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 Install SQL 2000 Database problem

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Posted - 2003-04-08 : 07:35:38
Geoff writes "SQL, MSI, installation, or security problem. My Server Admin and I are stuck.

I am trying to install a sample .net project that includes a SQL database. The install package is "ASP.NET Community (VBVS) Installer v0.5.msi" from "".

I can not install the database. My system administrator loaded my system with all the .net Visual Studio packages and MDSE 2000. SP3

When I tried the install it failed having a ‘function’ not defined which we were told is in SQL 2000. We did @@version and found that we had SQL 7... installed. At that point tried to use our SQL 2000 development server.

When going to SQL 2000 server my Admin created a user with “full capabilities security”.

The install package asks for SERVER and security Windows or SQL (userid and PW). The install process seems to be using my machine name rather than my windows user id.

Error received:
Database Error: User does not have permission to perform this action. Cannot change default database belonging to someone else.

Box Information:
if not exists (select * from master.dbo.syslogins where loginname =
exec sp_grantlogin N'@machineName@\ASPNET'
exec sp_defaultdb N'@machineName@\ASPNET',

Tried to use a database name that was set up on the SQL server with me as the owner and had same type of error.

Error received:
Database Error: Windows NT user or group 'EADL05453\ASPNET' not found. Check the
name again.
The login'EADL05453\ASPNET' does not exist."

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