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Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-04 : 06:13:04
here is the text file How can i loop it and get the data with Red color box? NOTE: i wan to get each data above and column data (Tbl1col1....Tbl2col2), after that i want to store each of the data into my databaseHope you all can guide.  |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-04 : 10:11:12
1) BULK INSERT2) SKIPROWS = 3Then use substring or any other technique to distinguish the data.Is there a TAB between the "columns"? If so it is very easy.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-04 : 10:25:03
yes, peso. There have a TAB between the columns!can u show me the coding, hw to get those items i want? |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-04 : 10:49:54
1) OPEN FILE2) READ3) CLOSE FILE4) Use JOIN function to convert a file content to an array A5) For i = 3 to 99999 v = SPLIT(A(i), vbtab)Now you can iterate all content for the requested rows.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-04 : 20:19:04
thanks peso ideas.before i want to grab all the column items. I also need grab the No. & File, as picture show below: between, let say my File name is like this: File: abc_F.filehow i convert to this: abc/F |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-05 : 03:28:38
The first JOIN function get all rows into an array A!To get the "1234"... SPLIT(A(1), " ")(1)To get the "ABC"... SPIT(A(2), " ")(1)For i = 3 to ubound(a)v = SPLIT(A(i), vbtab)for k = 0 to ubound(v)...nextnextPeter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 04:04:34
thanks peso again. It work.But i am using the ArrayList to store each of the SQL. Eg:Dim aSQLMaster As New ArrayListStrSQL = "INSERT INTO NXP_AM1_ACU_DETAIL " _& "(FromId,P001,P002,P003,P004,P005, " _& "P006,P007) VALUES ('" & UniqueId & "', " _& "'" & aColumns(5) & "', '" & aColumns(8) & "', " _& "'" & aColumns(11) & "', '" & aColumns(14) & "', " _& "'" & aColumns(18) & "', '" & aColumns(21) & "', " _& "'" & aColumns(24) & "')"aSQLMaster.Add(StrSQL) But i get the error is: Index was outside the bounds of the array |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 04:10:00
Are you sure you are using LBOUND and UBOUND?Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 04:13:46
peso, actually i just use your concept and match with my concept. I didn't use the LBound and UBound. Is that will affect the ArrayList problems? |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 04:38:22
Of course!If you use FOR NEXT and the variable for incrementing the loop is greater (or less) than the array boundaries, you will get an error.Programming 101.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 06:29:19
peso, actually my code something like this:Dim clsReader As TextReader = File.OpenText(txtFile.Text) Dim sLine As String = clsReader.ReadLine() While sLine <> Nothing If sLine.StartsWith("Data") Then sData = sLine.Substring(0) ElseIf sLine.StartsWith("Order") Then sOrder = sLine.Substring(11) ElseIf sLine.StartsWith("Job") Then sJob = sLine.Substring(11) sJob = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sJob) sJob = sJob.Replace("_", "/") Dim DT As DataTable = Nothing pmCon.QueryMe("SELECT UniqueId FROM NXP_AM1_ACU_MASTER WHERE " _ & "DeviceType='" & sJob & "'", DT) If DT.Rows.Count <> 0 Then UniqueId = Trim(DT.Rows(0).Item(0)) End If Else aColumns = sLine.Split(Char.Parse(" ")) If aColumns.Length <> 0 Then StrSQL = "UPDATE NXP_AM1_ACU_MASTER SET " _ & "BatchNo='" & Trim(sOrder) & "', " _ & "TrackNo='" & aColumns(0) & "', " _ & "SortNo='" & aColumns(1) & "', " _ & "BinNo='" & aColumns(2) & "', " _ & "FinalResult='" & aColumns(3) & "', " _ & "ACUFileName='" & Trim(sOrder) & ".Dat" & "' " _ & "WHERE UniqueId='" & UniqueId & "'" aSQLMaster.Add(StrSQL) StrSQL = "INSERT INTO NXP_AM1_ACU_DETAIL " _ & "(FromId,P001,P002,P003,P004,P005, " _ & "P006,P007) VALUES ('" & UniqueId & "', " _ & "'" & aColumns(5) & "', '" & aColumns(8) & "', " _ & "'" & aColumns(11) & "', '" & aColumns(14) & "', " _ & "'" & aColumns(18) & "', '" & aColumns(21) & "', " _ & "'" & aColumns(24) & "')" aSQLMaster.Add(StrSQL) End If End If sLine = clsReader.ReadLine Can you help me and see where is the error?Index was outside the bounds of the arrayactually, if i don't want use the ArrayList, using the datatable, how it can pass to the database with BATCH? |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
5581 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 06:40:34
I guess just checking aColumns.Length <> 0 is not enough. You need to make sure that the array has 25 (or whatever max no. of ) columns.If aColumns.Length>=0 and aColumns.Length<=24 then...End IF Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED" |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 09:16:10
you means the error occurs because i mis-type above statement?i already try it just now, also same.! |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-06 : 23:25:10
okay, i know the problems is at where, here is my loop until 6: for my text file result i want to grab is like this: the file above show me problems code is here aColumns = sLine.Split(Char.Parse(" ")) how i ignore no matter how many SPACE in between the data also inlcude ONLY ONE SPACE? |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-07 : 01:16:05
i solve it with Split it with Multiple Spaceanyway, thanks you all point my error, so i can direct go to alter my errorsreally thanks! |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-07 : 02:13:49
Or, you can use single space as delimiter and later, in the loop, skip the rows with empty space in it?AS you can see, not all columns has double spaces, like the ones that begins with a minus sign.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-07 : 09:56:48
quote: Originally posted by Peso Or, you can use single space as delimiter and later, in the loop, skip the rows with empty space in it?AS you can see, not all columns has double spaces, like the ones that begins with a minus sign.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden
thanks peso again...............the part 1 text file i already done it with you all i face this text file format again....hope you guide me some line of coding ( |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-07 : 10:38:17
For row loop, split with ":" for row 2 and 3.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-07 : 10:38:40
Or don't split at all, since it seems the position is fixed.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Yak Posting Veteran
83 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-07 : 19:55:52
quote: Originally posted by Peso For row loop, split with ":" for row 2 and 3.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden
how I loop each of the different text file which have how many rows? |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-08 : 01:08:36
You have a loop counter to iterate through all rows, right?Top row is 0 and then you just count down to the second and third row, which has loop counter value of 1 and 2.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
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