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Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2006-04-28 : 09:59:19
Today I read this Article that explains how to truncate all the tables in a Database. As sp_MSForEachTable is undocumented, I tried to do the same thing without using thatSet NoCount ONDeclare @tableName varchar(200)set @tableName=''While exists ( --Find all child tables and those which have no relations select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select @tableName=min(T.table_name) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName --Truncate the table Exec('Truncate table '+@tableName)Endset @TableName=''While exists ( --Find all Parent tables select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select @tableName=min(T.table_name) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName --Delete the table Exec('Delete from '+@tableName) --Reset identity column If exists( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID( QUOTENAME(table_schema)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@tableName)), column_name,'IsIdentity')=1 ) DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableName, RESEED, 0)EndSet NoCount Off MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2007-04-12 : 10:28:15
Thanks Peso MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Starting Member
17 Posts |
Posted - 2007-06-13 : 11:38:52
I modified your script little bit.../*This batch t-sql deletes data from all the tables in the database.Here is what it does:1) Disable all the constraints/triggers for all the tables2) Delete the data for each child table & stand-alone table3) Delete the data for all the parent tables4) Reseed the identities of all tables to its initial value.5) Enable all the constraints/triggers for all the tables.Note: This is a batch t-sql code which does not create any object in database. If any error occurs, re-run the code again. It does not use TRUNCATE statement to delete the data and instead it uses DELETE statement. Using DELETE statement can increase the size of the log file and hence used the CHECKPOINT statement to clear the log file after every DELETE statement.Imp: You may want to skip CHECKIDENT statement for all tables and manually do it yourself. To skip the CHECKIDENT, set the variable @skipident to "YES" (By default, its set to "NO")Usage: replace #database_name# with the database name (that you wanted to truncate) and just execute the script in query analyzer.*/use [#database_name#]Set NoCount ONDeclare @tableName varchar(200)Declare @tableOwner varchar(100)Declare @skipident varchar(3)Declare @identInitValue intset @tableName = ''set @tableOwner = ''set @skipident = 'NO'set @identInitValue=1/* Step 1: Disable all constraints*/exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? DISABLE TRIGGER ALL' /* Step 2: Delete the data for all child tables & those which has no relations*/While exists ( select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select top 1 @tableOwner=T.table_schema,@tableName=T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName order by t.table_name --Delete the table Exec('DELETE FROM '+ @tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) --Reset identity column If @skipident = 'NO' If exists( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID( QUOTENAME(table_schema)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@tableName)), column_name,'IsIdentity')=1 ) begin set @identInitValue=1 set @identInitValue=IDENT_SEED(@tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableName, RESEED, @identInitValue) end checkpoint End/* Step 3: Delete the data for all Parent tables*/set @TableName=''set @tableOwner=''While exists ( select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select top 1 @tableOwner=T.table_schema,@tableName=T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName order by t.table_name --Delete the table Exec('DELETE FROM '+ @tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) --Reset identity column If @skipident = 'NO' If exists( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID( QUOTENAME(table_schema)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@tableName)), column_name,'IsIdentity')=1 ) begin set @identInitValue=1 set @identInitValue=IDENT_SEED(@tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableName, RESEED, @identInitValue) end checkpoint End/* Step 4: Enable all constraints*/exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? ENABLE TRIGGER ALL' Set NoCount Off |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2007-06-13 : 11:46:27
Well. May I know why you avoided Truncate?MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Yak Posting Veteran
99 Posts |
Posted - 2007-07-23 : 12:32:32
I get the following mesg for most of the tables when I run this query Warning: The table empcontact' has been created but its maximum row size (17468) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes.Warning: The table 'empact' has been created but its maximum row size (17727) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes. |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2007-07-23 : 12:52:23
well that is a problem with your tables having columns that exceed 8060 bytes._______________________________________________Causing trouble since 1980blog: |
Yak Posting Veteran
99 Posts |
Posted - 2007-07-23 : 12:56:00
I understand that shud i run this query without errors. |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2007-07-23 : 13:01:19
what you get are warnings not errors.these warnings will always appear as long as you have a table which columns exceed the 8060 bytes limit.what errors do you get?_______________________________________________Causing trouble since 1980blog: |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-07-23 : 14:32:04
This has nothing to do with the script posted on this thread.If you have a question, post it on one of the SQL forums.CODO ERGO SUM |
Yak Posting Veteran
99 Posts |
Posted - 2007-07-23 : 14:34:39
ok.I truncated all the data in my DB using-- disable referential integrityEXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' GO EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'TRUNCATE TABLE ?' GO -- enable referential integrity again EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' GO but still the space is not freed, more over it is occupying more space on the disk than before |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2007-07-30 : 03:53:29
quote: Originally posted by supersql ok.I truncated all the data in my DB using-- disable referential integrityEXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' GO EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'TRUNCATE TABLE ?' GO -- enable referential integrity again EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' GO but still the space is not freed, more over it is occupying more space on the disk than before
Read the script again. I didnt use sp_MSForEachTableMadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Starting Member
15 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-21 : 11:17:48
I execute this in SQL Server 2005 and I get the following error:Checking identity information: current identity value 'NULL', current column value '1'.DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near 'Old'.Checking identity information: current identity value '1', current column value '1'.DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.Why?Thanks |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-22 : 04:53:41
quote: Originally posted by markshen2006 I execute this in SQL Server 2005 and I get the following error:Checking identity information: current identity value 'NULL', current column value '1'.DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near 'Old'.Checking identity information: current identity value '1', current column value '1'.DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.Why?Thanks
Refer this to plan is Planning to fail |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2011-06-15 : 19:45:10
Thanks, madhivanan. It still works, 6 years later on SQL Server 2008 R2 :-)-------------------------Alea ain't jacta just yet. |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2011-06-20 : 10:25:12
quote: Originally posted by falux Thanks, madhivanan. It still works, 6 years later on SQL Server 2008 R2 :-)-------------------------Alea ain't jacta just yet.
