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 Why DSO is getting measures from clon partition...

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2008-05-12 : 14:44:49

I am creating partition by cloinig old partition with DSO on Analysis 2K.
it is weird that measures is getting from clone partition.
So I am getting errors when I process the partition.
As you see red chars at below it is still using clon partition
I have also added my DSO code at below.



Processing Partition 'account_20080507' failed. No changes have been made to the database.

Partition 'account_20080507' Execute : SELECT "dbo"."account"."account_name", "dbo"."account_category"."account_category_key",
DatePart(year,"dbo"."calendar"."the_date"), DatePart(quarter,"dbo"."calendar"."the_date"), DatePart(month,"dbo"."calendar"."the_date"),
convert(CHAR,"dbo"."calendar"."the_date", 112), "dbo"."domain"."domain_type", "dbo"."account_20080424"."num_account",

FROM "account_20080507", "dbo"."account", "dbo"."account_category", "dbo"."calendar",
"dbo"."domain" WHERE ("account_20080507"."account_key"="dbo"."account"."account_key")
AND ("account_20080507"."account_category_key"="dbo"."account_category"."account_category_key")
AND ("account_20080507"."account_date_id"="dbo"."calendar"."date_id")
AND ("account_20080507"."domain_key"="dbo"."domain"."domain_key")

Data source provider error: The column prefix 'dbo.account_20080424' does not match with a table name or alias
name used in the query.;42000;The column prefix 'dbo.account_20080424' does not match with a table name or alias
name used in the query.;42000; Time:5/9/2008 4:21:10 PM

-----------MY CODE ------------------------------

' Visual Basic ActiveX Script
Call ClonePart

Sub ClonePart()

On Error Resume Next

Dim intDimCounter, intErrNumber
Dim strOlapDB, strCube, strDB, strAnalysisServer, strPartitionNew
Dim dsoServer, dsoDB, dsoCube, dsoPartition, dsoPartitionNew

' Initialize server, database, and cube name variables.
strAnalysisServer = "LocalHost"
strOlapDB = "accdb"
strCube = "account"

' VBScript does not support direct use of enumerated constants.
' However, constants can be defined to supplant enumerations.
Const stateFailed = 2
Const olapEditionUnlimited = 0

' Connect to the Analysis server.
Set dsoServer = CreateObject("DSO.Server")
dsoServer.Connect strAnalysisServer

' If connection failed, then end the script.
If dsoServer.State = stateFailed Then
MsgBox "Error-Not able to connect to '" & strAnalysisServer _
& "' Analysis server.", ,"ClonePart.vbs"
Exit Sub
End if

' Certain partition management features are available only
' in the Enterprise Edition and Developer Edition releases
' of Analysis Services.
If dsoServer.Edition <> olapEditionUnlimited Then
MsgBox "Error-This feature requires Enterprise or " & _
"Developer Edition of SQL Server to " & _
"manage partitions.", , "ClonePart.vbs"
Exit Sub
End If

' Ensure that a valid data source exists in the database.
Set dsoDB = dsoServer.mdStores(strOlapDB)
If dsoDB.Datasources.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Error-No data sources found in '" & _
strOlapDB & "' database.", , "ClonePart.vbs"
Exit Sub
End If

' Find the cube.
If (dsoDB.mdStores.Find(strCube)) = 0 then
MsgBox "Error-Cube '" & strCube & "' is missing.", , _
Exit Sub
End If

' Set the dsoCube variable to the desired cube.
Set dsoCube = dsoDB.MDStores(strCube)

' Find the partition
If dsoCube.mdStores.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Error-No partitions exist for cube '" & strCube & _
"'.", , "ClonePart.vbs"
Exit Sub
End If

' Set the dsoPartition variable to the desired partition.
Set dsoPartition = dsoCube.MDStores(dsoCube.MDStores.Count)

MsgBox "New partition will be based on existing partition: " _
& chr(13) & chr(10) & _
dsoDB.Name & "." & dsoCube.Name & "." & _
dsoPartition.Name, , "ClonePart.vbs"

' Get the quoting characters from the datasource, as
' different databases use different quoting characters.
Dim sLQuote, sRQuote
sLQuote = dsoPartition.DataSources(1).OpenQuoteChar
sRQuote = dsoPartition.DataSources(1).CloseQuoteChar

' Create the new partition based on the desired partition.

' Create a new, temporary partition.
strPartitionNew = "account_20080507" ' & dsoCube.MDStores.Count
Set dsoPartitionNew = dsoCube.MDStores.AddNew("~temp")

' Clone the properties from the desired partition to the
' new partition.
dsoPartition.Clone dsoPartitionNew

' Change the partition name from "~temp" to the
' name intended for the new partition.
dsoPartitionNew.Name = strPartitionNew
dsoPartitionNew.AggregationPrefix = strPartitionNew & "_"

' Set the fact table for the new partition.
dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable = _
sLQuote & "account_20080507" & sRQuote

' Set the FromClause and JoinClause properties of the new
' partition.
dsoPartitionNew.FromClause = Replace(dsoPartition.FromClause, _
dsoPartition.SourceTable, dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable)

dsoPartitionNew.JoinClause = Replace(dsoPartition.JoinClause, _
dsoPartition.SourceTable, dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable)

' Change the definition of the data slice used by the new
' partition, by changing the SliceValue properties of the
' affected levels and dimensions to the desired values.
' dsoPartitionNew.Dimensions("Time").Levels("Year").SliceValue = "1998"
' dsoPartitionNew.Dimensions("Time").Levels("Quarter").SliceValue = "Q4"
' dsoPartitionNew.Dimensions("Time").Levels("Month").SliceValue = "12"

' Estimate the rowcount.
'dsoPartitionNew.EstimatedRows = 18325
dsoPartitionNew.EstimatedRows = 9000000

' Add another filter. The SourceTableFilter provides an additional
' opportunity to add a WHERE clause to the SQL query that will
' populate this partition. We're using this filter to ensure our new
' partition contains zero rows. For the purposes of this sample code
' we don't want to change the data in the FoodMart cube. Comment out
' this line if you want to see data in the new partition.

'dsoPartitionNew.SourceTableFilter = dsoPartitionNew.SourceTable _
' & "." & sLQuote & "time_id" & sRQuote & "=100"

' Save the partition definition in the metadata repository

' Check the validity of the new partition structure.
IF NOT dsoPartitionNew.IsValid Then
MsgBox "Error-New partition structure is invalid."
Exit Sub
End If

MsgBox "New partition " & strPartitionNew & " has been created and " _
& "processed. To see the new partition in Analysis Manager, you " _
& "may need to refresh the list of partitions in the Sales cube " _
& "of FoodMart 2000. The new partition contains no data.", , _

' The next statement, which is commented out, would process the partition.
' In a real partition management system, this would likely be a separate
' process, perhaps managed via DTS.

' Clean up.
Set dsoPartition = Nothing
Set dsoPartitionNew = Nothing
Set dsoCube = Nothing
Set dsoDB = Nothing
Set dsoServer = Nothing

End Sub


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