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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-08 : 23:16:18
Stored procedure P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS returns a list of randomly generated passwords designed to meet typical password complexity requirements of a minimum of 8 characters, with at least one each of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. It can generate from 1 to 10,000 passwords as a result set.The passwords are meant to be somewhat mnemonic by generating syllables consisting of an uppercase consonant, followed by a lower case vowel, and a lowercase consonant. A single number or special character separates syllables, except in the case of 2 syllables. If there are only 2 syllables, they will be separated by a number and a special character.Input parameters @SYLLABLE_COUNT and @PASSWORD_COUNT determine the password length and the number of passwords.if objectproperty(object_id('dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS'),'IsProcedure') = 1 begin drop procedure dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS endgocreate procedure dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS ( @SYLLABLE_COUNT int = null , @PASSWORD_COUNT int = null , @PASSWORD_STRENGTH float = null output )as/*Procedure Name: P_GENERATE_PASSWORDSProcedure Description:P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS returns a list of randomly generated passwordsdesigned to meet typical password complexity requirements of a minimumof 8 characters, with at least one each of uppercase letters,lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.The passwords are meant to be somewhat mnemonic by generatingsyllables consisting of an uppercase consonant, followed by alower case vowel, and a lowercase consonant. Syllables are separatedby a single number or special character, except in the case of 2 syllables.If there are only 2 syllables, the syllables will be separated bya number and a special character.Passwords can be from 2 to 8 syllables in length.Input parameter @SYLLABLE_COUNT is the total syllables in each output password.The value of @SYLLABLE_COUNT must be between 2 and 8. If it is < 2 or null,it is set to 3. If it is > 8 it is set to 8.Input parameter @PASSWORD_COUNT is the total passwords to be returned.The value of @SYLLABLE_COUNT must be between 1 and 10,000.If it is < 1, it is set to 1. If it is null, it is set to 10.If it is > 10,000 it is set to 10,000.Output parameter @PASSWORD_STRENGTH returns the total possiblepasswords that are possible for the selected @SYLLABLE_COUNT.*/set nocount on-- Set password syllable countset @SYLLABLE_COUNT = case when @SYLLABLE_COUNT is null then 3 when @SYLLABLE_COUNT < 2 then 3 when @SYLLABLE_COUNT > 8 then 8 else @SYLLABLE_COUNT end-- Set password countset @PASSWORD_COUNT = case when @PASSWORD_COUNT is null then 10 when @PASSWORD_COUNT < 1 then 1 when @PASSWORD_COUNT > 10000 then 10000 else @PASSWORD_COUNT enddeclare @con varchar(200)declare @vowel varchar(200)declare @special varchar(200)declare @num varchar(200)declare @special_only varchar(200)declare @con_len intdeclare @vowel_len intdeclare @special_len intdeclare @num_len intdeclare @special_only_len intdeclare @strings int-- set character strings for password generationselect @con = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz', @vowel = 'aeiou', @num = '1234567890', @special_only = '~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]\:;<>?,./'set @special = @num+@special_only-- set string lengthsselect @con_len = len(@con), @vowel_len = len(@vowel), @special_len = len(@special), @num_len = len(@num), @special_only_len = len(@special_only) , @strings = case when @SYLLABLE_COUNT < 3 then 2 else @SYLLABLE_COUNT-1 end--select @con, @vowel, @special, @num, @special_only,--SELECT @con_len, @vowel_len, @special_len, @num, @special_only_len, @strings-- Declare number tables to generate rowsdeclare @num1 table (NUMBER int not null primary key clustered)declare @num2 table (NUMBER int not null primary key clustered)declare @num3 table (NUMBER int not null primary key clustered)declare @rows_needed_root intset @rows_needed_root = convert(int,ceiling(sqrt(@PASSWORD_COUNT)))-- Load number 0 to 16insert into @num1 (NUMBER)select 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union allselect 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union allselect 8 union all select 9order by 1-- Load table with numbers zero thru square root of the number of rows needed +1insert into @num2 (NUMBER)select NUMBER = a.NUMBER+(10*b.NUMBER)from @num1 a cross join @num1 bwhere a.NUMBER+(10*b.NUMBER) < @rows_needed_rootorder by 1-- Load table with the number