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Posted - 2007-05-09 : 20:09:34
Hi All, Am new to the forum, please forgive me for stupid questions.SQL2000, running on WIN2000 Server, 5GB Database.Build 8.00.2187; Service Pack 4, build 2195I have been receiving (Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0) errors for the last few months. I believe (from google searches) that it is either: an internal bug in SQL2000, OR a possible hardware problem. I have seen that SP4 should have corrected this problem so I am assuming it's not an internal bug. I think it may be a hardware problem, I ran 'Windows Memory Diagnostics' on the server, which reported nothing but failed memory, however I don't know how the test works, and if it is 100% reliable. Can anybody guide me on a direction to go. My boss is too cheap to get Microsoft involved....Here is my most recent Dump:SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 91 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process..* ********************************************************************************* BEGIN STACK DUMP:* 05/10/07 11:54:22 spid 91** Exception Address = 0041FA23* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION* Access Violation occurred reading address 0D29746E* Input Buffer 432 bytes -* UPDATE MaxValues SET EmailAddressID=279425,SMTPSessionID=333563,HTTPSess* ionID=7335,DomainID=350,RuleID=6,RBLProviderID=11,PolicyID=18,VirusID=9,* URLID=3558,TitleID=0,NTUserID=22,RcptInSessionID=347134,SourceID=242417;* ** MODULE BASE END SIZE* sqlservr 00400000 00CBEFFF 008bf000* ntdll 77F80000 77FFBFFF 0007c000* ADVAPI32 7C2D0000 7C334FFF 00065000* KERNEL32 7C570000 7C623FFF 000b4000* RPCRT4 77D30000 77D9EFFF 0006f000* MSVCP71 7C3A0000 7C41AFFF 0007b000* MSVCR71 7C340000 7C395FFF 00056000* opends60 41060000 41065FFF 00006000* SHELL32 7CF30000 7D175FFF 00246000* GDI32 77F40000 77F7BFFF 0003c000* USER32 77E10000 77E6EFFF 0005f000* SHLWAPI 70A70000 70AD5FFF 00066000* msvcrt 78000000 78044FFF 00045000* COMCTL32 71710000 71793FFF 00084000* sqlsort 42AE0000 42B6FFFF 00090000* ums 41070000 4107CFFF 0000d000* sqlevn70 41080000 4108AFFF 0000b000* NETAPI32 7CDC0000 7CE0FFFF 00050000* Secur32 3BF50000 3BF5EFFF 0000f000* NTDSAPI 77BF0000 77C00FFF 00011000* DNSAPI 77980000 779A3FFF 00024000* WSOCK32 75050000 75057FFF 00008000* WS2_32 75030000 75043FFF 00014000* WS2HELP 75020000 75027FFF 00008000* WLDAP32 77950000 7797AFFF 0002b000* NETRAP 751C0000 751C5FFF 00006000* SAMLIB 75150000 7515FFFF 00010000* AUTHZ 3BFB0000 3BFBFFFF 00010000* ole32 7CE20000 7CF0EFFF 000ef000* XOLEHLP 3C250000 3C257FFF 00008000* MSDTCPRX 3C260000 3C31AFFF 000bb000* MTXCLU 3C320000 3C32FFFF 00010000* VERSION 77820000 77826FFF 00007000* LZ32 759B0000 759B5FFF 00006000* CLUSAPI 73930000 7393FFFF 00010000* RESUTILS 3C330000 3C33CFFF 0000d000* USERENV 7C0F0000 7C153FFF 00064000* rnr20 782C0000 782CBFFF 0000c000* iphlpapi 77340000 77352FFF 00013000* ICMP 77520000 77524FFF 00005000* MPRAPI 77320000 77336FFF 00017000* OLEAUT32 779B0000 77A4AFFF 0009b000* ACTIVEDS 773B0000 773DEFFF 0002f000* ADSLDPC 