF (@excise_reg = 0) /* IF EM Nor Registered Do Not Launch The Screen */ BEGIN SELECT '88888','EM Not Registered' RETURN END DECLARE @pos int, @len_temp int, @count_temp int SELECT @key = NULLIF(RTRIM(@key),'') SELECT @vendor_no = NULLIF(RTRIM(@vendor_no),'') SELECT @len_temp = DATALENGTH(@key) IF (@len_temp = 0) BEGIN SELECT @len_temp = 1 END SELECT @count_temp = 0 WHILE (@count_temp < 3) BEGIN SELECT @pos = CHARINDEX('~', ISNULL(@key,'')) SELECT @key = SUBSTRING(@key, (@pos + 1), (@len_temp - @pos)) SELECT @count_temp = @count_temp + 1 END IF EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM common..em_cust_ven_stax_detail WHERE company_code = @company_code AND locn_no = @location_code AND cust_ven_flag = 'V' AND cust_ven_no = @vendor_no) BEGIN SELECT '99999',1001,cust_ven_no,1002,register_no FROM common..em_cust_ven_stax_detail WHERE company_code = @company_code AND locn_no = @location_code AND cust_ven_flag = 'V' AND cust_ven_no = @vendor_no GROUP by cust_ven_no,register_no END ENDhow to customize the registration_no greater than 10 and less than 50and if both the condition will broke give error.........table value is ...em_cust_ven_stax_detailcust_ven_no SERVICE_HEAD REGISTER_NO---------- ------------ ------------V V V THE 2ND TABLE IS em_interface_activation_check---PARAMETER_NAME @company_code @location_code@lang_code@user_id@base_app_code@be_fe_flagPARAMETER_TYPE--------------GLCOMPANYGLLOCNcmn_langidcmn_useridcmn_app_codecmn_flagpls tell me how to solve me out.. |
Yak Posting Veteran
55 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-17 : 02:40:24
ALTER PROCEDURE em_vend_det_hdr_ins1 ( @udsid char(10), @screenid varchar(10), @company_code glcompany, @location_code gllocn, @langid smallint, @mode tinyint, @key_value varchar(255), @vendor_no char(22), @from_register_no char(50), @to_register_no char(50) ) AS BEGIN set nocount on --if ( LEN (@register_no) < 15) -- begin --select '88888','hello' --end -- else if (len (@from_register_no)< 15) -- or (@from_register_no)IS null begin select @from_register_no ='88888' --,'registration_no should be more than 15 or lessdigits' end else if (len(@to_register_no)> 50) --or @to_register_no IS null BEGIN select @to_register_no ='99999' --,'registration_no should be less than 50 digits' end --SELECT * FROM em_vend_det_hdr_ins1--RETURN END create table #ven_ser ( company_code glcompany, location_code gllocn, registration_no char(50) ) insert into (company_code,location_code,registration_no) select company_code,location_code,registration_no from common..em_cust_ven_stax_detail WHERE company_code = @company_code AND locn_no = @location_code AND cust_ven_flag = 'V' AND cust_ven_no = @vendor_no ORDER by register_no delete from #ven_ser where (registration_no < @from_register_no or registration_no > @to_register_no) set nocount off END -- Line 49: Incorrect syntax near '('.I WOULD LIKE TO CUSTOMIZE THE REGISTRATION NUMBER.....IN BETWEEN 15 TO 50 |