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3564 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-05 : 08:52:06
I was wondering if anyone knew if there was any software out there that looks in a folder and after a certain number of files or a date that it goes in there and purges a file.Better yet like a FIFO (First in first out), but only after hitting a limit or peek. We have work for a specific customer where an AXIS camera takes pics of some stations and stores the images. The images get fairly large and take up space. So was hoping that there was some app out there that looks at the number of files and takes out what came in there first, maybe like one at a time.Prolly would have to write this myself but was just wondering if anyone has seen software like this ? Keeping the web experience alive -- [url][/url]RS Blog -- [url][/url] |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
5581 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-05 : 08:59:44
Why? This task probably can be handled by writing a batch file also with a for loop in it.Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED" |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-05 : 09:02:30
The way that I do these, quick&dirty, is to rename the folders, or files.So for log files we do:DEL MyLog10.LOGREN MyLog09.LOG MyLog10.LOG...REN MyLog01.LOG MyLog02.LOG... create new MyLog01.LOG file ...and after 10 "gos" the oldest file is dropped. No need for complicated "if older than" type logic.We do similar stuff with Folder names. We have a backup, on disk, of our source code repository (SubVersion) which requires a special EXE that dumps the online-repository to a folder. So we rename round-robin the last 10 folders. They get pushed to tape, but if the tape doesn't work for a couple of days the disk copies give us some safety-net.Dunno if you can translate that into what you are doing though. Clearly you don't want to rename the files!Perhaps ECHO the filename to a FIFO Text File, and have a Batch operation process that to permit N-keepers, and delete the rest? (and make a new FIFO text file)A Batch file can use the FOR command to extract, and act on, the Date/Time and/or Size of a file. So that might be another route (type "FOR /?" at command prompt and see "%~tI" and "%~zI" options - all of them are a bit cryptic I'm afraid!)Kristen |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-05 : 10:56:03
take a look at the FileSystemWatcher component in .netIt has events that you can subscribe to when a certian criteria for files/folders is reached.Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow blog thingie: |