Someone fat fingered our customer's part number, and this make 301 incorrect entries in our database.I can view the incorrect records with this query:SELECT Test_ResultFROM dbo.ACP_PartsWHERE (WorkOrder_Number='465174') AND (System_ID Like '%Label%')
I can view a corrected version of the records with this query:SELECT Test_Result, Replace(Test_Result, 'R6791J', 'R6951J') AS 'Test_Result2'FROM dbo.ACP_PartsWHERE (WorkOrder_Number='465174') AND (System_ID Like '%Label%')
Here's what I'm thinking about running to make the change to these records:UPDATE dbo.ACP_PartsSET Test_Result=Replace(Test_Result, 'R6791J', 'R6951J')WHERE (WorkOrder_Number='465174') AND (System_ID Like '%Label%')
Could someone please verify for me that this will make the changes that I want to the Test_Result string field?
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