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 Of what use is the SQLT Source Code for PASS?

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628 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 14:35:43
I am trying to register for SQL PASS conference in September, and I see above that I will supposedly get some sort of discount for using source code SQLT.

I put it in as a basic member and it didn't do anything....what's it supposed to do for me?

Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 14:44:08
you don't know it yet but there will be virgins in your room.

but you didn't hear it from me so hush!

Causing trouble since 1980
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628 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 14:48:34
I hope they're female virgins. Cuz if they're male virgins, all we're gonna do is sit down and play D&D. If they're female, then we can play D&D naked.
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22859 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 14:53:16
"If they're female, then we can play D&D naked"

Now that's class!
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SQL Slinging Yak Ranger

1537 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 14:57:36
Silly Boy......

If you have naked Female virgins, you play twister not D & D.

Users <> Logic
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628 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 14:59:37
Well, I don't know the rules for "Strip D&D"

Seriously, though, does the code do anything, or does it just help identify me to other SQLTeam members at the conference?
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:03:38
you'll have to wait for graz to answer you that one.

in the mean time let's make up rules for naked D&D. since i know exactly 0 about D&D you can start

Causing trouble since 1980
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628 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:05:41
Well I think the most important rule about naked D&D is that everyone has to be naked.
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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:06:03
This discussion is a bit inappropriate even for the Yak Corral. You have to keep in mind that there are females who visit this board too.

Tara Kizer
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628 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:11:53
What, you don't like D&D?

Seriously, though, apologies to anyone I have offended. All I really wanna know is what is the SQLT code for.
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Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer

4149 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:17:53
And returning this thread to something more appropriate...

The discounts are based on when you register. The sooner you register the better price you get. The source code just tells PASS where the registration came from.

And when you register I would choose the premium member option. We charge you $150 and give you a $200 discount. Odd I know, but it's been that way for a while.

Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.
One crisis at a time.
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:22:27
Originally posted by tkizer

This discussion is a bit inappropriate even for the Yak Corral. You have to keep in mind that there are females who visit this board too.

Tara Kizer

we've covered everything from religion to politics here and naked D&D is inappropriate??? if you say so...

Causing trouble since 1980
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:23:36
Originally posted by graz

And returning this thread to something more appropriate...

The discounts are based on when you register. The sooner you register the better price you get. The source code just tells PASS where the registration came from.

And when you register I would choose the premium member option. We charge you $150 and give you a $200 discount. Odd I know, but it's been that way for a while.

Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.
One crisis at a time.

so every atendee acctually get $50?? count me in!!

Causing trouble since 1980
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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:26:56
Originally posted by spirit1

Originally posted by tkizer

This discussion is a bit inappropriate even for the Yak Corral. You have to keep in mind that there are females who visit this board too.

Tara Kizer

we've covered everything from religion to politics here and naked D&D is inappropriate??? if you say so...

Causing trouble since 1980

Anything offensive is inappropriate for a professional site. We need to moderate these types of things.

Tara Kizer
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Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer

4149 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:30:29
Technically the registration amount is reduced by $50.

Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.
One crisis at a time.
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628 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-24 : 15:32:38
Originally posted by graz

And returning this thread to something more appropriate...

The discounts are based on when you register. The sooner you register the better price you get. The source code just tells PASS where the registration came from.

And when you register I would choose the premium member option. We charge you $150 and give you a $200 discount. Odd I know, but it's been that way for a while.

Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.
One crisis at a time.

Thanks graz. I saw the premium membership thing, but the company budgeted money for "conferences" and not "Memberships" and you know how companies can be. I'm tryin gto get them to do it, but it means paperwork for my boss....heh.
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