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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-19 : 04:45:31
Hi all,Trying to post a response (admittedly a LONG one) on Brett's Weblog, and I tried twice on Friday - both times it looks like my IE 7 tabs died/hung (left on for the weekend for the 2nd one).the attempted comments was (url of the weblog comment section prvodied):-------------------------------------------------------------------- that I should find your blog today, on a day that I did something quite similar. I needed to write a conversion routine for converting ISBN13 to ISBN10 values. I wrote it as a function so that we could simply re-use if the need came up again. I am not convinced that the function I wrote are necessarily the most efficient (please feel free to comment/improve) but they were being done quite quickly.Having said the above, I did take the time (it was only 10 minutes anyway), to write the functions in 3 different methods - 1 using multiple sets, another using selects, and still another using selects, and using convert rather than cast. The upshot - on a 100000 iteration test of all 3 functions, the following results:CodeTested OverallDurationMS AverageDurationMS------------------------- ----------------- -----------------ISBN13to10Conversion_1 106203 1.06203ISBN13to10Conversion_2 106670 1.06670ISBN13to10Conversion_3 115953 1.15953For those interested: the code (written for SQL 2000):IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_1', N'FN') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_1;GOCreate Function dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_1 (@ISBN0 Char(13)) Returns Char(10)asbegin Declare @NewISBN varChar(10),@i int,@n int,@v INT,@P INT Set @NewISBN = SubString(@ISBN0, 4, 9) Set @n = 0 Set @i = 1 SET @p = 10-- Loop WHILE @i <= 9 BEGIN Set @v = cast((SubString(@NewISBN, @i, 1)) as int) SET @N = @N+(@p*@v) Set @i = @i + 1 SET @P = @P - 1 End Set @n = @n%11 SET @n = 11-@n SET @n = @n%11 IF @N = 10 SET @NewISBN=@NewISBN + 'X' ELSE set @NewISBN=@NewISBN + cast(@n as char(1)) Return (@NewISBN)endGOIF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion', N'FN') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion;GOCreate Function dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion (@ISBN0 Char(13)) Returns Char(10)asbegin Declare @NewISBN varChar(10),@i int,@n int,@v INT,@P INT SELECT @NewISBN = SubString(@ISBN0, 4, 9) ,@n = 0 , @i = 1,@p = 10 WHILE @i <= 9 BEGIN SELECT @v = cast((SubString(@NewISBN, @i, 1)) as int),@N = @N+(@p*@v),@i = @i + 1 ,@P = @P - 1 End SET @n = (11-(@n%11))%11 IF @N = 10 SET @NewISBN=@NewISBN + 'X' ELSE set @NewISBN=@NewISBN + cast(@n as char(1)) Return (@NewISBN)endGOIF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_3', N'FN') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_3;GOCreate Function dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_3 (@ISBN0 Char(13)) Returns Char(10)asbegin Declare @NewISBN varChar(10),@i int,@n int,@v INT,@P INT SELECT @NewISBN = SubString(@ISBN0, 4, 9) ,@n = 0 , @i = 1,@p = 10 WHILE @i <= 9 BEGIN SELECT @v = convert(INT,(SubString(@NewISBN, @i, 1)) ),@N = @N+(@p*@v),@i = @i + 1 ,@P = @P - 1 End SET @n = (11-(@n%11))%11 IF @N = 10 SET @NewISBN=@NewISBN + 'X' ELSE set @NewISBN=@NewISBN + convert(CHAR(1),@n) Return (@NewISBN)endGOthe test harnass (let me know what you think of the harnass as I would like to enhance/improve it where possible):--################################################## COMMENTS ########################################################################################--Created By: Regan Galbraith--Created On: 2006-06-16--Version: 0.1 - initial creation--SQL Version: 2005 SP1. --Overview:-- This script is a generic load test harnass. It uses looping to test some SQL code iteratively, with DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and FREEPROCCACHE to -- ensure fair comparison.--ToDo:-- <ToDo>--###########SELECT####################################### DECLARE & SET VARIABLES #########################################################################--###################################################### describe script #############################################################################DECLARE @RunDate DATETIMESET @RunDate = CURRENT_TIMESTAMPPRINT '>>> This script LOAD TESTS the following Stored Procedures: <<<'PRINT ' >>> Name of Code testing Versions versions <<<'PRINT '>>> This execution on server: ['+@@SERVERNAME+'] started at: ['+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@RunDate,113)+'] <<<'PRINT ''--SET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @LoopsToDo INT, @LoopCounter INT, @StartDatetime DATETIME, @EndDatetime DATETIME, @CodeTested VARCHAR(100), @ReturnCode INT, @DebugLevel TINYINTDECLARE @DurationResult TABLE ( UID INT IDENTITY(1,1), CodeTested VARCHAR(100), OverallDurationMS INT , AverageDurationMS DECIMAL(15,5))IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tempdb.sys.tables WHERE [Name] = '##TestData') DROP TABLE ##TestDataCREATE TABLE ##TestData ( RuleText NVARCHAR(MAX))DECLARE @RuleSetText NVARCHAR(MAX), @SQLImportCMD VARCHAR(2048), @RuleFilePath