Thanks for the feedback MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Starting Member
12 Posts |
Posted - 2011-10-27 : 08:15:58
A small correction, in your below code "DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableName, RESEED, 1)" has identity value of '1' which will generate the identity value '2' for the new record.quote: Originally posted by madhivanan Today I read this Article that explains how to truncate all the tables in a Database. As sp_MSForEachTable is undocumented, I tried to do the same thing without using thatSet NoCount ONDeclare @tableName varchar(200)set @tableName=''While exists ( --Find all child tables and those which have no relations select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select @tableName=min(T.table_name) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName --Truncate the table Exec('Truncate table '+@tableName)Endset @TableName=''While exists ( --Find all Parent tables select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select @tableName=min(T.table_name) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName --Delete the table Exec('Delete from '+@tableName) --Reset identity column If exists( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID( QUOTENAME(table_schema)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@tableName)), column_name,'IsIdentity')=1 ) DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableName, RESEED, 1)EndSet NoCount Off MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2011-10-27 : 08:37:58
That's a good point Ravikumar. I have updated the post accordingly. Thanks |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2013-08-16 : 13:27:22
quote: Originally posted by pvsramu I modified your script little bit.../*This batch t-sql deletes data from all the tables in the database.Here is what it does:1) Disable all the constraints/triggers for all the tables2) Delete the data for each child table & stand-alone table3) Delete the data for all the parent tables4) Reseed the identities of all tables to its initial value.5) Enable all the constraints/triggers for all the tables.Note: This is a batch t-sql code which does not create any object in database. If any error occurs, re-run the code again. It does not use TRUNCATE statement to delete the data and instead it uses DELETE statement. Using DELETE statement can increase the size of the log file and hence used the CHECKPOINT statement to clear the log file after every DELETE statement.Imp: You may want to skip CHECKIDENT statement for all tables and manually do it yourself. To skip the CHECKIDENT, set the variable @skipident to "YES" (By default, its set to "NO")Usage: replace #database_name# with the database name (that you wanted to truncate) and just execute the script in query analyzer.*/use [#database_name#]Set NoCount ONDeclare @tableName varchar(200)Declare @tableOwner varchar(100)Declare @skipident varchar(3)Declare @identInitValue intset @tableName = ''set @tableOwner = ''set @skipident = 'NO'set @identInitValue=1/* Step 1: Disable all constraints*/exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? DISABLE TRIGGER ALL' /* Step 2: Delete the data for all child tables & those which has no relations*/While exists ( select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select top 1 @tableOwner=T.table_schema,@tableName=T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where (TC.constraint_Type ='Foreign Key' or TC.constraint_Type is NULL) and T.table_name not in ('dtproperties','sysconstraints','syssegments') and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName order by t.table_name --Delete the table Exec('DELETE FROM '+ @tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) --Reset identity column If @skipident = 'NO' If exists( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID( QUOTENAME(table_schema)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@tableName)), column_name,'IsIdentity')=1 ) begin set @identInitValue=1 set @identInitValue=IDENT_SEED(@tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableName, RESEED, @identInitValue) end checkpoint End/* Step 3: Delete the data for all Parent tables*/set @TableName=''set @tableOwner=''While exists ( select T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName ) Begin Select top 1 @tableOwner=T.table_schema,@tableName=T.table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC on T.table_name=TC.table_name where TC.constraint_Type ='Primary Key' and T.table_name <>'dtproperties'and Table_type='BASE TABLE' and T.table_name > @TableName order by t.table_name --Delete the table Exec('DELETE FROM '+ @tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) --Reset identity column If @skipident = 'NO' If exists( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID( QUOTENAME(table_schema)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@tableName)), column_name,'IsIdentity')=1 ) begin set @identInitValue=1 set @identInitValue=IDENT_SEED(@tableOwner + '.' + @tableName) DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableName, RESEED, @identInitValue) end checkpoint End/* Step 4: Enable all constraints*/exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? ENABLE TRIGGER ALL' Set NoCount Off
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2013-08-16 : 13:52:29
Using SQL Server 2008 R2 express: I have been trying/looking for a way to automate a process that takes multiple tables from an Access database (downloaded from a website and updated weekly by a state agency)and imports them into SQL Server Express (testing environment); but I need to do this on a fairly regular basis (usually weekly) so I need to delete the data in the existing SQL Server tables before I import from Access.So far so good; I tested pvsramu's code and voila! That tales care of deleting all of the existing data. There are no constraints on the tables because I built the views to pull together what is needed to link to another in house Access database which is where the users want to work with the data. I know if I use the regular edition of SQL server I can save the import package; I am guessing I can save pvsramu's code as a script; can I somehow pull this all together into a neat little job?Thanks in advance! |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2014-01-12 : 17:13:11
These scripts working well if table names without spaces. |
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