of passwords neededinsert into @num3 (NUMBER)select NUMBER = a.NUMBER+(@rows_needed_root*b.NUMBER)from @num2 a cross join @num2 bwhere a.NUMBER+(@rows_needed_root*b.NUMBER) < @PASSWORD_COUNTorder by 1-- Declare password string tabledeclare @p table ( number int not null primary key clustered, m1 varchar(10) not null, m2 varchar(10) not null, m3 varchar(10) not null, m4 varchar(10) not null, m5 varchar(10) not null, m6 varchar(10) not null, m7 varchar(10) not null, m8 varchar(10) not null, s1 varchar(10) not null, s2 varchar(10) not null, s3 varchar(10) not null, s4 varchar(10) not null, s5 varchar(10) not null, s6 varchar(10) not null, s7 varchar(10) not null)insert into @pselect NUMBER, -- M1 through M8 will be syllables composed of a single randomly selected -- uppercase consonant, a single randomly selected lowercase vowel, -- followed by as single randomly selected lowercase consonant. m1 = upper(substring(@con, (R11%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R12%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R13%@con_len)+1,1), m2 = upper(substring(@con, (R21%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R22%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R23%@con_len)+1,1), m3 = upper(substring(@con, (R31%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R32%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R33%@con_len)+1,1), m4 = upper(substring(@con, (R41%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R42%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R43%@con_len)+1,1), m5 = upper(substring(@con, (R51%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R52%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R53%@con_len)+1,1), m6 = upper(substring(@con, (R61%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R62%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R63%@con_len)+1,1), m7 = upper(substring(@con, (R71%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R72%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R73%@con_len)+1,1), m8 = upper(substring(@con, (R81%@con_len)+1,1))+ substring(@vowel,(R82%@vowel_len)+1,1)+ substring(@con, (R83%@con_len)+1,1), -- S1 through S7 will each be a single randomly selected -- number or special character. At least one of the used -- columns will be a number and one will be a special character. s1 = case when NUMBER_COL = 1 then substring(@num,(RS1%@num_len)+1,1) when SPECIAL_COL = 1 then substring(@special_only,(RS1%@special_only_len)+1,1) else substring(@special,(RS1%@special_len)+1,1) end, s2 = case when NUMBER_COL = 2 then substring(@num,(RS2%@num_len)+1,1) when SPECIAL_COL = 2 then substring(@special_only,(RS2%@special_only_len)+1,1) else substring(@special,(RS2%@special_len)+1,1) end, s3 = case when NUMBER_COL = 3 then substring(@num,(RS3%@num_len)+1,1) when SPECIAL_COL = 3 then substring(@special_only,(RS3%@special_only_len)+1,1) else substring(@special,(RS3%@special_len)+1,1) end, s4 = case when NUMBER_COL = 4 then substring(@num,(RS4%@num_len)+1,1) when SPECIAL_COL = 4 then substring(@special_only,(RS4%@special_only_len)+1,1) else substring(@special,(RS4%@special_len)+1,1) end, s5 = case when NUMBER_COL = 5 then substring(@num,(RS5%@num_len)+1,1) when SPECIAL_COL = 5 then substring(@special_only,(RS5%@special_only_len)+1,1) else substring(@special,(RS5%@special_len)+1,1) end, s6 = case when NUMBER_COL = 6 then substring(@num,(RS6%@num_len)+1,1) when SPECIAL_COL = 6 then substring(@special_only,(RS6%@special_only_len)+1,1) else substring(@special,(RS6%@special_len)+1,1) end, s7 = case when NUMBER_COL = 7 then substring(@num,(RS7%@num_len)+1,1) when SPECIAL_COL = 7 then substring(@special_only,(RS7%@special_only_len)+1,1) else substring(@special,(RS7%@special_len)+1,1) endfrom(select aaaa.*, -- Select random columns numbers to force at least -- one special character and one number character -- in each password NUMBER_COL = (X1%@strings)+1 , SPECIAL_COL = ((((X2%(@strings-1))+1)+X1)%@strings)+1from(select top 100 percent NUMBER, -- Generate random numbers for password generation R11 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R12 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R13 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R21 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R22 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R23 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R31 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R32 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R33 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R41 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R42 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R43 