VARCHAR(255), @RuleSetToken NCHAR(13), @CalculateToken DATETIME--################################################## Set Global Variables ############################################################################SET @LoopsToDo = 100000SET @LoopCounter = 0-- 0 = display no variables, 1 = display table changes, 2 = display table changes + variablesSET @DebugLevel = 0 SET @CalculateToken = DATEADD(DAY,2,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)IF (@DebugLevel > 1) SELECT @CalculateToken-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN TEST CODE BLOCK<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--Declare, Set and infrom begin of CODE BLOCK-- Name the section of Code you are testing. This is Specifically useful when doing comparitive testing of several version of codeSET @CodeTested = 'ISBN13to10Conversion_1'PRINT '--- TESTING CODE BLOCK : ['+@CodeTested+']'--Set Local variables-- This will be necessary for a specific block, and may be necessary for several blocks of code.-- The principle when testing several pieces of code is that we want to use the same variables, and that creation of variables, values etc. should,-- as far as possible, be done outside the measuring zone.IF (@DebugLevel > 1) --################################################## Execute Code Start ##############################################################################--################################################## Clear Caches ####################################################################################DBCC FREEPROCCACHE WITH NO_INFOMSGSDBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS WITH NO_INFOMSGS--prepare for loopSET @LoopCounter = 0------------------------------------------------------------Measuring Zone STARTSET @StartDatetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --Work StartingWHILE @LoopCounter < @LoopsToDo BEGIN SET @LoopCounter = @LoopCounter + 1 SELECT 9780196392554,dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_1 ('9780196392554') print @CodeTested ENDSET @EndDatetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --Work Done------------------------------------------------------------Measuring Zone END-- log DurationINSERT INTO @DurationResult (CodeTested, OverallDurationMS, AverageDurationMS )SELECT @CodeTested, DATEDIFF(ms,@StartDatetime,@EndDatetime), CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,5),((CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,5),DATEDIFF(ms,@StartDatetime,@EndDatetime)))/@LoopCounter))--################################################## Execute Code Finish #############################################################################--report of data changed-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TEST CODE BLOCK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN TEST CODE BLOCK<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--Declare, Set and infrom begin of CODE BLOCK-- Name the section of Code you are testing. This is Specifically useful when doing comparitive testing of several version of codeSET @CodeTested = 'ISBN13to10Conversion_2'PRINT '--- TESTING CODE BLOCK : ['+@CodeTested+']'--Set Local variables-- This will be necessary for a specific block, and may be necessary for several blocks of code.-- The principle when testing several pieces of code is that we want to use the same variables, and that creation of variables, values etc. should,-- as far as possible, be done outside the measuring zone.--################################################## Execute Code Start ##############################################################################--################################################## Clear Caches ####################################################################################DBCC FREEPROCCACHE WITH NO_INFOMSGSDBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS WITH NO_INFOMSGS--prepare for loopSET @LoopCounter = 0------------------------------------------------------------Measuring Zone STARTSET @StartDatetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --Work StartingWHILE @LoopCounter < @LoopsToDo BEGIN SET @LoopCounter = @LoopCounter + 1 SELECT dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_2 ('9780196392554') print @CodeTested ENDSET @EndDatetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --Work Done------------------------------------------------------------Measuring Zone END-- log DurationINSERT INTO @DurationResult (CodeTested, OverallDurationMS, AverageDurationMS )SELECT @CodeTested, DATEDIFF(ms,@StartDatetime,@EndDatetime), CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,5),((CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,5),DATEDIFF(ms,@StartDatetime,@EndDatetime)))/@LoopCounter))--################################################## Execute Code Finish #############################################################################--report of data changed-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TEST CODE BLOCK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN TEST CODE BLOCK<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--Declare, Set and infrom begin of CODE BLOCK-- Name the section of Code you are testing. This is Specifically useful when doing comparitive testing of several version of codeSET @CodeTested = 'ISBN13to10Conversion_3'PRINT '--- TESTING CODE BLOCK : ['+@CodeTested+']'--Set Local variables-- This will be necessary for a specific block, and may be necessary for several blocks of code.