Hi, I created this query as part of a stored proc and the data all comes out on one line like so:tracking info attachment info reviewer info so each tracking info can have multiple attachments and reviewersI was wondering if there was a way to change it so the attachments are grouped and then the reviewers are grouped.so that way in my code I just just loop through the recordset and display it like this:tracking info-->all attachments--> -->all reviewersnext tracking record etc etcHere's the code:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetAllTLInfo] @tlid int = NULLASBEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; if (@tlid is null) begin select tl.*, c.ConID, c.ContractNum, n.*, u1.LName, u1.FName, u2.LName as "RevLN", u2.FName as "RevFN", p.ProgramName, j.ProjName, a.AID, a.attachment, rp.* from TrackingList tl left outer join Attachments a on tl.TL_ID = a.TL_ID left outer join Users u1 on tl.UserID = u1.UserID left outer join Users u2 on tl.ReviewerID = u2.UserID left outer join ReviewersByProject rp on rp.TL_ID = tl.TL_ID and rp.ReviewerID = u2.UserID inner join Numbers n on tl.NumID = n.NumID inner join Contracts c on c.ConID = n.ConID inner join Programs p on c.ProgramID = p.ProgramID left outer join Project j on j.ProjID = c.ProjID and rp.ProjID = j.ProjID; end else Begin select tl.*, c.ConID, c.ContractNum, n.*, u1.LName, u1.FName, u2.LName as "RevLN", u2.FName as "RevFN", p.ProgramName, j.ProjName, a.AID, a.attachment, rp.* from TrackingList tl left outer join Attachments a on tl.TL_ID = a.TL_ID left outer join Users u1 on tl.UserID = u1.UserID left outer join Users u2 on tl.ReviewerID = u2.UserID left outer join ReviewersByProject rp on rp.TL_ID = tl.TL_ID and rp.ReviewerID = u2.UserID inner join Numbers n on tl.NumID = n.NumID inner join Contracts c on c.ConID = n.ConID inner join Programs p on c.ProgramID = p.ProgramID left outer join Project j on j.ProjID = c.ProjID and rp.ProjID = j.ProjID where tl.TL_ID = @tlid; endEND
Best regards, Zim(Eternal Yak God Emperor from the Future)