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R51 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R52 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R53 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R61 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R62 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R63 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R71 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R72 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R73 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R81 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R82 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), R83 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), RS1 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), RS2 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), RS3 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), RS4 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), RS5 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), RS6 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), RS7 = abs(convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))), X1 = convert(bigint,abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid())))), X2 = convert(bigint,abs(convert(int,convert(varbinary(20),newid()))))from @num3 aaaaa order by aaaaa.NUMBER) aaaa ) aaaorder by aaa.NUMBER-- Compute password strength as the total possible passwords-- for the selected number of @PASSWORD_STRENGTH = power((@con_len*@con_len*@vowel_len)*1E,@SYLLABLE_COUNT*1E)* (@special_only_len*@num_len*1E)* case when @strings < 3 then 1E else power(@special_len*1E,(@strings-2)*1E) end-- Declare output tabledeclare @PASSWORD table ( NUMBER int not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered, [PASSWORD] varchar(32) not null )insert into @password ([PASSWORD])select top 100 percent [PASSWORD]from ( select distinct [PASSWORD] = convert(varchar(32), case when @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 2 then m1+s1+s2+m2 else substring(m1+s1+m2+s2+m3+s3+m4+s4+m5+s5+m6+s6+m7+s7+m8 ,1,(@SYLLABLE_COUNT*4)-1) end) from @P ) awhere -- Verify at least one number in password [PASSWORD] like '%[1234567890]%' and -- Verify at least one special character in password [PASSWORD] like '%[^a-z1234567890]%'order by newid()select * from @password order by NUMBERreturn 0gogrant execute on dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS to publicgo-- Test Scriptdeclare @SYLLABLE_COUNT intdeclare @PASSWORD_COUNT intdeclare @PASSWORD_STRENGTH floatselect @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 2 , @PASSWORD_COUNT = 5print '@SYLLABLE_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@SYLLABLE_COUNT)+ ', @PASSWORD_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@PASSWORD_COUNT)exec dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS @SYLLABLE_COUNT,@PASSWORD_COUNT,@PASSWORD_STRENGTH outputprint '@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = '+convert(varchar(50),@PASSWORD_STRENGTH)print ''select @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 3 , @PASSWORD_COUNT = 6print '@SYLLABLE_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@SYLLABLE_COUNT)+ ', @PASSWORD_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@PASSWORD_COUNT)exec dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS @SYLLABLE_COUNT,@PASSWORD_COUNT,@PASSWORD_STRENGTH outputprint '@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = '+convert(varchar(50),@PASSWORD_STRENGTH)print ''select @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 5 , @PASSWORD_COUNT = 7print '@SYLLABLE_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@SYLLABLE_COUNT)+ ', @PASSWORD_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@PASSWORD_COUNT)exec dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS @SYLLABLE_COUNT,@PASSWORD_COUNT,@PASSWORD_STRENGTH outputprint '@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = '+convert(varchar(50),@PASSWORD_STRENGTH)print ''select @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 8 , @PASSWORD_COUNT = 20print '@SYLLABLE_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@SYLLABLE_COUNT)+ ', @PASSWORD_COUNT = '+convert(varchar(20),@PASSWORD_COUNT)exec dbo.P_GENERATE_PASSWORDS @SYLLABLE_COUNT,@PASSWORD_COUNT,@PASSWORD_STRENGTH outputprint '@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = '+convert(varchar(50),@PASSWORD_STRENGTH)print '' Results of Test Script:@SYLLABLE_COUNT = 2, @PASSWORD_COUNT = 5NUMBER PASSWORD ----------- -------------------------------- 1 Tis|2Fun2 Miy5]Fib3 Bay1|Puz4 Tel3.Pus5 Duq0@Roy@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = 1.40999e+009 @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 