-- The principle when testing several pieces of code is that we want to use the same variables, and that creation of variables, values etc. should,-- as far as possible, be done outside the measuring zone.--################################################## Execute Code Start ##############################################################################--################################################## Clear Caches ####################################################################################DBCC FREEPROCCACHE WITH NO_INFOMSGSDBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS WITH NO_INFOMSGS--prepare for loopSET @LoopCounter = 0------------------------------------------------------------Measuring Zone STARTSET @StartDatetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --Work StartingWHILE @LoopCounter < @LoopsToDo BEGIN SET @LoopCounter = @LoopCounter + 1 SELECT dbo.ISBN13to10Conversion_3 ('9780196392554') print @CodeTested ENDSET @EndDatetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --Work Done------------------------------------------------------------Measuring Zone END-- log DurationINSERT INTO @DurationResult (CodeTested, OverallDurationMS, AverageDurationMS )SELECT @CodeTested, DATEDIFF(ms,@StartDatetime,@EndDatetime), CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,5),((CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,5),DATEDIFF(ms,@StartDatetime,@EndDatetime)))/@LoopCounter))--################################################## Execute Code Finish #############################################################################--report of data changed-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END TEST CODE BLOCK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--###################################################### end script ##################################################################################--Report on script results and durationSELECT CodeTested, OverallDurationMS, AverageDurationMS FROM @DurationResult ORDER BY AverageDurationMS ASCPRINT ''PRINT '>>> This execution on server: ['+@@SERVERNAME+'] completed at: ['+CONVERT(VARCHAR,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,113)+'] <<<'PRINT '>>> The execution duration was: ['+CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEDIFF(ms,CONVERT(VARCHAR,@RunDate,113),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))+'] Milliseconds <<<'--------------------------------------------------------------------*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-19 : 06:01:03
[code]CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnISBN13_to_ISBN10( @ISBN CHAR(13))RETURNS CHAR(10)ASBEGIN DECLARE @Value INT, @Index TINYINT SET @Index = 4 WHILE @Index <= 12 SELECT @Value = (14 - @Index) * SUBSTRING(@ISBN, @Index, 1), @Index = @Index + 1 SET @Value = 11 - @Value % 11 IF @Value = 10 SET @ISBN = SUBSTRING(@ISBN, 4, 9) + 'x' ELSE SET @ISBN = SUBSTRING(@ISBN, 4, 9) + CAST(@Value AS VARCHAR) RETURN @ISBNEND[/code]Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-19 : 06:11:06
Thanks for the response, Peso. I'll add that to the test base.any ideas on the weblog side?*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer
4149 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-19 : 06:34:48
Hmmm. No idea on the weblog. I'll do some testing with very large comments.===============================================Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.One crisis at a time. |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2007-03-21 : 21:39:21
Hi,Sorry for bringing up an old thread, but I was wondering if you had a reverse function for code posted? (ISBN10 to 13)Thanks-Joe |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2007-03-22 : 05:41:51
Joe, yes I do - I had a request about 1 week after the above was required. The reverse function is very similar:Create Function [dbo].[ISBN13to10Conversion] (@ISBN0 Char(13)) Returns Char(10)asbegin Declare @NewISBN varChar(10),@i int,@n int,@v INT,@P INT SELECT @NewISBN = SubString(@ISBN0, 4, 9) ,@n = 0 , @i = 1,@p = 10 WHILE @i <= 9 BEGIN SELECT @v = cast((SubString(@NewISBN, @i, 1)) as int),@N = @N+(@p*@v),@i = @i + 1 ,@P = @P - 1 End SET @n = (11-(@n%11))%11 IF @N = 10 SET @NewISBN=@NewISBN + 'X' ELSE set @NewISBN=@NewISBN + cast(@n as char(1)) Return (@NewISBN)end as always with things from the WEB, Test to ensure it works for you, and no warranties etc. etc.Hope it helps you*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2007-03-22 : 11:16:56
Thank you Wanderer, Unfortunately I was looking for 10to13, that one is 13to10. You wouldn't happen to have a 10 to 13 example would you? Strangely, there's a real lack of examples on the web for something like that in TSQL.(I'm really new at SQL functions too, so the math, string manipulation, and looping well...throws me for a loop)Thank you for your help.-Joe |