I think I got it: I just moved the secondary SELECT clause to the FROM section, i.e.SELECT FIRSTNAME+' '+LASTNAME+' ('+NUM+')' As 'Operator', Serial_Number, COUNT(DISTINCT Date_Time) + 1 AS 'NumTests', Date_Time, System_ID, Test_ResultFROM ( SELECT OP_ID, System_ID, Test_Result, Serial_Number, Date_Time FROM Test_Results PD WHERE (System_ID LIKE '%Decay%')) TR LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInfo ON TR.OP_ID=NUMGROUP BY LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, NUM, System_ID, Date_Time, Serial_Number, Test_ResultORDER BY Date_Time DESC
If anyone looks at this can sees a flaw in my logic or a faster technique, please comment!Regards,Joe
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