3, @PASSWORD_COUNT = 6NUMBER PASSWORD ----------- -------------------------------- 1 Qab@Kaz0Lan2 Sav1Tig]Hat3 Pah6Fic|Cic4 Buz7Viz=Mec5 Vig^Wah9Xuf6 Qew2Mif^Mix@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = 3.10902e+012 @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 5, @PASSWORD_COUNT = 7NUMBER PASSWORD ----------- -------------------------------- 1 Mux4Zor_Jog{Vec,Bih2 Ker1Qem[Gat,Hut|Zif3 Red}Ciq5Ber%Son:Qej4 Cov@Doz8Zow\Fic>Pos5 Tad0Bek&Fug_Kiv9Rez6 Pil1Nul$Vil~Koh_Xel7 Zuk4Gir&Yep|Ned)Sap@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = 2.29917e+022 @SYLLABLE_COUNT = 8, @PASSWORD_COUNT = 20NUMBER PASSWORD ----------- -------------------------------- 1 Biz&Xak9Gew{Vuf[Tix;Qap-Bik{Vay2 Rof<Job*Fax-Niq/Zew9Pah:Bag(Zok3 Noh1Nor7Rul5Fon@Mig>Xod.Lay.Maq4 Piw:Keb}Rod8Yah}Vaw\Let@Yoq9Sav5 Hav@Qer/Met7Zig&Jiw4Pot-Fod(Zat6 Bid_Lal+Bay3Fos9Fez\Faw!Kad4Zok7 Qar-Kig-Lem3Yeq?Xuj7Zun,Xid=Xel8 Biq6Jot:Caj(Xun2Kup[Fax|Gec,Xon9 Yac7Nox^Woy~Wag0Xan\Hil3Cab/Nit10 Pod+Kor%Fov7Vil,Dor:Xoq!Kel3Poq11 Goc)Roz7Ruq/Pad8Jeh*Xaj&Dew{Duy12 Sik/Ruj@Wiv9Qik[Sub=Qim,Ned:Qit13 Les9Har&Ceb5Heg^Fov0Vaf1Fuf[Maq14 Deg6Yiw$Peg:Wuj7Woc_Mip|Kam9Zus15 Nix^Dev%Qoj=Seq[Jig6Lig}Day-Ric16 Dux;Woy=Zud1Mak5Yej$Kav2Mek5Buh17 Yuv8Mor9Wix&Giq5Zar@Nuk$Pey<Lok18 Dem~Kof-Yoq(Xig$Tew\Fun7Meq2Kik19 Caq1Qag{Pes{Gex|Til=Vuk7Tig1Vur20 Miw)Law}Tun2Lop.Jix#Riq|Yat$Juc@PASSWORD_STRENGTH = 1.46214e+037 CODO ERGO SUM |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
5581 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 03:23:43
But will those passwords be easy to remember? Unless those are easy to remember, the complete purpose of having password is defeated.Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED" |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 04:34:51
"But will those passwords be easy to remember"I think MVJs:"The passwords are meant to be somewhat mnemonic ..."works well. Clearly not for a 56 character password!, but the 2 & 3 syllable ones are easy to remember. And for a machine-only interface the longer ones will be fine, of course.Kristen |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 04:56:55
i use this and it works pretty well with some modifications: with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow blog thingie: |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 09:38:35
I was trying to strike a compromise between creating strong passwords that are as easy as possible to remember, while still meeting the password complexity rules of a typical Windows domain. It’s not a trivial problem to solve, because easy to remember is a highly subjective thing. The idea of using syllables is something I borrowed (stole outright) from the VMS operating system. It has a generate password feature that returns a list of mnemonic passwords that you can select a password from.I think the 2 and 3 syllable passwords are fine for Windows accounts where you have lockouts after a reasonable number of failed attempts. I would recommend 4 or more syllables for SQL Server passwords where someone can make an unlimited number of attempts at guessing a password without a lockout.If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it while still meeting the objectives, I would be interested in hearing them.CODO ERGO SUM |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 09:57:26
this a bit modified vyas's sproc i use.I had to generate 5000 simple readable passwords with this and it was up to the chanllenge set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROC [dbo].[RandomPassword](@len int = 8, --Length of the password to be generated@password_type char(7) = 'simple' --Default is to generate a simple password with lowecase letters. --Pass anything other than 'simple' to generate a complex password. --The complex password includes numbers, special characters, upper case and lower case letters)ASDECLARE @password varchar(25), @type tinyint, @bitmap char(5)SET @password='' SET @bitmap = 'uaeio' -- @bitmap contains all the vowels, which are a, e, i, o and u. -- These vowels are used to generate slightly readable/rememberable simple passwordsWHILE @len > 0BEGIN IF @password_type = 'simple' --Generating a simple password BEGIN IF (@len%2) = 0 --Appending a random vowel to @password begin -- (RAND() * (4)) -> 4 = len(@bitmap) - 1, it's hardcoded for speed SET @password = @password + SUBSTRING(@bitmap,CONVERT(int,ROUND(1 + (RAND() * (4)),0)),1) end ELSE --Appending a random alphabet begin -- we eliminte the possibility that char from bitmap and the random one are same declare @char char(1) set @char = CHAR(ROUND(97 + (RAND() * (25)),0)) while @bitmap like '%' + @char + '%' begin set @char = CHAR(ROUND(97 + (RAND() * (25)),0)) end SET @password = @password + @char end END ELSE --Generating a complex password BEGIN SET @type = ROUND(1 + (RAND() * (3)),0) IF @type = 1 --Appending a random lower case alphabet to @password SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(97 + (RAND() * (25)),0)) ELSE IF @type = 2 --Appending a random upper case alphabet to @password SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(65 + (RAND() * (25)),0)) ELSE IF @type = 3 --Appending a random number between 0 and 9 to @password SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(48 + (RAND() * (9)),0)) ELSE IF @type = 4 --Appending a random special character to @password SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(33 + (RAND() * (13)),0)) END SET @len = @len - 1END-- here we add one number to the end of string if the password is simple type.-- we could add it somewhere else with little recodingIF @password_type = 'simple' select @password = LEFT ( @password, len(@password) - 1) + CHAR ( ROUND(48 + (RAND() * (9)),0))SELECT @password as NewPassword Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow blog thingie: |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
5581 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 10:02:34
The SP you created is great, MVJ, but what I was saying that instead keeping keeping bitmap of characters, numbers and special characters, we can have a dictionary of uncommon words and may be mix those words to create simple-to-remember but difficult to guess passwords. (along with random uppercase letters and numbers for additional complexity)Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED" |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 10:25:10
quote: Originally posted by spirit1 this a bit modified vyas's sproc i use.I had to generate 5000 simple readable passwords with this and it was up to the chanllenge ...
It looks like a good procedure, but it doesn't meet my design objectives.The simple passwords don't meet the complexity rules:Simple password--------------- amijebe2owavega3iwehiku2imegebi6ozaxafa9alicema1aqagapo4inamuca6esadeza4ekuniga7 The strong passwords don't look very easy to remember:Strong password--------------- B4zI1-5UhW4K6KM'3pNkfp,GI1Q#*E163Di5h0a-4*4T1jH43*T8bM9R+71Snm#5'8bH5(WG9WN87N1z CODO ERGO SUM |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 10:48:26
well my version was modified for simple passwords. Users only wanted alphanumerics non-vowel, vowel combo with a number at the end and that it could be kind of pronouncable.Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow blog thingie: |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 10:54:36
[code]CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspCreatePassword( @UpperCaseItems SMALLINT, @LowerCaseItems SMALLINT, @NumberItems SMALLINT, @SpecialItems SMALLINT)ASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @UpperCase VARCHAR(26), @LowerCase VARCHAR(26), @Numbers VARCHAR(10), @Special VARCHAR(13), @Temp VARCHAR(8000), @Password VARCHAR(8000), @i SMALLINT, @c VARCHAR(1), @v TINYINT-- Set the default items in each group of charactersSELECT @UpperCase = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', @LowerCase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', @Numbers = '0123456789', @Special = '!@#$%&*()_+-=', @Temp = '', @Password = ''-- Enforce some limits on the length of the passwordIF @UpperCaseItems > 2000 SET @UpperCaseItems = 2000IF @LowerCaseItems > 2000 SET @LowerCaseItems = 2000IF @NumberItems > 2000 SET @NumberItems = 2000IF @SpecialItems > 2000 SET @SpecialItems = 2000-- Get the Upper Case ItemsSET @i = ABS(@UpperCaseItems)WHILE @i > 0 AND LEN(@UpperCase) > 0 SELECT @v = ABS(CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(16)) AS BIGINT)) % LEN(@UpperCase) + 1, @c = SUBSTRING(@UpperCase, @v, 1), @UpperCase = CASE WHEN @UpperCaseItems < 0 THEN STUFF(@UpperCase, @v, 1, '') ELSE @UpperCase END, @Temp = @Temp + @c, @i = @i - 1-- Get the Lower Case ItemsSET @i = ABS(@LowerCaseItems)WHILE @i > 0 AND LEN(@LowerCase) > 0 SELECT @v = ABS(CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(16)) AS BIGINT)) % LEN(@LowerCase) + 1, @c = SUBSTRING(@LowerCase, @v, 1), @LowerCase = CASE WHEN @LowerCaseItems < 0 THEN STUFF(@LowerCase, @v, 1, '') ELSE @LowerCase END, @Temp = @Temp + @c, @i = @i - 1-- Get the Number ItemsSET @i = ABS(@NumberItems)WHILE @i > 0 AND LEN(@Numbers) > 0 SELECT @v = ABS(CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(16)) AS BIGINT)) % LEN(@Numbers) + 1, @c = SUBSTRING(@Numbers, @v, 1), @Numbers = CASE WHEN @NumberItems < 0 THEN STUFF(@Numbers, @v, 1, '') ELSE @Numbers END, @Temp = @Temp + @c, @i = @i - 1-- Get