Sending SQL notifications with CDOSYS

By Bill Graziano on 4 August 2004 | Tags: SQLMail

While SQL Server has a very mature set of tools, one thing that is lacking is the ability to send a simple email alert based on a pre-defined set of rules. At first glace, it appears that email notifications exist but what becomes a problem to many people is the requirement for a MAPI subsystem to be present on the server. This means that Outlook or an equivalent program has to be installed on the server. Not only that, to properly configure it, the administrator will need to log into the server as the user that the SQL Server service is running under. I have always found this inconvenient so I set out to create a stable, free, easy to configure means of accomplishing the same thing without installing anything special on the server. I've included steps below to complete this task successfully.

Link: Sending SQL notifications with CDOSYS

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