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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2706 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 08:46:13
hello,i just got this toshiba satellite duo core centrino.However, anytime i put it in standby or hibernation, it never comes back on, when i move my mouse or press the power buttonJust wondering if anyone has any ideas whats wrong here ?Afrika |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 10:21:37
Seems to be a driver problem.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
3575 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 11:16:06
yeah, update all your drivers from toshiba's site. btw, standby and hibernate are pretty flakey on all flavors of laptops running windows. -ec |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 11:38:48
Contest: Clearly explain the differences of Sleep and Hibernate with the fewest possible words. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
3575 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 11:45:13
quote: Originally posted by SamC Contest: Clearly explain the differences of Sleep and Hibernate with the fewest possible words.
sleep - machine technically still "on" with a small trickle of electricity keeping things alive. hibernate - all contents of RAM written to a disk file and then powered down. Machine is "off".-ec |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 12:29:48
quote: Originally posted by SamC Contest: Clearly explain the differences of Sleep and Hibernate with the fewest possible words.
Sleep = Human resting StateHibernate = Bear's resting didn't say it had to be in the context of Intel CPU's :-)*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 14:59:07
Sleep = 4 margaritasHibernate = 14 margaritas |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-07 : 21:59:15
ShutDown = 24 margaritas ?? !! |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2052 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-08 : 03:07:29
quote: Clearly explain the differences of Sleep and Hibernate with the fewest possible words
Sleep = dozy machine, may or not wake upHibernate = dozy machine, may or not wake up next summersteve-----------Don't worry head. The computer will do all the thinking from now on. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-08 : 04:57:22
You're all wrong - although of course, there are so many ways to calculate difference.Reviewing the contest:the difference between sleep and hiberanterestated as:sleep-hibernate=X solve XSET NOCOUNT ONPRINT 'Calculate difference based on Ascii String value of Sleep and Hibernate'DECLARE @position int, @string varchar(15), @NumberString varchar(100), @SleepValueF float, @HibValueF floatSET @position = 1SET @string = 'sleep'SET @NumberString = ''WHILE @position <= DATALENGTH(@string) BEGIN SELECT @NumberString = @NumberString + STR(ASCII(SUBSTRING(@string, @position, 1))) SET @position = @position + 1ENDSELECT @SleepValuef = CONVERT (float, replace(@NumberString,' ',''))SET @position = 1SET @string = 'hiernate'SET @NumberString = ''WHILE @position <= DATALENGTH(@string) BEGIN SELECT @NumberString = @NumberString + STR(ASCII(SUBSTRING(@string, @position, 1))) SET @position = @position + 1ENDSELECT @HibValuef = CONVERT (float, replace(@NumberString,' ',''))SELECT @SleepValuef AS 'Sleep Ascii String',@HibValuef AS 'Hibernate Ascii String',@SleepValuef-@HibValuef 'Ascii String Difference'--ORPRINT 'Calculate difference based on Ascii sum value of Sleep and Hibernate'DECLARE @SleepValueB bigint, @HibValueB bigintSET @position = 1SET @string = 'sleep'SET @SleepValueB = 0WHILE @position <= DATALENGTH(@string) BEGIN SELECT @SleepValueB = @SleepValueb + (ASCII(SUBSTRING(@string, @position, 1))) SET @position = @position + 1ENDSET @position = 1SET @string = 'hiernate'SET @HibValueb = 0WHILE @position <= DATALENGTH(@string) BEGIN SELECT @HibValueb = @HibValueb + (ASCII(SUBSTRING(@string, @position, 1))) SET @position = @position + 1ENDSELECT @SleepValueb AS 'Sleep Ascii Sum',@HibValueb AS 'Hibernate Ascii Sum',@SleepValueb-@HibValueb AS 'Ascii sum difference' Answers:Calculate difference based on Ascii String value of Sleep and HibernateSleep Ascii String Hibernate Ascii String Ascii String Difference---------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------115108101101112 1.04105101114111E+22 -1.0410509996303E+22Calculate difference based on Ascii sum value of Sleep and HibernateSleep Ascii Sum Hibernate Ascii Sum Ascii sum difference-------------------- -------------------- --------------------537 848 -311 :lol:*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-08 : 05:39:08
quote: Originally posted by Kristen ShutDown = 24 margaritas ?? !!
Isn't that hardware failure?Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-08 : 07:55:30
Where do I pour margarita mix into my laptop? |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
Posted - 2006-08-08 : 09:58:00
quote: Originally posted by SamC Where do I pour margarita mix into my laptop?
You don't. You pour the margarita into a glass, press the button to eject the holder and put the margarita on the holder.  KH |