the Special ItemsSET @i = ABS(@SpecialItems)WHILE @i > 0 AND LEN(@Special) > 0 SELECT @v = ABS(CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(16)) AS BIGINT)) % LEN(@Special) + 1, @c = SUBSTRING(@Special, @v, 1), @Special = CASE WHEN @SpecialItems < 0 THEN STUFF(@Special, @v, 1, '') ELSE @Special END, @Temp = @Temp + @c, @i = @i - 1-- Scramble the order of the selected itemsWHILE LEN(@Temp) > 0 SELECT @v = ABS(CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(16)) AS BIGINT)) % LEN(@Temp) + 1, @Password = @Password + SUBSTRING(@Temp, @v, 1), @Temp = STUFF(@Temp, @v, 1, '')SELECT @Password[/code]If any of the parameters are passed onto the stored procedure as negative value, it is interpreted that you do not want a duplicate character from that specific group of characters. A positive value can get a duplicate value in that group of characters.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 11:38:41
quote: Originally posted by harsh_athalye The SP you created is great, MVJ, but what I was saying that instead keeping keeping bitmap of characters, numbers and special characters, we can have a dictionary of uncommon words and may be mix those words to create simple-to-remember but difficult to guess passwords. (along with random uppercase letters and numbers for additional complexity)Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED"
Using a dictionary would be very hard to implement, especially considering things like different national languages; I don’t feel like keying in a million or so uncommon words. Dictionary based attacks are one of the most common methods of breaking passwords, so I think it would be a big security hole. If you use combinations of words to increase the password strength, I think you would end up with a password that is at least as hard to remember (and type!) as the randomly generated passwords from my procedure.The simple 2 syllable passwords from my procedure have 1.4 billion possible combinations, and 3 syllable passwords have 3.1 trillion possible combinations, even if you know the rules used to generate the password. Certainly not as strong as a completely random password, but harder to guess than your birthday, and easier to remember than dEOY&1nx, Wiz*R3hW, or RS*gdE9n.CODO ERGO SUM |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-09 : 12:12:12
quote: Originally posted by Peso
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspCreatePassword...]
This proc will certainly deliver complex passwords, but they don’t look easy to remember to me.Password---------u#n4PesPvYqI0tc(XEhm1x_y#zaqyX4PFsAx8qn!NnTy6_opx7+JXycs+UZz1hfz(SSk4agvMy$0gdwH CODO ERGO SUM |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2886 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-20 : 23:21:31
what I often use for passwords that are easy to remember but hard to guess is the first letter of each word of an easy-to-remember sentence. like "SQLTeam is the place to get your questions answered" would be Sitptgyqa. maybe add some punctuation for good measure: F,md,idgad! = Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!might not be so useful for what you are doing here since you are looking for an algorithm though. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2365 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-23 : 12:48:04
Interesing challenge.I think a good method of generating passwords which are secure, but easily remembered, would be to use 2nd-order or 3rd-order letter approximation and then substitute a few look-alike symbols for some of the characters.This wouls be easier than storing hundreds or thousands of sample words, and might be more readable than the ones in MVJ's original post.Martin Gardner wrote an article on word approximation, testing several methods for generating pseudo-words. One of the methods he used was MVJ's alternation consonant/vowel algorithm, but he considered this less "realistic" than 3rd-order approximation.STAR SCHEMAS ARE NOT DATA WAREHOUSES! |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-23 : 13:55:25
Also, you have to remember my requirement to meet typical password complexity requirements of a minimum of 8 characters, with at least one each of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.I would be interested in a link to Martin Gardner's article if you know it.CODO ERGO SUM |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2365 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-23 : 22:10:15
I looked for a link, but could find nothing. I was surprised to find very little on word approximation at all. I'll do some more searching, because it was an interesting article.STAR SCHEMAS ARE NOT DATA WAREHOUSES! |