Thought I had it with this:Protected Sub gvKey_RowCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvKey.RowCreated If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then Dim lbl As Label = CType(e.Row.FindControl("lblColor"), Label) lbl.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(CType(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "HTMLColor"), String)) lbl.ForeColor = lbl.BackColor lbl.BorderColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#24618e") lbl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid lbl.BorderWidth = 1 End If End Sub
However, any post backs and I lose all the formatting :(...Least I got it on the code view though so to figure out why the formatting is lost.:(ThanksProgrammers HowTo's -- [url][/url]