77380000 773A2FFF 00023000* RTUTILS 77830000 7783DFFF 0000e000* SETUPAPI 77880000 7790DFFF 0008e000* RASAPI32 774E0000 77513FFF 00034000* rasman 774C0000 774D0FFF 00011000* TAPI32 77530000 77551FFF 00022000* DHCPCSVC 77360000 77378FFF 00019000* winrnr 777E0000 777E7FFF 00008000* rasadhlp 777F0000 777F4FFF 00005000* SSNETLIB 3CDF0000 3CE05FFF 00016000* NTMARTA 3CE50000 3CE6CFFF 0001d000* WINSPOOL 77800000 7781DFFF 0001e000* MPR 76620000 7662FFFF 00010000* security 75500000 75503FFF 00004000* msafd 74FD0000 74FEDFFF 0001e000* wshtcpip 75010000 75016FFF 00007000* SSmsLPCn 3D660000 3D667FFF 00008000* SSnmPN70 410D0000 410D6FFF 00007000* mswsock 74FF0000 75001FFF 00012000* kerberos 78280000 782B4FFF 00035000* cryptdll 76670000 7667DFFF 0000e000* MSASN1 77430000 77440FFF 00011000* rsabase 7CA00000 7CA22FFF 00023000* CRYPT32 7C740000 7C7CBFFF 0008c000* SQLFTQRY 41020000 41045FFF 00026000* CLBCATQ 7C950000 7C9DEFFF 0008f000* sqloledb 3DF30000 3DFAEFFF 0007f000* MSDART 3DFB0000 3DFD3FFF 00024000* comdlg32 76B30000 76B6DFFF 0003e000* MSDATL3 3DFE0000 3DFF4FFF 00015000* oledb32 3E380000 3E3EFFFF 00070000* OLEDB32R 3E3F0000 3E400FFF 00011000* msv1_0 782D0000 782F1FFF 00022000* xpsqlbot 3E4A0000 3E4A5FFF 00006000* xpstar 410F0000 4113CFFF 0004d000* SQLRESLD 42AC0000 42ACBFFF 0000c000* SQLSVC 3EEB0000 3EECAFFF 0001b000* ODBC32 3EED0000 3EF09FFF 0003a000* odbcbcp 3EF10000 3EF15FFF 00006000* W95SCM 41140000 4114CFFF 0000d000* SQLUNIRL 41090000 410BCFFF 0002d000* SHFOLDER 719B0000 719B7FFF 00008000* odbcint 3F060000 3F076FFF 00017000* NDDEAPI 769A0000 769A6FFF 00007000* SQLSVC 3F080000 3F085FFF 00006000* xpstar 3F090000 3F098FFF 00009000* adsldp 74D90000 74DB2FFF 00023000* adsmsext 74D70000 74D81FFF 00012000* xplog70 406F0000 406FEFFF 0000f000* xplog70 40700000 40704FFF 00005000* sqlmap70 428D0000 428FCFFF 0002d000* MAPI32 407C0000 407E0FFF 00021000* MSMAPI32 407F0000 408B7FFF 000c8000* GAPI32 408C0000 408D7FFF 00018000* EMSABP32 40BA0000 40BC3FFF 00024000* contab32 40C10000 40C2DFFF 0001e000* EMSMDB32 40C70000 40CFEFFF 0008f000* psapi 02630000 0263AFFF 0000b000* dbghelp 02800000 028FFFFF 00100000** Edi: 4B191510: 00B4A2B0 00000000 63754120 00000000 0000001B 00000000 * Esi: 0D29746E: * Eax: 0000000F: * Ebx: 0000000F: * Ecx: 4B1914C8: 4B1904C8 4B190550 4B1905D8 4B190660 4B1906E8 4B190770 * Edx: 00B4A0E0: 0041D18C 004E73C5 00552C0E 0071015D 00420A9C 00435722 * Eip: 0041FA23: CE8B168B 854C52FF AA850FC0 8B002279 FFCE8B06 C0855050 * Ebp: 3DB8E930: 3DB8E944 0041F642 4B191510 4B1912DC 00000000 3DB8E960 * SegCs: 0000001B: * EFlags: 00010287: 5C003000 6F005400 6C006F00 5C007300 49004200 4E004E00 * Esp: 3DB8E904: 4B3505A8 4B350FC0 4B191510 0055BA38 4B3505A8 4B191510 * SegSs: 00000023: * ******************************************************************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Short Stack Dump* 0041FA23 Module(sqlservr+0001FA23)* 0041F642 Module(sqlservr+0001F642)* 0041D26D Module(sqlservr+0001D26D)* 0041D378 Module(sqlservr+0001D378)* 0041D2F6 Module(sqlservr+0001D2F6)* 0041F77D Module(sqlservr+0001F77D)* 0055B290 Module(sqlservr+0015B290)* 0055A8FF Module(sqlservr+0015A8FF)* 0088082A Module(sqlservr+0048082A) (GetIMallocForMsxml+0008B44A)* 00880A3F Module(sqlservr+00480A3F) (GetIMallocForMsxml+0008B65F)* 00538642 Module(sqlservr+00138642)* 00538507 Module(sqlservr+00138507)* 0041E731 Module(sqlservr+0001E731)* 0041E4A5 Module(sqlservr+0001E4A5)* 0041CF52 Module(sqlservr+0001CF52)* 0041A837 Module(sqlservr+0001A837)* 004197AF Module(sqlservr+000197AF)* 004199F2 Module(sqlservr+000199F2)* 00419585 Module(sqlservr+00019585)* 00551B30 Module(sqlservr+00151B30)* 004197AF Module(sqlservr+000197AF)* 004199F2 Module(sqlservr+000199F2)* 00419585 Module(sqlservr+00019585)* 0054D5C8 Module(sqlservr+0014D5C8)* 0054D704 Module(sqlservr+0014D704)* 41071B73 Module(ums+00001B73) (ProcessWorkRequests+000002D9)* 410727A7 Module(ums+000027A7) (ThreadStartRoutine+00000098)* 7C34940F Module(MSVCR71+0000940F) (endthread+000000AA)* 7C57B396 Module(KERNEL32+0000B396) (lstrcmpiW+000000B7)* ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
Yak with Vast SQL Skills
899 Posts |
Posted - 2007-05-09 : 22:14:55
You need to get Product Support involved to analyze the dump - that's the only way this is going to happen. Ask your boss to work out the cost of your time working through this issue compared to $250-ish for a Product Support call - which will be refunded if its a bug. My guess is he'll suddenly realize how foolish he's being.Paul RandalPrincipal Lead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Core Storage Engine(Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.) |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2007-05-13 : 17:05:24
Thanks Paul, Over the weekend I replaced the RAM in the server. Of the 1x256MB, 2x512MB, RAM sets in the Server, one of the 512MB was failing miserably. I replaced this with 1GB, and have my fingers crossed. I have run the situation once again past the boss, explaining the situation, and if SQL reports any errors, I will be on the phone with MSFT asap.Cheers,Chris |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2007-05-21 : 22:42:59
UPDATE:Over the weekend (May10th) I replaced some of the RAM in the server. Of the 1 x 256MB, 2 x 512MB, RAM sets in the Server, one of the 512MB was failing miserably (windows memeroy diagnostics & memtest86 both reported faults.)I replaced the bad 512MB with 1GB.It has been about 12 days, and I have seen only 1 new error in the log (which has stopped occuring recently)SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of IO requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [D:\SQL\Data\<<mydatabase>>.mdf] in database [<<mydatabase>>] (7). The OS file handle is 0x000003E4. The offset of the latest long IO is: 0x00000001700000As this issue was so hard to diagnose, I am not sure if this fix worked. I suppose only time will tell..... I have been running difficult checkdb statements that would have normally caused the errors, and they are running smoothly.I can only assume as soon as I finish this reply I will begin receiving errors once again, BUT MY FINGERS ARE STILL CROSSED.Cheers,Chris |